~ Chapter 10 ~

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"Shouldn't you be getting back to your homes now?" Hiccup asked worriedly.

Nah, their parents don't care, Fang replied carelessly with an ear flick. They're used to us being gone for ages.

The moonlight turned everything silver, and the lake glittered with the many reflections of the stars above. Hiccup could almost imagine that if he were to step into the lake, he would enter the sky with Thor himself.

"Who's them, by the way?" Hiccup asked, a little moodily. They still hadn't found Toothless, and had decided to rest by the lake once again.

Our owners, the stallion, whose name was Maximus or Max, replied. He was grazing on the moonlit grass, his tail swishing occasionally as he waved away the mosquitoes that plagued the lakeside.

Or our sisters, Fang interrupted.

I'm going to go with sisters, the snowy owl put in. Her name was Mystical, Hiccup had found out, and she was perched on Hiccup's shoulder, preening her wings.

Hiccup picked up a flat rock and skimmed it across the the still water, sending ripples through the star-covered surface. The rock bounced for a few metres before sinking with a resounding plop.

What about brothers? The leopard kitten, Sprinkles, bristled. Zero is just as good as any sister.

Oh, yeah, I'm sure he is, Fang spat at her. Hiccup noticed that Fang and Sprinkles didn't exactly get along most of the time. What does he do, teach you to claw innocent puppies?

Sprinkles leapt to her paws, pelt standing on end. She hissed furiously.

Say that again! She dared him.

Guys, Max droned half-heartedly. Cut it-

FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! Nellie the spider chanted.

No, don't fight! Little-Wolf, who's name turned out to be Sophie, whimpered. I don't like it when you two fight! You don't play!

Do you really think we'll listen to you? Sprinkles hissed. You play fight all the time!

Hiccup sighed and stood up. Mystical flapped her wings to regain her balance and nipped his ear sympathetically.

"I'm going to find my dragon," he said sternly. "If you guys want to stay here, that's fine with me, but I'm not going anywhere without him."

Fang bounced to his paws eagerly. Ooh, ooh, can I come with you? he begged. Pleeeaaaase?

"Sorry Fang, but maybe he hasn't come to me because you guys are here," Hiccup lied. "Let me see if I can find him on my own. If I don't find him within let's say... one hour, then I'll come back, okay?"

Alright. Max flicked his ears. But be careful.

Hiccup laughed. "You don't need to tell me twice," he said.

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