[Romance] Spirit Cole : Relationship Start [Cutscene]

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Inquisitor enters their personal sleeping quaters after the quest "Subjected to His Will" and Cole is made more like a spirit.



[Night has fallen, all is quiet, The Inquisitor enters the room deep in thought and gazes into the large fireplace, arms crossed. The warm glow of flames highlighting against the shadows.]

*a sound like a puff of air*

Cole: It took you a long time, to come up here.

[Cole enters through the open balcony windows, the Inquisitor looks up as Cole stops a short distance away.]

Inquisitor: Cole, how are you feeling now? [Or] *slight chuckle* this...suprise! I'm here! Thing going to happen more now? [Or] Ever heard of knocking?

Cole: I don't know... [Or] yes? Maybe? I-I can try not too [Or] I can if it will help.

*Cole's face is shadowed by his hat as he pauses in silence*

Inquisitor : *the tilts thier head* Co-

Cole: I talked to Solas, he calls me Compassion. I know more now, of who I am, what I am suposed to be. I can let go, of what was. I  just want to help and I am happy with that....or I can be, I was...am, still...

[Cole is hiding something behind his back, his face is still hidden. The Inquisitor takes a small step towards him]

Inquisitor: *with concern* what is it? you can tell me. [Or] the quirky mysterious thing again? It's growing on me [Or] could we hurry this along?  It's been a tiring day.

[The fire crackles and pops gently in the background]

Cole: *whispers and smiles* anything [Or] *chuckles softly* [Or] *whispers* right....this won't  help.

Cole: ...Me, compassion, what if the me that I am now...if it would help...

[Cole moves closer to the Inquisitor, standing before them he lifts his head to unside his eyes, he is standing so close.]

Cole: I could be, I want to be...

[Cole pulls out a small flower, twirling between two fingers once he reaches out and either tucks in behind the Inquisitor's ear [female] or gives it to them to hold [male] - the Inquisitor seems confused]

*a sudden knock at the Inquisitor's door*

Casandra : Inquisitor? Pardon me, I know it is late. But Lelianna/Comander Cullen has sent me to find you. You are needed. We've more information on Calpernia/Samson.

[The Inquisitor turns to face Casandra as she has let herself in]

Inquisitor: just a moment Cassandra,  I was just having a word with....

[The Inquisitor turns towards were Cole was stood, only to find him gone]

Casandra: a word with who?

Inquisitor: Cole... [Or] No one anymore I guess [Or] Myself apparently...I really so need sleep.


[After going to Valley Royeaux to the tavern/restaurant with Cole, and returning with him to the skyhold courtyard, Cole stops the Inquisitor]

Cole: can I talk with you -

Inquisitor: isnt that what weve been foing?

Cole: yes, but not here, so many to have to make forget. What I have to say...I-I don't  know if I could concentrate enough to make them all gorg er t and you as well...if I need to.

Inquisitor: sure, come on.

[Inquisitor leads the way up the steps to Skyhold and the scene changes to the lower level reading room. The Inquisitor sits in the chair by the large book watching Cole patiently]

Cole: *pacing back and forth muttering quietly* just make her/him forget and go...

[The Inquisitor's eyes follow Cole curiously]

Cole: *shakes his head* no...it will linger and then I cannot help, I will be stuck like the pearl I remove from others.

[Cole stops pacing and turns to face the Inquisitor]

Cole: I walk within the shadows. I can see the light, but it never finds me. I reach for it, but it slips through my fingers. In the shadows you are always alone, the world oblivious to your passing.

Cole: I thought that's how it had to be, for me, before I understood my spirit self.

Cole: The 'Inquisition' isn't real unless it has something real to make it. It's like a spirit, therefore, you  are not real unless you have something to make you real, like the Inquisition, *speaks quietly montane yet softer* like me.

[Cole moves closer to the Inquisitor, leaning over and down his face before theirs, eyes still hidden by the shadow of his hat.]

Cole: I used to think helping made me real, it did I was more while helping and then I lost my way...and I was less. Compassion pushed through and then reaching out and then in, into you, and then you into me....you made me real.

[Inquisitor watches as Cole is talking avoiding their gaze, they cannot read him. Cole has fallen Silent.]

Inquisitor: Cole?

Cole: You are theirs, idol, untouchable thing, a memory, a burning light like fire, they see and they feel but thin like air. Hurt or protect but then gone, smoke then nothing. You don't want to be nothing. Theirs but nothing of your own.

Cole: I can help. I can make you real. I didn't know how, until Solas told me. Love is the heart of Compassion. Let me help make you real.

[Cole lifts his head revealing his eyes to meet the Inquisitor's gaze]

Cole: I can give you me, Compassion, love. If that helps you...

Inquisitor's Options:
💖 Kiss Cole [start a relationship] - the Inquisitor leans in and kisses Cole.

💖  You make it sound like a job. [Start relationship] - "I don't want you to force feelings for me Cole. If you don't want to, if you don't feel them.."

💔 Awkward silence - [don't enter relationship] - .........

Cole's reactions:
💖 Cole returns kiss and  his thought in both their heads saying "I'm glad, you found me, it will hurt less now, like your light." The kiss continues and the scene fades out as it ends.

💖 *Cole hover before the Inquisitor's face, their head u der the rim of his hat, nose to nose* it is force but not forced, powerful, too much but just right. Possession without possession we can be eachothers. It helps me too. But I won't push farther than what I am if it is not what you want - you have to tell me yes.

💔 I see....*steps back and holds out his hand* forget. * The Inquisitor blinks and Cole is gone*

Inquisitor's reactions:
💖 "yes" the Inquisitor says quietly, and Cole tilted his head to kiss them. As they kiss the scene slowly fades away and ends.

💔 The Inquisitor looks around confused "when...why am I hear?" They say, getting to their feet the Inquisitor exited the room and the scene ends.

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