⍣why all the pigs?⍣

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That's all I can hear, this loud chiming, like a bell radiates brought my ears, I see dull shapes in the shadowy dark that surrounds me, I clutch my head in an effort to stop the harsh ringing that echos throughout my ears, I stretch my legs and my foot connect with something warm, I scramble backwards slamming into a metal wall, I groan in pain, jumping back slightly at the sound.

I crawl forwards back towards the warmth that I oh so kindly kicked, I put a hand on there arm, "hello?" I jump slightly at the sound of my own voice, how do I not know what I sound like, "are you alive?" I mumble as I shake the warm figure slightly.

"They've been out a while, you've only just woke up" a voice from a far corner whispers hoarsely, I grip onto the arm of the person who's still passed out, "who are you?" I question warily at the distant voice, I hear them shuffle closer "Nick, who are you?" I rack my brain for an answer but it feels like the only thing that I know about myself, "lola" I whisper, it's foreign to me, the word, I feel like it's not my name but I don't have any idea as what else it could be.

I can feel Nicks hands brush over mine as he reaches for the person on the floor, "Nick?" I question lightly, he hums in response, "do you remember anything?" I hear him sigh and I cough on the stale air that is filling my lungs, "no" he says he sounds disappointed.

We sit next to the person on the floor listening for any movement that might happen when suddenly the box jolts, it was as if we were traveling somewhere but we've been stopped, "Nick" I mumble through the dark reaching over to him, "I'm here" he says in response, i grip onto his hand tightly and he gives me a reassuring squeeze, I smile through the dark, it's nice to know someone's here.

I stand up and bash my head slightly on the ceiling which lifts up to reveal a bright light, I drop to the floor in shock, the light blinded me temporarily.

"Nick, help me push it up" I can hear him jump up and his fingers graze the ceiling, I push myself off the floor and put my hands to the ceiling, Nick counts down and we push up on 3, I squint my eyes through the bright light that causes pain to ricochet through my head, I feel the cool metal lose contact with my fingers and clatter onto the floor. I blink through the irritatingly luminous light.

Slowly the light clears and I'm able to see all I can see is a slight bit of grey towering over all four edges, we push open the other door and look at each other, Nicks tall, brown hair, heavy bags under his eyes, fair skin, the boy that still lays passed out on the floor has darker skin, a shaved head and seems fairly short.

"How do you propose we get out?" I question looking at nick and back up at the sky that hovers above, it has a plastic effect to it, seeming shiny, unrealistic, I stare up at the mellow blue questioningly.

"Stack those boxes so we can climb up and out of them, I nod in agreement with his plans and gently drag the boy in the middle out of the way, it was more difficult than I thought it would be, Nick starts shifting the blocks over and stacking them like steps, I attempt to push a box forwards but fail at the heavy weight of the boxes, Nick starts moving to help me when the floor suddenly starts rising again.

Me and Nick stumble about as the floor lurches upwards in contrast to the walls of the box which stay in the same place. Suddenly the floor is level to that of the larger space that was above, I look at Nick in disbelief who does the same in response.

We both get back into action and I push some lighter boxes onto the grassy floor taking it off the metal as nick pulls the other boy onto the grass before pushing some heavier boxes off.once we finish the boxes floor recedes back down and the lids seem to slide back over the box and it slowly starts to creep back down the hole that we must have came up.

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