Dating Cole Would Include:

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■ Secrets no longer existing, he knows and feels everything about you. You can't hide any parts of yourself from him, and you wouldn't want to.

■ Cole appearing from nowhere to suprise you. Sometimes he hugs you, kisses you, tickles you or has a small meaningful gift.

■ Cole invading your mind when he is bored.

■ Cole acting on all kinds of advice on dating he's gotten from Varric, Dorian, Bull and Blackwall. Which can be...interesting.

■ lots of hand holding "I like the way my hand feels happy when it's within your own."

■ being quietly comforted when you are scared, hurt, or sad. He won't leave you even if you tell him to go away, he will stay in your thoughts until he finds a way to ease your troubles.

■ being appreciated, Cole is thankful for any and every thing you do for him, he is sure to let you know it too.

■ kisses at any given time. Cole likes kisses and will ask for them often if he just doesn't steal some.

■ having a frightening bodyguard, he will not allow harm to you and he will not tolerate those merely thinking of causing harm to you.

■ introducing Cole to food, he really likes sweets and sharing sweets with you.

■ no more personal space, Cole likes to be close to you as often as he can. You've had to talk him out of coming along to keep you company in the bathroom.

■ Shared baths, playing with the bubbles and mini splash fights.

■ often hearing how much he loves you, in more than just the usual  three words. "Your heart feels like mine when we're close, and it sings to me - its my favor song"

■ Cole being terrible at anything "sexy"  but you're ok with being the dominant one.

■ sometimes Cole turns that invisible green spirit color when he gets too excited in romantic situations.

■ Cole asking Varric or Bull what that one though you had about him means.

■ Cole quietly laughing or blushing about that very same thought, the next time you have it, once he knows what it means.

■ getting teased by everyone because you two are a it odd, couple.

■ [if a noble] teaching Cole how to dance at balls and other parties.

■ [if Qunari] letting Cole sit on your horns when you travel long distances.

■ having pet already have six and he keeps bringing home more.

■ Cole being unexpectedly alluring by accident. My be he asked you to help him figure out how pants work, or asking about something his new human body did.

■ trying not to bust a gut when Cole get concerned about using the bathroom for the first time. "I didn't do that before..."  No Cole that's still normal...

■ snuggles in bed, Cole likes your body heat "I like you better than a blanket."

■ loving your best friend

■ him kissing your bruises and cuts.

■ spending nights laughing with light conversation as you listen to Cole explain his day.

■ getting the best gossip from Cole and him willingly sharing it with you.

■ getting Cole to find information to black mail your enemies. Varric told him it would help and now he is excited to do it.

■ Cole likes you on top

■ having lunch on the battlements or rooftops.

■ people watching with each other, star gazing and trying to find shapes in clouds.

■ Cole awkwardly trying to get the hang of flirting and courtship.

■ his honest serving as the best form of flirting.

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