[Dorian] Bears, Oh My [xReader]

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"You do know there are bears out here, yes? While you've got us sat here in the middle of the Wild?" Dorian asked.

He watched you lay on the blanket thw two of you shared between the swaying trees of the Hinterlands.

He had his staff at the ready eyes wandering away for brief moments to make sure all was safe.

You chuckle "afraid, I'm going to let you meet a grizzly end Dorian?" You asked him.

"Nice, did you have that one planned?  Took you the whole trip put here for that one did it?" Dorian mused.

Peek g one eye open you look up as him a smirk slightly.

Dorian sighed, "as if it were me I was concerned for." He said.

Propping yourself up on your elbows you offer him a relaxed smile. "Bears hardly are a concern for either of us." You say.

Easing back down to lay on your back, you pat your chest, "Come on, lay down. Take a listen." You say.

Dorian hesitates for a moment but lays down to rest his head on your chest. He cannot help but smile as your heartbeat fills his ears.

"I hope you know, I only lay on grass and sticks for you." Dorian says trying to ignore how silly and small he was feeling as you wrapped your arms around him.

"I do, as you know you're the only one I will lay with anywere." You murmur suddenly feeling sleepy.

"Really? A bed of hot coals then?" Dorian teased.

"Go ahead an set them a blaze." You say.

"On the winter palace, across the ballroom floor, snuggled like nesting birds?" Dorian asked.

You can't help but let out chuckle, "only if we can give them a show." You say holding back a yawn.

The warmth from Dorian's body and the soft rays of sun touching your skin felt like a warm blanket. The gentle lull of trees and grass swaying in the breeze made you eyelids heavier.

"Wouldn't hold there attention long I'm afraid, not until we somehow managed to cause someone to mysteriously drop dead while at it." Dorian mused.

"Mhmm" you hum.

"Are you-" Dorian's words faded into a gasp. He swatted your chest with the back of his hand as he quickly got up to reach for his staff.

"Bear! Get up!" He called.

Peeking one eye open you started to laugh.

Dorian held his staff out infront of you protectively as he stared down the bear.

A bear which watched him with mild confusion.

"Wait a minite..." Dorian said.

This bear look awfully familiar.

"I knew you would worry, so I asked to borrow Storvakir." You laughed.

Dorian lowered his staff.

"You're absolutely vile when you want to be, you could have told me!" Dorian  said.

"A-and miss that f-face?" You stammer between laughter "perish the thought!"

Dorian's eyes thin into a glare  but as your laughter tickled his ears he found himself smiling.

"Be glad you're more adorable than that bear is, or I might have stop talking to you." Dorian warned playfully.

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