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Madison groaned to herself as she was woke to knocking at the door. She looked to see it was early in the morning still. She yawned as she stood from the door and answered it and saw Rachel. Madison looked to her and frowned "really? What could be so important and this time" Madison asked as yawned as Rachel looked to her and rolled her eyes "we need to talk" she said as Madison sighed "because it can't wait until a normal time" "it's about you and tom, I know what I saw and you can't do this. He has a girlfriend" Rachel said as Madison looked to her and sighed "I'm aware, but he doesn't want her. He wants me" Madison said as Rachel looked to her and sighed "if that was true he would of left her by now, you can't do this your meant to be setting an example for your sister and not whoring around" Rachel said as Madison looked to her and frowned.

"You think I'm a whore? That's rich coming from you least he doesn't pay by the hour. He loves me and he needs time before he leaves her and you can't blame me for Olivia. You want to know why she is messed up, look in the mirror and look at yourself and Eddie. You can't blame me for this, I've done nothing but be there for her especially lately with the pregnancy but your the ones who aren't supporting her" Madison said as Rachel looked to her and sighed "you need to end it with tom, he's using you and he doesn't love you" Rachel said as Madison looked to her and frowned. She didn't know what to think "it's not that easy and you know it" Madison said fearing she would always be his bit on the side even if she was caring his child.


Later that day, Madison got to work and sighed to herself. She couldn't stop thinking over what Rachel had said and wondered if Tom was in fact using her. Tom walked into her classroom and looked to her and smiled "hey, are you okay" tom asked as she looked to him and nodded "just a fight with my mum" she said as he looked to her and smiled as he walked over to her and hugged her "it's going to be fine" he said as she nodded. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug as she buried her head into his chest.

Later that day, Madison stood in the hall with tom as Davina walked in. She walked over to Madison and slapped her "you cheap little slut" she said as Tom grabbed her "stop it" tom said "you've been sleeping with her" "I have, and she is carrying my baby so back off" tom said as Davina glared before walking off. Madison hung her head in shame as everyone looked to her and whispered "how did she find out" tom asked as Madison saw Rachel and sighed to herself "I've got an idea" she said feeling angry at Rachel.


Madison walked into toms classroom and smiled "are you okay?" She asked as he sighed "not really, Davina left me" he said as she looked to him and smiled "I'm so sorry" she said as wrapped her arms around him and gives him. He smirked as he pulled her close and smiled but could Madison and tom stick together now that Davina was out of the picture?

Pregnant by my best friend (Waterloo road)Where stories live. Discover now