Walking on Clouds

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The comforting sound of my family setting up the table for dinner makes me smile. As I leaned against the kitchen island my mind starts drifting off thinking about our newest family member. I've been distracted with the thought of her all day. I've been stressed about the thought of Archer being in charge of showing her around the house today--he doesn't make a good first impression. That man buries his feelings like an ostrich buries their head in the sand. I hope she wasn't too scared of him.

It's as if my thoughts summoned her she comes into the kitchen with Archer following close behind her.

'What the hell happened to her face!' I push off the island, as I walk towards her, I can feel my blood start to boil.

When she sees me walking towards her, at a rapid pace, I see confusion and worry on her face. She takes a step back and bumps into Archer with a wince.

'What did Archer do to her face?'

As soon as I saw her, the other guys must have seen her too because they start to rush at her as well. They were closer to her so they got to her before I could. Her hands start to fly through the air in a flurry. 'Why haven't I paid more attention to Ash and Archer when they were signing to each other!' I think, which makes me more enraged. Looking at Archer I see tension in his clenched jaw and uncertainty in his eyes. Now for the first time, I think, 'what the hell happened today?'

Simultaneously in sign and voice, Ash asks "What happened to your beautiful face, sweetheart?" with more worry in his voice than I've heard in a really long time.

Before she has time to answer, Uncle speaks up from the table "Why don't we all come sit down and discuss this in a calm manner. Besides, the food is getting cold and I'm starving."

I glare at him while I spin around. 'What is wrong with him? His niece came into the kitchen with two black eyes and he wants to calmly talk about this... what the hell is happening today!' I tentatively walk towards the table and sit down. I look around the table to the other guys and they look as confused and pissed as I do. I wince as I look over at Clara. 'Why does my new muse look like she spent the afternoon in a boxing match?' Ash put his hand on my knee and gives me a comforting squeeze.


The familiar sound of my new family in the kitchen puts a smile on my face when I walk in. All at once everyone looks up at me and I instantly see a mixture of worry, confusion, and anger in their eyes. It took me a half second to remember what occurred earlier today. I didn't even think to look at myself in the mirror. My face must look dreadful to get this kind of reaction from them. Suddenly, they all come towards me as if there was an invisible rope tugging them at once. I take a step backward and bump into Archer, again. I roll my eyes at this. You would have thought I learned my lesson the first time. I put my hands up and try to explain what happened, but my hands get jumbled together because I am so nervous. I look over at Uncle and plea with my eyes for help. I am relieved when Uncle understands my silent plea and bids everyone to the table for dinner.

As I head to the table I am surprised when Archer puts his hand in mine and gives it a quick squeeze. I look over at him, but he already broke contact and was heading towards his seat.

'Why are all these men so worried about me? I just got here. They don't even know me. I hope Archer doesn't get into trouble. This is all a huge misunderstanding. I am used to my mother worrying about everything I do... but this feels different. Having these men so concerned about my welfare makes me feel.....happy? Do I have the right to feel happy?'

With all these thoughts in my mind, I block out the arguing and yelling coming from the others around the table. Finally, coming to my senses, I raise my hand to silence the room. I look over at my Uncle, with a warm smile he encourages me to start. "Can you interpret for me?" I ask Uncle because I know writing would take too long and not everyone knows ASL.

"Of course sweetie," he says. Taking a small breath I start at the beginning, I slowly explain the events of the day. Throughout the story, I periodically glance over at Archer and give him reassuring smiles."He was very kind and took very good care of me today," I finish with that hoping they understand that it was all of my fault, not his.

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