chapter eight

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Ailish's POV

where am I?

I can't see anything.

All. I can see is black.

But I can here some voices.

'Ailish, wake up, wake up beautiful'

Who is that?

The voice sounds familiar, very familiar.

I wanna find out so I'm going to try and wake up, okay, 3. 2. 1. WAKE UP...


Why can't I wake up?!?!?!

Meh, talking to myself could get pretty boring so I'm going to try and wake up, again.

3. 2. 1.



3. 2. 1.



3. 2. 1.

Oohh, ohhh,

Nope nothing.

'Ailish hun, you need to wake up'



This really isn't fair, I love sleeping but when I wanna wake up, I usually can wake up, but I don't know how to control my eyes, they just don't want to open, meh.

Oh my god its working.

Everything blury but I think I'm waking up.

I can see some people, i can clearly see lydia and liam sat at either side of the bed I'm led in, also in the room are some unfamiliar faces dressed in white, I can see now.

'Ailish, your awake!' Lydia cheered. Liam grinned

'Glad your okay' liam said.

'w-where am I?' I slurred, my voice a bit wobbly

'Um your in hospital, you got hit by a bus when you were looking for emma' lydia exclaimed.

'Oh yeah' I remembered

'Anyway you have broken your leg' liam told me.

That's horrible news, I don't wanna walk on crutches for ages. Its not fair.

'Okay' I sighed 'where is elizabeth?' I asked them

'She's um, she's, she's being treated, she had a lot more damage done to her and she is being specially treated' liam said quickly.

'Oh my god I need to see her' I said trying to roll out of bed but I eventually realised I had broken my leg and rolled back round. Sigh.

'Why am I even here? I can't remember?' I asked feeling confused.

'Ailish we just told you, you got hit by a bus' lydia exclaimed,

'I got hit by a bus, jesus christ! Where's elizabeth?'

'Ailish we just told you that too, elizabeth is in urgent care because her injuries are serious' liam said getting slightly annoyed at my lack of brain cells. Just as he finished speaking, a tall handsome doctor walked in carrying a piece of paper

'Ailish woodfield?' He asked

'That's me' I said

'I have your results, um, you have got slight brain damage, meaning memory loss, and you had a concussion, but the lump is going down, you should be ok to leave tomorrow, but are you two her friends?' He asked lydia and liam

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