Go Fish

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The summer air was heavy as Ah Si lounged in his seat, a casual smile playing across his lips as he basked in the warmth. He felt incredibly relaxed, more so then he had for a long time, and he knew it was because of the events of the beach party. His friends were once again rowdy and bickering, their emotions heightened by the excitement of holiday freedom and female appreciation, however, the Daoming heir made no effort to join their conversation. He was content to sit and remember, his mind awash with residual sensation as he thought about the Tiny One. He was still reeling from the previous night. When he closed his eyes, he could still smell Shancai on his body; her scent was both sweet and floral simultaneously, and it was intoxicating to him. He found himself wishing that he could bottle her smell, she inflamed his senses and he wanted more of her; he wondered if he would ever be able to get enough of her. She had been running circles in his mind all night. If he thought back hard enough, he could still feel her weight against his chest, silky and scorching through her thin dress, and his entire body tingled as though electrified as he recalled her soft, pliant lips moulded against his. Ah Si was incredibly grateful that he had decided to come to Sanya after all; because of his impulsiveness, he had gained Shancai's treasured first kiss, and he was hopeful that this meant the floodgates had been opened to unleash more between them. Surely they had a bond, a connection now that she had shared a part of herself with him, a part that she had never given to anyone but Daoming Si? He smiled to himself gleefully as he considered what could happen next; there was a chance she could fall into his arms, agreeing to become his, his girlfriend. He liked the sound of that. Girlfriend. Perhaps he wasn't as bad with females as Xi Men had always teased him....

Ah Si's vision was caught by a flash of red and white, and he straightened unconsciously; there she was, his girl, with that uncanny ability she had to appear whenever he was thinking about her. He was inadvertently delighted that they matched appearance that day; he too was clad in red and white - it had to be a sign from the universe, surely? Shancai was walking in a manner that made her seem dejected, dragging her feet, and he found himself longing to know what was on her mind. Was she thinking of him? Did he ever cross her mind? Hopefully he did now that she had known the touch of his lips. She was wearing white shorts that once again left her legs bare for his admiration, and he decided in that moment that white was his favourite colour on her. It seemed to make her skin glow, and he swallowed deeply as he once again surveyed her appreciatively, his eyes unknowingly heated as they trailed down her form. It seemed the longer he looked at her, the better looking she got. Ah Si stared at her unashamedly yet absentmindedly, his eyes impossibly soft as he drank her in.

The lovelorn young man didn't even flinch when Xi Men unexpectedly leaned across him to grab a drink, he merely craned his head past his obstructing friend in order to keep her in his crosshairs; he was eager to observe the girl of his affections for as long as humanly possible. He didn't often get the chance to see her outside of school, and he was a glutton; he could gaze upon her forever and never feel satisfied! His dazedness caught Xi Men's attention and he swung his head around to see what had Ah Si so transfixed. The bespectacled boy was amused when he caught sight of Dong Shancai; of course, he should have known the fierce young woman was the only one who could make Ah Si look like a twitter-pated love stricken fool with heart eyes. And what kind of friend would he be if he didn't help out his poor buddy? "Hey, First Kiss Shancai!" Xi Men yelled, deliberately obnoxious, snapping Ah Si out of his reverie as he turned, glaring daggers at him. He was torn between anger that his friend was embarrassing his girl, and thankfulness as she swung to face them, finally noticing all of F4 gathered so casually before her. Heaven knows she never seemed to notice him of her own accord!

"Don't call me that!" Shancai shrieked, her voice high and coloured by shame. She looked as if she wished the ground would open up and swallow her, and Ah Si found her mortification strangely adorable; she was shy that they had shared such an intimate moment, could she get any cuter?! His chest swelled even as The Annoyance swung around to face her in horror, exclaiming "what first kiss?" Ah Si's friends were all highly entertained as they witnessed the young girl squirm uncomfortably, rooted to the spot whilst her 'best friend' gazed at her with all the pain of a love unrequited. "She and Ah Si kissed last night," Xi Men declared, and Ah Si was immensely gratified to see Qinghe's face fall, his hopes clearly crushed. He supposed he should be thankful The Annoyance had dragged Shancai to Sanya as the kiss wouldn't have happened otherwise, but he still disliked the other male with an unreasonable fervour.

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