Dating Sera Would Include:

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◾Being confused 80% of the time and absolutely loving it.

◾Pushing her buttons just to make her mad - just so you can make fun of how cute her mad face is.

◾Eating the most poorly baked cookies in all of thedas....they're now your favorite food because they're made with love.

◾Waking up to find all your clothes missing from your wardrobe and a very triumphant Sera blocking the door.

◾Getting Sera to kill spiders and oyher bugs for you.

◾(if an archer) Getting arrows for every holiday, birthday, and anniversary for possibly the rest of your life.

◾Keeping Sera's super secret stash of mustard....secret.

◾(if a Mage) getting yelled at for using magic to prank the prankster.

◾Sera constantly trying to keep you smiling

◾Trying to hide when you're not well because Sera can't cook for shite and she'll try and make you soup.

◾(if Dalish) Sera bashfully admitting she liked that "Elvehn" dirty talk. "Didnt understand shite you said in that elfy-elf, felt nice reaaal nice. Tell anybody and I'll stop doin' that thing you like!"

◾When sera is nervous because too many demons, she'll grab your hand. You glow, you love her'll protect her if arrows can't

◾Sera nervously and stubornly asking you out on dates or hinting at wanting to go out.

◾(if Qunari) Sera asking you to bend down or making you bend down just to kiss your horns sweetly when nobody is looking.

◾having to haul her away in your arms when she tries to pick fights with the civilians of skyhold.

◾Receiving gifts that are either very valuable and very stolen or asolute hand made crud....but in your eyes priceless.

◾Sera going mad over the idea of wanting children with you or a child. After all she isn't sure she knows how to be a good mother.

◾you and Sera adopting a Dalish mage child who was sent away from his/her clan. Or a orphaned Vent /Talvasoth kid teaching them what they are doesnt define who they have to be.

◾ having to stop Sera from bragging about her bedroom life to Blackwall....or you know sometimes joining in to brag yourself.

◾catching yourself using Sera's wonky slang and curses, Shite, innit and Arse-biscuit being more common

◾always feeling like you're with your best friend or home when she is around.

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