the final chapter

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Lydia's POV


'ITS THE HOSPITAL' I shouted staring at my phone.

'Answer it you homosexual' Ailish screamed.

'Gee thanks' I said accepting the call and putting the phone to my ear.


...-hi is this a friend of Louis'

Lydia-yes it is,

...-can you come back down to the hospital please.

Lydia-yeah, we will be there in ten minutes.

...-thankyou, goodbye.


'GUYS BACK TO DA HOSPITAL' I said running out the front door, the rest followed, Liz Gaz and Ailish rolled out. Haha.

We got to the hospital and ran into the reception taking a seat, we heard someone familiar.

'Hey guys'

We all span our heads to see Louis, alive!

'LOUIS' we all screamed running up to him and pouncing on him, he was back, life was perfect and I was happy. 'Hey guys' another voice? We turned the other way to see a blonde hobo looking girl walking straight towards us, omg that's emma! Probably shouldn't have said that!

'Emma we have been worried sick' helena commented

'Louis, I'm so sorry I didn't come to see you and I'm sorry, I knew you had been hit by a bus but I didn't want to come because I was so mad'

'He's your husband emma' elizabeth interrupted

'No shit sherlock' she said rolling her eyes

'But I will never run away again, believe me, I don't ever wanna be homeless again'

'You won't be' katie said 'imma protect you guys forever'

We all leaped into a huge group hug, emma and louis then had a bit of a kissing session so we decided to wait in the car park...

and they all lived happily ever after.


I know, shit ending, but I am starting a new one soon so, hopefully you will read that too! Thankyou to my bestfriends for inspiring me to write about them, but who wouldn't, they are the most amazing people alive you know! I love you all.

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