⍣ Prolouge ⍣

19 4 0

"Shhhhh! Lolly! Walk quieter!" I glare at the back of his head hoping to cut it in two, "shhhh yourself, Ari you talk to loud" this time he turns around to glare at me "how many times have I told you to stop calling me that"

I smile wickedly, "shhhh" he rolls his eyes at me but I catch the smile on his face as he turns back around.

Me, Cleo, Aris and Sonya are all creeping through the hallways of wicked to prank the boys, my brother in particular, oh and Newt, that's who I'm off to prank anyway, Sonya gave me a few tips when it came to her brother.

Aris swipes his key card quickly, and we creep in as quietly as we can, I sneak over to my brothers bed knowing how much of a deep sleeper he is, I pull on the gloves and quickly lather my hands in the pink hair dye, I rub it gently into his almost white hair.

Next I move onto Gally who I just place two wax strips over his constantly frustrated eyebrows, he was quite quick to prank.

Cleo is already attacking Minho with a permanent marker and Sonya is ever so gently painting his nails a neon orange.

I grin at Aris who is currently shaving all of Albys fluffy Afro off and I turn my attention to Newt.

I sit as gently as I can on the side of his bed knowing how much of a light sleeper he is, he grabs my waist quickly and I have I have to stop myself from screaming in shock.

"Your not meant to be awake" I whisper in his ear as he hides his face in the crook of my neck, I can feel his smile and it makes me grin myself.

"And your not meant to be here but here we are, how did you get in anyway?" He whispers blowing cool air down my ear, "we dragged Aris along and used his keycard" he hides his face in my shoulder as he laughs and I bite my lip to stop me from doing the same.

"Is this meant to be payback?" he whispers ruffling my now short hair, "you know it is" he just kisses my cheek and lies back down in bed.

"What happens to me then?" He says his light British accent claiming some more of my heart, "just some whipped cream" he smiles at me and gives me a quick kiss before laying back on the bed.

"Go ahead then darling" .


Nicks leg constantly bounces up and down as we sit in the lab, I can feel my breakfast turn in my stomach as I stare apprehensively at the floor, I didn't get to say bye, it's all I can think about.

I spent last night pranking the boys and in a way I'm thankful that Newt was awake, at least we were able to make one good memory before I was gone into the maze, I look up at everyone.

Cleo has her eyes scrunched tightly shut as the woman injects another needle into her arms, you can tell she is scared, her naturally tanned skin has a pale tint to it, she's probably missing her older sister, Harriet, I can see why but in the maze we will at least have each other until the others get sent up.

Nicks looking calm as usual the only sign to show any nervous would be the way his leg is jerking about but it does that normally anyway so I'm not too sure anymore, I don't understand how he can stay calm in a situation like this, we are being left to fend for ourselves.

And Alby, Alby looks just as unsure as me, he flashes me a comforting smile but I don't return it, "do you think they know that I didn't get a choice? That if I could say bye I would?" I blink back my tears for I know if I start crying now,I'll never stop.

"I'm sure that your brother, your best friend and your boyfriend all understand that it wasn't your choice, though they might act dumb,but Marty, Minho and Newt do have some brain cells" I laugh at his attempt at lightning up the situation.

I look away and back down at my feet, I wish they weren't sending two up at a time for the first year, I wish it was just Cleo going up, it sounds horrible and selfish but I just want to stay with Newt a little longer, even if it was just a month.

Four people come into the lab, Aris, Rachel and the other two that are working with the group A maze, Aris comes to my side instantly and gives me a hug.

The dam I built to hide my emotions behind just breaks "Aris I don't w-want to go"I sob gripping onto his lab coat tightly, Aris has always been my friend, even when I knew that he works with the people putting us in the maze, he is and always will be my friend.

He looks like he's about to break down when he pulls the needle out of his pocket, "I need you to trust me, ok? It won't hurt, I promise, it won't hurt" he mumbles, I can see the tears welling up in his eyes and I just nod, I don't want to speak, not now.

He injects the needle into my arm and black dots start to spot my vision, "A-aris What-s happeningg?"I slur, my eyes start to close and my whole body just feels as if it's on fire, I want to scream but I'm too tired.

I get thrown over someone's shoulder and I try fight back but it's like my brain has lost all control of my body, I feel spots in my memory, I can't remember my mum or my dad, it's all leaving, as if someone has opened a door into my brain and started tipping my memories out.

I'm thrown into a box. There's just darkness, all I can do is listen.


"Why does box B have one girl in it?!"

"She's in the wrong box!"

"Bring her back up! up now!"

"I can't!"

Then it all just shuts away as I fall into a deep slumber.

Oooooooooooo spicy I know, I've never read a story where the girl is sent up first, they're always sent up with Thomas or pretty much take over all of Teresa's lines so I thought, you know what, let's do something different.

Anyway, vote for me please, and if you make any covers or fan art please, please, please, feel free to send them in, I'm dreadful at making covers and using a fan made cover can not hurt a soul.

Now that I've been nice I think I'm gonna let you get onto the next chapter, don't forget if your enjoying my story to vote on each chapter!

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