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jungkook was siting in the cafe that he was supposed to meet taehyung in.

it was a cafe with a feeling of home. it was warm inside with the smell of brewing coffee, friendly chatter being exchanged between friends and family and the clinking of coffee cups every so often from people behind the counters.

jungkook sat in the back corner, practically invisible to anyone who would take a glance at the cafe. he sat there sipping on a warm cup of hot chocolate since jungkook wasn't a coffee person, or a tea person in fact. he prefers sodas like coca cola and such.

it was already half past  one and taehyung still hadn't arrived, jungkook growing more and more worried until he heard the bell above the entrance door ringing again making his head shoot up to see a familiar boy standing there, a warm, fuzzy look on his face.

jungkook put his arm up to wave at taehyung, catching the older boy's attention and making him sit opposite the smaller brunette.

"hi." jungkook squeaked, cutely making taehyung's fond expression even fonder and warm.

"hey." taehyung replies, staring into jungkook's black, starry eyes for a few seconds, getting lost before being snapped out of his daze by a waitress who witnessed taehyung walking in.

"would you like anything, sir?" the woman asks nicely, a stained apron around her waist and a pen and notebook in her hand, her hair out into a messy bun just to keep it out her face. the typical, cliche waitress look. probably to get more customers.

"ah, yes. can i get an iced coffee?" taehyung asks politely, still keeping a sweet smile on his face and he looks up at the girl as she writes down his order. "anything to eat for you both?" and jungkook perks up at the mention of food, taehyung probably noticed as he gives the younger a little smile and laughs quietly.

"uh, what kind of cakes do you have?" jungkook asks, big eyes trained on the waitress like a twelve layered chocolate cake will pop out of her hands.

"well, we have chocolate cake, vanilla cake, red velvet cake, cheesecake, banana cake, carrot cake, basically any type of cake, really." the girl lists, looking away to think while chewing on the pen absentmindedly.

"that's a lot of cake- can i get some chocolate cake, please? not a big slice." jungkook looks at taehyung as if asking if he wants some cake too but says "that's it, thank you." when taehyung shakes his head, still smiling.

"what?" jungkook asks, clueless.

"you're so cute, it's not fair." taehyung pouts but that's quickly wiped away when jungkook blushed a bright pink, mumbling a small 'stop' and looking away. "see what i mean? adorable!" taehyung laughs, a shy bunny boy in front of him only fuelling that laughter.

"very funny." jungkook mocks, covering his face with his sweater covered hands while taehyung kept on giggling.

this nonsense carried on until the waitress from before came back to their table ten minutes later with a plate of chocolate cake for jungkook and an iced coffee for taehyung. as soon as the sweet treat was in jungkook's line of sight, he immediately straightened his posture and wore a big smile on his face, holding back the urge to excitedly clap his hands together.

the younger didn't even notice the sparkling look in taehyung's eyes when he was staring at him with all the love he could muster in his deep, brown eyes.

he didn't want to ruin it.

the feeling of having comfort, a soul exactly like his, a soulmate.

a friend  that wasn't namjoon aka his only friend who has stayed with him since the beginning, everyone drifts at some point.

clearing the depressing thoughts from his head, taehyung looked back at jungkook who was now looking at him with big, doe eyes.

"what?" taehyung tilted his head cutely. "nothing." jungkook answered quickly and giggled a little.

"what is it?" taehyung pestered the younger for a while before he got an answer.

"you're really pretty.."

taehyung's face went bright red at the compliment and he turned away to hide it. "shut up, i'm not." he defended himself and turned back to jungkook, poking a finger at him, "you're the pretty one. i'm more of a handsome, masculine, buff, strong man." and before jungkook could even think of a response taehyung stood up and put his hand out much like a prince would to a princess.

"shall we?" he asked, wanting to get onto the fun part of their date- hang out.

ice skating.

"we shall, you big doof." jungkook giggled and took taehyung's hand in his, swinging them as they walked out of the cafe, leaving a tip for the waitress and leaving on a bus to the skating rink.

a/n - i'm bad with confessions just hope you'd like to know

also. i haven't updated in a bit, sorry. i've recently gotten a new timetable and i'm now in my 4th year of high school aka hell. everything is getting much more hectic and soon i'll have exams and prelims and a whole bunch of studying to do, i can't just wing it like i did with my last prelims although i did pass the best classes🤷‍♀️
and despacito is playing. fun.

anyway, i'm sorry for the wait, i'm waiting on a friend writing a kiss scene🤪 i cant write shit yet i love writing romances. anna ou-

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