Crimson Blood and Guilt

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Unknown POV

"NO NO NO" I cry out as I run to my truck parked over the ridge. "Why did that stupid Asian boy get in the way? He is not the one who should die. He is not the one who was meant to pay," I say to myself. Throwing my stupid gun into my back seat, I mumble to myself "All the good that did."

With a smile on my lips, I think to myself, "The thought of all of them dying would bring me pure joy. "Maybe, all of them dying is not a bad idea. Maybe, instead of killing only him, I will kill off his "family" in front of him and make him suffer even more. Yes, that is what I will do. I need to make a new plan."

Driving off, back into town, I hear the beautiful sound of sirens in the background.

Uncles POV

God, I detest hospitals. Looking around the small waiting room, I slump down hard into my small hard chair. The events of the day start to weigh down on me. We have been here for almost two hours with no news and the unknown is starting to make me feel suffocated. Glancing around the room at my family, I see the same emotions radiating off them, 'Why? Why our family?' I just keep asking myself.

After hearing the gun ring out, I ran out of the barn trying to figure out what was happening. Knowing my boys don't carry, immediately I was put on high alert. I could feel it in my gut. Something was terribly wrong. The sound of Ash crying out for help prompted me into action. I headed in the direction of his voice. I have not run that fast in a long time. It felt like forever before I made it to the side pasture. What I see makes my stomach fall to the ground, I bend over, taking long deep breaths, trying to get a handle on my fear. I see Lee laying on his back, crimson blood pouring out of his right shoulder. Hesitantly I walk up to the group, talking to no one in particular, I ask "What happened?"

"I don't know," Shawn said throwing his arms up in the air with frustration. "We were taking Clara out for her first horseback ride when, all of a sudden, we hear gunfire ring out. I don't know why this even happened?" Shawn said in with an exasperated tone.

I know from experience an ambulance would take too long to get here. I look over at Archer, "Go and get my pickup; we are going to take him to the hospital. It will be quicker than waiting for an ambulance. Shawn, I need you to go with Archer and call 911 and tell them what has happened. Tell them we are taking Lee to the hospital, so they will be ready for him when we arrive."

Archer and Shawn look down at Ash then to Clara, who is still sitting next to Lee not wanting to leave him.

Snapping my finger, "Go now. We don't have time. Move."

That is all the encouragement they need to get their feet turning.

Moving closer to the unconscious Lee, I turn to Clara, who is crying silently, rubbing the blood on her hands upon her jeans, as if trying to wish it away. Putting my hand on her shoulder I try to comfort her, "Sweaty... sweaty look at me." Her green eyes turn up towards mine with so much pain and sorrow it breaks my heart. Not for the first time in the last 10 minutes I think, 'what the hell is happening to my family!' "Honey, I need you to go with Archer and Shawn. I don't know what is going on and I need you to stay safe; I don't want you in harm's way again. I want you to go with Archer and Shawn back to the house, please." With no argument, she gets up and follows the boys.

Moving over I squatted next to Ash, who has taken off his shirt to put pressure on Lee's shoulder. With an empathic voice, I say "Ash buddy, I need your help. We can't leave the horses saddled here like this. We can leave them in the pasture, but both of us know we can't leave them saddled. Do you think you can do that for me; so, we can all leave as soon as Archer and the others come back?"

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