Slow Burn

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"Xi Men. I'll be at your front door in an hour." Ah Si was abrupt as his friend answered the phone, so tense and focused he didn't even consider saying hello. He and Xi Men had known each other forever anyway; surely they were past the formalities at this point? He heard his friend sigh deeply on the other end of the line, a faint rustling sounding in his ears as Xi Men flung himself around in almost palpable annoyance - if Ah Si had to hazard a guess, he would put his money on Xi Men still being in bed. Well, Ah Si would sleep when he was dead! His suspicions were confirmed when Xi Men complained blearily "Ah Si, it's 8.30 in the goddamn morning! Do you think this is funny, dude? I told you I didn't mean to keep you out all night last weekend! How was I supposed to know that girl wouldn't leave you alone? You know, if you just loosened up a little more-" the Daoming heir's brow furrowed dangerously as his fellow F4 member prattled on, his temper pricked as he continued. He knew what he was going to say; if you just opened your eyes, looked around more, you would realise that Dong Shancai isn't the only girl in the world. He'd heard it all before, Meizuo and Xi Men apparently thought they were professional casanovas and loved the sounds of their own voices. Blah blah blah, not a chance. Next.

What they failed to realise was that Ah Si wasn't like them; he didn't see women as commodities, as objects to be chased for sport and conquered as part of a competition. To him, Dong Shancai was the only woman in the world, the only worthy one anyway, and he simply didn't want to look elsewhere. No one would ever be able to hold a candle to his Tiny One. He didn't want to be like his friends either, not really; from the outside, their chaotic flings looked like fun, he supposed, but photos and loud laughs could be deceptive. Doaming Si was a lot more perceptive than he let on - he knew his friends were not truly happy with the playboy lifestyle they seemingly enjoyed. He himself didn't desire that frivolous life at all. What Ah Si did envy was their ability to effortlessly charm women - he was frustrated that every time he tried to speak to Shancai, he appeared to loose the ability to speak coherently. What had happened to his signature swagger? Why did his confidence leave him when he needed it most? It was ironic really. However, despite his failings and the many times he had stepped out of bounds, Ah Si still felt he had a genuine connection to Shancai, his little spitfire - why would he look elsewhere when his ideal girl was right in front of him? Why try and change perfection?

"Shut up," the Daoming heir griped, his tone mild "I didn't call to talk about that. I need..." Ah Si hesitated, unsure of how to phrase his request. I need your help. The words even felt foreign in his subconscious, and he rebelled against showing any weakness, even to his close friends, his inner circle so to speak. Why was it so goddamn hard to tear down the walls he had erected in his mind? He knew what he needed to say, he knew why he needed the assistance - he was clearly out of his depth when it came to Shancai! However, his stubborn nature loathed to show any type of insecurity. He knew in his heart of hearts his friends would be supportive if he told them how he really felt as they basically already knew, but thinking it and saying it out loud were two entirely different things. It was so difficult; even when his papa had died, Daoming Si had never once opened up, he had never shown his pain and how hollow he had felt in front of another living soul. Some things were best kept to himself, and he hadn't wanted to showcase any vulnerabilities. His papa was dead but he had learned to live with the pain. Daoming Si did not cry. It wasn't the Daoming way; they were raised to have a stiff upper lip, to project an air of unwavering confidence at all times, no matter the inner turmoil. How was he supposed to break the habit of a lifetime? Dong Shancai was inadvertently turning his world upside down, and although it excited him, it was also scaring him to death. He didn't know how to deal with this onslaught of emotions, wasn't sure how to act, how to approach the girl of his affections, what to say to her! How was he supposed to woo the girl when he had no experience? Ah Si thrived on knowledge, but when it came to women, he was severely lacking! Impressing Shancai seemed like a daunting task and he was floundering in the deep end without a raft, drowning in his own previously unrealised awkwardness. "You need my help with Shancai?" Xi Men's tired voice filtered through the handset as Ah Si's silence dragged on. The Daoming heir was conflicted; he had never needed romantic advice before, however, if he couldn't even admit his feelings to Xi Men, a guy who knew him inside out, how was he ever supposed to admit it to Shancai? It was this thought that made up his mind, that caused him to screw up his courage and agree tersely "yes. I need your help."

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