chapter five

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Ailish's POV

I can't believe that just happened

I don't know weather to be happy that he's gone because he just tried it on with my best friend then slapped her. or sad because I loved him...

I loved him a lot.

But he slapped my best friend and tried it on with her.

I guess I'm just in shock right now.

'KATIE' elizabeth screamed running towards her hugging her 'are you okay?' I asked joining them.

'I'm fine but my face is throbbing' she sobbed removing her hands from her face, she had a huge red hand print glowing on her cheek.

'You look beautiful as per' emma complimented her.

'But your freckles! They have disappeared in your red face' elizabeth whined.

Katie smiled but screamed when she looked in the mirror.

'Its bloody christmas eve and I have a huge hand print on my face. Gonna look hot on the pictures aren't I?' She spoke with sarcasm.

'YAY CHRISTMAS TOMORROW' elizabeth screamed.

'Gonna have to put her to bed early tonight' louis spoke loudly enough so elizabeth could hear.

'Ooh, I will go to bed now, so santa can come sooner' she beamed running up the stairs.

'But elizabeth, hun, its only 5:30' ed warned her, she shrugged then continued up the stairs.

'Katie I'm so sorry about...him.' I apologised trying to hide the tear that was rolling down my face from my injured best friend, scowling at her reflection in the mirror.

'Its ok' she grumbled, her facial expression hinting that it wasn't okay.

'Well guys, I think we should all get some snooze too?' Helena suggested.

'Yay and when we wake up, santa will have been here!' Lauren cheered running up the stairs, we all agreed and followed.

*the next morning*

*5:30 AM*

'GET UP EVERYONE' a squeaky voice screamed, elizabeth.

Come on ailish

get out of bed

its the only day of the year you have to.

Just do it.

Go on.

'Ugggh' I stood up, wobbling slightly as I was a bit dizzy from not standing for ten hours.

'Merry Christmas' I said yawning, as I joined elizabeth on the corridor, who was just about to pull katie out of bed.

Elizabeth's POV

'KATIE, WAKE UP' I shouted, dragging her and Haz out of bed.

'Ok,ok' she groaned, letting me drag her out onto the corridor, Harry followed a minute later.

'Wait here, I will get everyone else' I told them before running back into my own bedroom.

'Ed, its Christmas, get up!' I said, tugging on his arm.

'Okay, I will be up in a minute' he said more happy than I expected.

'Emma and louis get up!' I screamed running into their room, only to see Louis asleep on top of emma.

'Well well well, what's been going on in here' I said jumping on the bed with the lovers. 'COME ON ITS CHRISTMAS' I screamed, ed poked his head through the door.

'Everyone is up except you two' he shouted at emma and louis.

They got up but were grumpy so I decided to ignore them for a while...

We walked out onto the corridor and everyone was stood there, 'let's go downstairs!' I shouted. Pushing to the front of everyone, I ran downstairs and grabbed hold of my presents I bought for my friends, they did the same thing.

Emma got me a dinosaur teddy.

Katie got me some pink hi-tops.

Helena got me a diamond phone case

Lydia got me a princess charm bracelet.

Lauren got me a sponge bob t-shirt.

Ed got me a teddy bear the same size as me that was holding a love heart that said 'I love you' on it.

And the rest of the boys joint together and got me another remote control unicorn, because I accidentally fell on my old one... and it broke.

I am so happy.

Ailish's POV

Christmas day was amazing, we got up really early and opened all of our presents, then we got dressed up and went for a meal out at this fancy restaurant. Katie fell over in her heels so we all fell after her to dave her from the embarrassment, we got some photos for the press but then things got bad...

The paparazzi asked us if they could get some photos so we let them but after a few minutes of smiling and posing we were tired so we started walking away, but the press jumped back in front of us. Harry shoved them away in a nice way but they all surrounded emma and nobody could help her out.

'Guys, help me' emma yelped covering the camera lenses.

'Get away from me!' She shouted pushing big men with big cameras out of the way.

'Its time' elizabeth announced.

The boys looked at her funny but us girls knew exactly what was about to happen

It was ninja time.

She ran full pelt towards the tall men and jumped on one of their backs, grabbing the camera and throwing it at another man who fell to the floor, she then hit the man on the head with her heavy hairbrush she carried around with her and he went crashing to the floor, she then stood in the middle of three more men, she kicked high up in the air, kicking one of them in the face, she bust his nose and the other two men ran away in fear.

All I could now see was a few men out-cold on the floor and elizabeth stood in the middle with an evil smirk on her face.

'Run!' Louis shouted pointing at the police officers running at elizabeth.

'I CAN'T RUN' she screamed, ed turned around and threw her over his shoulder, we all ran away as fast as we could and hopped back into the minibus.

We set off driving but there was an empty seat, I counted everyone and someone was missing...

'Guys, where's lauren?' I asked.

They all turned in shock.

She wasn't here...

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