⍣simple as that⍣

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We all sit on the floor, eating our carrots and broccoli out of a bowl, much to Nick and Albys disappointment, they wanted meat but we have to wait until the animals grow till they can eat them.

We're all sat in what looks like a massive sand box. I look around at the trees that surround us, "I say we have a fire" I declare standing on my feet dusting the sand off my bum and legs, "Cmon, help me find the wood, well have a fire" we all put out bowls down, Nick complaining about sand being in his pants.

I collect a pile of dry grass and twigs and place it in the middle of the sand pit, Alby and Nick do the same, they stand around it and watch it as if expecting it to erupt in flames by there gaze, I roll my eyes and sigh, getting down on my hands and knees I grab a twig with a hole in it and stick another twig through it.

I rub my hands up and down the stick I'm holding as fast as I can in an attempt to cause friction, I do it for quite a while before Nick, budges me out of the way and does the same but faster, a slight bit of smoke starts to stream out from the friction.

Soon we have a full blown fire and We all sit back down to finish our food, "where'd you learn how to do that princess" Alby asks me, his mouth full of chewed up food, I cringe slightly "close your mouth, and I'm not sure, I just knew" I respond staring back into my bowl of carrots.

The fire starts to dim and we kick some sand over the ashes, to help put it out, we walk back to the homestead, as we call it anyway, Nick and Albys arms slung over my shoulder, mine wrapped round their waists.

I wake up the next morning to Alby screaming, I practically run across the hall to see what the commotions about, to see Nick rolling around on the floor, Alby sat bolt upright in bed, soaking wet.

The puddle that drips down from Albys bed trails towards me and the cold water hits my toes I scrunch them up and step out of the way of the stream of water, Alby glares down at Nick.

Next minute Nicks head is getting smacked by a pillow, I roll my eyes as nick grabs the other pillow and smacks Alby back, I smile and roll my eyes before stepping further in the room to grab Albys bed sheets so I can hang them up to dry.

I'm just about to step out the room when I'm getting wacked by two pillows, both soaking wet, I scream out of shock as the cold water that oozes out of them trickles down my nightdress, I stand frozen in shock.

"You two are so dead" I say dropping the sheeets and picking the last pillow out of the pile.


"No but wait a minute, why did you have three pillows?" Nick questions as we all are hanging up our night clothes and Albys sheets, I look over to Alby also intrigued, "I don't know, it was comfier" he mumbles cheeks having a pink shade to them, I smile lightly and Nick flings his head back laughing.

"That's so lame man" he breathes out through his stream of laughter, Alby pushes him over and laughs as Nick crumpled to the ground "that's what you get slinthead" he grins at Nick down on the floor before offering him a hand up.

He takes it and they both jump up, I roll my eyes and walk away as they jokingly bicker between themselves.

I approach the wide gap in the walls trailing my hand over the rough stone that surrounds it, I look down the ivy covered gap as a gust of wind blows dust about the large stone corridor, I take a step in and walk further down the corridor.

"Hey, Lola loony tunes where you going" I spin back round to see Nick and Alby at the entrance of the stone corridor, "I want to have a look" I respond simply as I trail my hands through one of the sheets of ivy that covers the wall, "wherever you go, we go" Alby says and runs down the corridor to me, Nick hot on his trail.

We wander aimlessly through the constant flow of corridors, I constantly write on my hand which way we turned so that I can keep track of how to get back, "what even is this place" Nick whispers under his breath, Albys shrugs and I just look at where we are heading towards " wait guys I think we should go back, remember the walls closed last night, I don't want to be trapped here" I say stopping where I am, "just a little bit further" Nick says looking round the next corner, "no Nick, I agree with Lola on this one, let's go back" Alby presses turning back to the direction we came.

"Wait how do we go back?, I don't remember which turns we took" I hold up my hand to Alby and he takes a deep breath, "Nick?" I say looking back, he looks back down the next door before loudly sighing and turning back and walking to us shaking his head slightly.

I lead the way back to the glade and that's when we hear the grinding of gears, "the doors, that's the doors" I say loudly in a panic, me,Alby and Nick all look at each other, wide eyed in panic, we sprint it to the doors, Alby slides through the tight gap just before it closes.

We all sigh loudly and I sit on the floor and hug my knees, "hey, hey Lo, we're out, we're okay" Nick says in an effort to reassure me, Alby comes and gives me a hug that when I realise I'm shaking, physically trembling "hey your fine, your safe" Alby whispers as the tears stream down my face.

Once we've all calmed down we go sit back in the sandbox, I lean my head against a tree as nick paces in front of me, Albys sat cross legged next to me, elbows resting on his knees, "rule one, we don't go out there" Nick declares loudly, I stand up abruptly, "no" he stares at me in shock, "what do you mean, no, you saw how you acted we can't go back out there" he sneers at me, "no, I acted that way because we almost died, we need to know what's out there we just need to get the timing right" he scoffs at me "your joking me" I stare at him dead in the eyes "no I'm not joking, we need to know what's out there" he laughs harshly "you can't-" Alby cuts him off "no she's right we need to know what's out there" he says now standing up.

Nick grabs onto his head, his shirt riding up, "well I'll do it then" he says frustrated, "no, I will" I say loudly, "your joking" nick grabs onto my shoulders "you saw how you were you can't go back out there" I push his hands off, "and neither can you, you and Alby didn't keep track of where you were going, you would get lost, I'm the only reasonable option" he laughs and burys his head in his hands.

"For this next week I will time what time those doors open to when they close, and get a time frame" I say reassuringly taking his hands off of his face "when I get out there I will stick to those time limits and I will mark where I go, we have to know what's out there" I say calmly, I can see the panic in his eyes, he's worried.

"I can't just let you die" he whispers back, his voice on the edge of cracking, "then I won't die, as simple as that" he pulls me into a tight hug, and then we both open our arms to let Alby in, we grip onto each other tightly as if our lives depend on it.

In a way they do.

Short chapter, I know I'm sorry, it's just that seemed like a perfect ending okay, anyway, I've just realized that I can't remember wether Nick was in the films or not but basically in the books he's was the leader before Newt so he was quite important but I can't remember wether they mentioned him in the films.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and hope your having a good quarantine don't forget to stay inside unless it is necessary that you go out, bye guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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