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It was a funny sensation, being in love.

Ah Si had experienced nothing like it before in his entire life. One day, he had been walking along, minding his own business, and the next thing he knew, he was head over heels for a girl who looked like she wanted to murder him. How the fates liked to toy with him; he had repeatedly insisted he felt nothing for Dong Shancai, had actively tried to drive away - despite this, the youngest Daoming had never been a convincing liar, he didn't even fool himself. His Tiny One had been running dizzying circles in his mind all morning, and even now, his stomach rumbling and grumbling for food after a particularly gruelling class, the only thing he could concentrate on her. Although, it wasn't like he was trying very hard to focus elsewhere, if he was entirely truthful...

Falling for Shancai, it had happened without his conscious permission and had been as easy as breathing. As natural as the rosebuds that bloomed in the spring and just as bewitching. However, now he had been struck by Cupid's arrow, he wouldn't give up this feeling for anything in the world. Thinking about her brought a smile instantly to his lips, she was a breath of fresh air; loving her was actually incredibly easy. It was getting her to love him back that was the difficult part. Luckily, Daoming Si had never been much of a quitter. Dong Shancai had awakened him, she was the one woman who had finally captured his heart and he wasn't inclined to let go. Ah Si didn't share, she was his and he wouldn't give her up without a fight; where was the fun in that? He was still walking on sunshine after their earlier encounter and nothing could bring him down from this high! She had accepted his gift, which meant she has finally started to accept him, right? Right? His eyes were dreamy as he unconsciously overloaded his tray, his thoughts consumed by everything Dong Shancai. Romance had never been high on his list of priorities until he had encountered her, but she was different. Also, they were dating at the very least now, after the time they had spent in the lift? Surely he was well on his way to becoming her boyfriend? He wanted to wine and dine her, he wanted to whisper sweet nothings in her ear whilst she giggled, he wanted to hold her hands under a canopy of short, he had become everything he had once moxked, but he just couldn't bring himself to be embarrassed. Not when he felt so giddy, so exhilarated,

The Daoming heir had a tentative hope flickering in his heart; he firmly believed that Shancai was starting to warm to him, and he was determined to fan her flames until she combusted for him. Their love would be explosive if she would just lower her guard, he could sense it. If she would just let him in, he could show her a love like she had never before known, they were compatible on every level - she just didn't realise it yet. He would have to work harder to open her eyes. He shovelled more rice onto his tray, his heart twanging a frantically jagged rhythm when he recalled her shy eyes looking up at him through her lustrously obsidian eyelashes. Shancai had looked drained, granted, but it did nothing to diminish her beauty; she was every bit as striking as the first time he had laid eyes upon her. She had been as glorious as an avenging angel, brandishing her shattered phone like a weapon, and from that moment onwards, she had held his heart in the palm of her tiny hand. How was he supposed to resist her when she called him like a siren from afar? Her belligerence, her indifference, it was a faltering courtship dance between the two, and Ah Si, for one, was anxious to reach the finale. He fervently wanted to skip over the hesitance, the reluctance, and jump right into the happy ending - that wasn't too unreasonable, right? How long would he have to wait before Shancai was finally on the same page as him? Was he selfish for being so predictably impatient? Shancai was certainly taking her sweet time about it, not that he entirely blamed her, of course. She just didn't seem to realise how lucky she was that he was willing to wait, he grumbled internally as he continued to fill his tray, overloading it with an excessive amount of food. Shancai had looked peaky today and he knew she was often in the cafeteria around that time, not that his eyes were on stalks scouring the room for a glimpse of her. Of course not; I'm just hungry. Obviously. Shut up. So what if I want to eat with her?

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