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^^^^^^^ That is Ash and Lee..... sexy, right? 

Clara POV

Crap! Crap! Crap!

Why of all the stupid things I've done in my life did I stand here and watch them?

I must get out of here!

OMZ I know my body is flushed with embarrassment. I can feel it down to my core!

As I turn from them, I give myself a royal scolding; 'Clara, you idiot, why did you stay and watch!'

Hearing my name pulls me out of my inner monologue and propels me to keep moving -- away from them. I feel too exposed and guilty. I know I need to get myself under control before I can face them again.

'How do I keep getting myself into awkward and embarrassing situations with these men?'

Before I can make it to the house and sanctuary of my room, I feel someone lightly grab my elbow and spin me around, coming face to face with both of men I was trying to run from.

Lee at least has the decency to look unnerved Ash, on the other hand, looks a little smug and satisfied with himself.

"Can we go somewhere private and talk? Maybe back to the barn?" Ash asks. With a wink he adds, "With our pants on this time, of course'. Not sure what if I'm ready for this talk yet but I let Lee take my hand and the three of us walk towards the barn.

Just thinking about what I just witnessed makes me blush all over again. I feel butterflies in my lower stomach. I pause mid-step. What are these feelings I am feeling?

Lee must have thought I am pausing to run because he looks back at me with a warm smile and tugs my hand lightly to encourage me to keep following them.

When we enter the barn, I think we are going to go back to the stall where I found them in earlier but instead, we head to the back of the barn to a large room. Walking into the room I am assault by the smell of animals and leather, without thinking I start to sneeze continuously. I feel like my body is trying to reject the pungent smells. Standing by the entrance I squint my eyes trying to figure out what I'm looking at. My best guess is that I'm looking at an assortment of horse equipment. I think people call this a tackle room?

"This is the room we house all our horse gear. No one should be needing this room for a bit. It should work". Lee says, confirming my thoughts about this being a tackle room.

"Here Clara, why don't you sit down and let us explain what you just saw", Ash says moving his hand towards some barrels. I might be naive, but I don't need these men to explain what I just saw. This is ridiculous.

Taking a deep breath to steady myself causing another sneeze. This time I hear Ash chuckle at me. Finally looking at Ash since I ran out of the barn, I feel a warmth spread through me, which makes me feel safe. These men are not trying to embarrass me. They are simply trying to make sure I am okay. Shaking my head trying to shake away the nervousness I give Lee a small smile and sit where I have been instructed to. The guys follow suit.

'If these guys feel like they need to explain to me, who am I to discourage them?'

Lee looks at me with pleading eyes and says, "I bet you have a lot of questions, but will you let me get this all out before you start asking anything?"

I watch as Ash takes his hand, encouraging Lee to start.

"So as you can guess Ash and I are in a relationship..." Lee turns his head to look at Ash with the same look my father would give my mother. Love.

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