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Madison answered the door to see Tom and smiled "I got your message is everything okay is it penny" he asked as Madison smiled

"penny is fine My mum took her out I wanted to talk to you about us" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"of course" he said as she walked into the kitchen as he followed her

"I have been thinking over this and it's not easy I mean you and I have never been easy but I do want to try. I want to try again and I want to put us right but if you ever sleep with another woman I will cut it off" Madison said as Tom looked to her and smirked

"and why would I do that. You love it to much but I won't cheat on you I was an idiot to do so" he said as they held a look.

She leant in and kissed him as he grabbed her waist and kissed her back as the kiss got more passionate as she lead him to her bedroom as they stripped off.

She pulled him to her as they fell onto the bed as Tom ran his hands up her thighs and pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her
Madison answered the door and smiled as she saw Rachel as she brought back penny

"hi baby have you been good for grandma" Madison asked as she picked up penny as Rachel saw Tom as he stood in the kitchen

"what's he doing here" Rachel asked as Madison sighed

"don't go there mum. We are going to try again" Madison said as Rachel looked to her and frowned

"why? He cheated on you" Rachel said as Madison sighed as she walked into the kitchen and handed penny to Tom and sighed as she looked to Rachel

"I am not going to do this mum. I know what he did. He did it to me and it broke my heart but he made a mistake and if he does hurt me again he won't get anymore chances" Madison said as Rachel looked to her and frowned

"he will hurt you again. Men like Tom do" Rachel said as Madison rolled her eyes

"look mum back off okay. I love Tom and I want to make it work and be a family and it's what we are going to do okay. I am not asking for your permission but it would be nice to have your support" Madison said

"I should go" Rachel said as Madison looked after her and sighed knowing what a mess it was

Olivia got to Madison and frowned as she saw Tom as he stood on the phone. He was making secret phones calls and Olivia was worried. She looked to penny who lay on her play mat and smiled.

"What is your daddy up too" Olivia asked as Tom walked out of the room

"hello Olivia"

"Tom" Olivia said as he walked into the kitchen and sighed.

Olivia was worried that he was up to something and worried he was keeping something from Madison and it worried her as she knew that the last thing that she wanted was for Tom to hurt her sister yet again

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