chapter three

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Katie's POV

So okay, we have moved in again, as a crew, but were married now, I am so excited for what the future holds. Were going to have so much fun living together, just going furniture shopping as a crew again has made me realise how much I missed these girls. They are part of my life and I never want to move out. We are going to live together until we all die, and even when we are ghosts we will be best friends forever.

I am currently led in bed next to Harry Styles, my husband (can't stop saying that 'my' husband) I am Mrs Styles. Woo. I am just thinking about things, thinking about how different my life is from how it was when I was younger, remembering the memories from when we got stuck on a desert island, when Emma was almost pregnant, when Helena was almost pregnant, the plane crash, and through it all Harry has always been there, and now were married, its amazing how I feel I have known him all my life, so much drama happened all at once it made me feel that way towards him, each day went by, new challenges facing us and we became closer and closer, we had our rows for sure. But we never gave up on each other, as a teenager he was my dream man, and now he's actually mine. Its strange to think about. I thought I had no chance of even meeting One Direction, but look at me now. Living the dream.

Gosh how deep am I?

'I'm just getting a drink from downstairs' Harry said in his deep, sexy voice as he pushed his curls out of his face.

'Okay babe, but are you not gonna put some underwear on?' I reminded him laughing.

'Nah, nobody's down there I don't think' he replied leaving the room.

The next thing I heard was his footsteps going down three flights of stares. I then heard some very high-pitched screaming and Harry shouting 'woaaaaaah' and a bang on the floor, he must of jumped behind something. I new somebody was down there, and I am pretty sure it was Elizabeth and Lauren. Oh no. I ran downstairs, I wanted to know what happened, as I got to the living room I saw Lauren and Elizabeth on the sofa, pingu on the TV and naked Harry Styles behind Elizabth's unicorn.

'Harry why are you naked' Lauren shouted covering her eyes.

'I didn't know you two were down here' he shouted back, looking at me as if to say 'what-do-i-do?' I just shrugged at him and went and sat with the girls.

'Are you two okay?' I asked them.

'No' Elizabeth replied 'I am mentally scared for life' she continued. They are the most naïve out of the whole group, they only wanted to watch Pingu, they probably got a huge fright thinking someone was in the house when everyone should be in bed. Probably thinking we had been robbed or something. But no. Harry has to walk down the stairs with his dick hanging out, poor children.

'I'm gonna go back up to bed now, see you up there ginge' Harry said running up the stairs before shouting down another apology to Elizabeth and Lauren.

'I'm gonna go back up to bed now, you guys should come up too or you will be tired tomorrow' I advised them.

'Okay. We will be up in five minutes, I'm just gonna finish watching Pingu' lauren said, elizabeth nodding, agreeing.

'Night' I said following Styles up the stairs.


The next morning I woke up to a tickle under my nose,

'w-whats going on' I yawned.

'Just drawing a moustache on your face' elizabeth smiled poking me above the mouth with eyeliner.

'Hm whatever' I said closing my eyes again. I really didn't care, I have always wanted a moustache, that is if I was a man...on a woman it just wouldn't be right...nope.

'PRANK WARS' I heard Emma scream, that woke me up.

'MEETING IN MY ROOM' she also shouted, Elizabeth jumped off my bed, and told me she would finish the moustache later, she grabbed my hand and dragged me into Emma's room.

'I think we should have prank wars...where we team up and pull pranks on each other for a full day' she suggested. Everyone seemed excited about this idea so she continued explaining 'right let's go then, game starts now, prank away' we all went all ninja mode from then on. And I have to say it was one of the funniest things I have ever been involved in.

The first prank was that Zayn dressed fully in black and jumped out of the bushes stealing Elizabeth, she was screaming her head off, thought she had been kid-napped. Zayn threw her in a dark van and drove round the block, when he opened the back doors, he had taken his mask off, she had been screaming in fear for ages and when she realised it was Zayn, she slapped him hard across the face and ran away without saying anything but 'you tight bastard' as she ran away.

Louis pranked me by telling me to look up, so I looked up and the next thing I knew, he threw an apple full pelt at my face. Why do I fall for the most simple of things.

Emma left a banana peel in the middle of the floor and Helena slipped on it and went flying into the wall.

Helena pushed Jess down the stairs.

Niall told everyone he had got his hand trapped in the cupboard so we all went running to him, only for him to take his hand out of the cupboard and squirt Liam in the eye with a water pistol.

Lydia went all ninja and covered Elizabeth's unicorn fully in toilet paper, this made her cry.

Emma ran up to Lauren and told her that Ralf had escaped and that she needed to run after her, but as soon as Lauren got out of the house, Emma locked all of the doors. Lauren returned to see Emma holding Ralf up waving at her through the window.

Elizabeth climbed up onto the top of a cupboard and when Harry walked in she jumped on his head knocking him to the floor.

Ed put a bald cap on me when I was taking a nap and I thought he had shaved my beautiful head of ginger hair. But I soon realised it was a bald cap.

Louis grabbed elizabeth from behind and threw her into a large net that he attached to the ceiling, so the was stick mid air basically for about three hours, singing to herself.

And it was hilarious because everyone was so paranoid all day that they were going to get pranked, so we all just avoided each other. Well tried to avoid each other.

It was 6pm and prank day had just finished, me and Harry were sat on the end of our bed when we saw water coming from the bathroom, lots of water flowing out onto the corridor, we both jumped up.

'FLOOD' I shouted, everyone else joined me outside the bathroom.

'Whose in there?' Harry shouted banging on the door.

'Elizabeth and I can't get out, help! The door lock is stiff. And I may of accidentally run the sink for too long. Sorry!' She shouted.

'We can see you ran the sink for too long you dip-shit!' Zayn shouted.

'How am I gonna get out?' She asked ignoring Zayn's mean but true comment.

'Your gonna have to jump out of the bathroom window' emma said, ' we will put the trampoline under it don't worry, just go to the window and wait till we tell you to jump okay?'

'Okay' she said nervously

We all ran down the stairs and out the door into the back garden, we had a tranpoline set underneith the bathroom window and we all stood around it, because we were pretty sure she would land on the trampoling then bounce in another direction, so we were all ready to catch her.

'LIZ, JUMP' Harry shouted.

'Okay I'm coming' she sang as she threw herself out of the window landing right in the centre of the trampoline before flying towards me, everyone ran to try and catch her but she ended up landing right on top of me and knocking me to the ground with her. Everyone else then decided to do a pile on, on top of us. I hate pile on's. Especially when I'm at the bottom. Because I always seem to stop breathing. Meh.

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