Making new friends is hard

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Unknown POV

They looked so happy today. It took everything I had not to follow them down the street and hurt them. To make them bleed. My plan to destroy them all is going to take longer than I thought, but I am one step closer. That stupid girl - with her fake innocence. I will take them all from him.

Clara's POV

I am not ready for Oklahoma summer, but it does not care. Uncle said at breakfast this morning that it doesn't look like we are going to be getting much of a spring. After spending my morning outside, I have to agree with him. Why is it so hot out here in May? As I am standing here contemplating my life choices, I hear my name. Turning, I see Shawn coming at me from the large barn. Covered in dirt and sweat, he has never looked sexier. Saying I would be his girlfriend three days ago was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The fact that I don't have to feel ashamed or guilty each time I look at him is freeing. As he approaches, I move out of the chicken coop that I have been in for the last hour. As I make it through the threshold, Shawn scoops me into his strong arms. 

"I have missed you this morning," he says in my ear as he holds me just a few moments longer before setting me down on my feet, leaving his hands on my hips. Without stepping back to give me much space to respond to his warm greeting, he declares, "I am going to take you on a date. I can't wait any longer. Is that okay with you?"

Taking a small step back out of his arms, I look at him with a confused look and asks:

'You are going to take me on a date? But we just went on one four days ago.'

"I'm not taking you today, silly girl, but seeing how you didn't object to me, it's happening. I was thinking of a horse ride, a picnic, and a little swimming at my favorite spot on the property would be nice. This way, we are not too far away from the others in case something happens. That and I know you hate leaving the farm," he adds the last part with a small chuckle.

I hate to be the one to sour the mood, especially since that sounds so good, but I have to ask, ' Will the other guys be ok with you and me going on a date alone? I am still not sure how this is to work, and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.'

Taking a minute to search my face, Shawn leans in closer to me, placing his hands back on my hips and says, "No one's feeling is going to get hurt, and if they do, we will talk it out, ok? How about after dinner you, me, and the guys sit down and work out a dating schedule, that way we are all on the same page. Does that work for you?" Without giving me time to respond, he places a kiss on my forehead, and steps away, "I have to be getting back.  I just wanted to ask you before someone got to you first. See you tonight at dinner. Stay safe." With that, he turns and retreats the same way he had come. Shaking my head, I can't help but admire his back as he walks away. Realizing What I am looking at, I turn, trying to hide my blush from the world.

'Birds Clara. You need to finish your work in the coop.' Shaking my head at myself again, I move back to the chicken coop to finish my task.

Shawns POV

I know I look like the cat that ate the canary, but I don't care. As I walk away from Clara, I can't help the excitement I feel from being able to take her out. Just her and me. It's not that I don't want my brothers around, but sometimes a man just needs to be alone with his girl. Summer is my favorite season, and I can't wait to spend it with Clara. I hope she will like what I have planned for our date.

"What the hell are you thinking about to put that shit-eating grin on your face?" Archer asks, coming out of the tack room.

"I just got done seeing Clara, and you know how it is, man. You can't be around her for any amount of time without looking like this."

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