chapter six

16 2 1

Harry's POV

Christmas day was amazing.

Now its boxing day.

But oh my god.

I feel like I have forgot something...

Or someone...

'SHIT' I shouted, thought flooding back into my head, my shout made katie jump and she rolled off the end of the bed

'Ouchhh' she said,I poked my head over the edge of the bed to see my beautifully ginger wife, in a heap on the floor, upside down.

'Don't fall it gets you down' I said bluntly

'Shut it Harry' she commented


We were suppose to be going to the theme park.

But we cant

Before I knew it everyone was crowding around me, e v e r y o n e.

'Emma why have you brought your harry potter book' I smirked.

'NERD' helena yelled.

'Shut up' emma replied

'Don't start on me bitch' helena shouted now

'Shut the fuck up you poisonned dwarf' emma screamed, this was serious, I just realised.


Emma full on slapped Helena across the face and she went flying into Katies wardrobe, Katie then stood up, picked helena up and started shouting at her for pulling down her dress from the hanger.

'Why did you scream Styles?' Lauren asked me, taking the nickname katie calls me, from her, she gave Lauren the most shit eyed stare ever.

Nobody seemed to be getting along...

When all of a sudden...

'What the fuck' I said spinning my head back round to look at Lauren 'what? You weren't in the car with us yesterday, where did you go?' I asked suspiciously.

'Um errrr' she stuttered, niall looked hurt, even though she hasn't said anything yet.

'We thought you had been kidnapped' elizabeth shouted at lauren

'Shut up dipshit' helena commented to elizabeth, elizabeth's face dropped, helena was in a really bad mood today, but she was keeping her distance from emma, who had printed a red hand mark on her cheek.

'Right guys, everyone calm down' lydia and liam reassured us all, 'we can still go to the theme park, so let's go'

I'm in the car.

Eds driving

Elizabeth has the map.

Dear God.

I'm eating chicken from KFC.

Katie shouted chicken in my face when I got it.

That's my wife for you. She's so normal...

'ED TURN LEFT!' Elizabeth shouted.

'Okay' ed shouted, turning left...

A few turns later helena started questioning elizabeth's map reading skills.

'Elizabeth...we should be there by now, where are we?'

'Um, err, we are on a road...somewhere' she smiled.

'Oh god trust you to get us lost!' She shouted

'Shut up' elizabeth whined.

'So where did we go wrong?' Katie said

'ELIZABETH' emma shouted

'What...' She asked





'sorry' elizabeth apologised.

'I wanna be at the theme park nowww thougggh' niall moned

'Shhh Niall, your making liz feel bad' lauren said tapping me on the head in comfort.

'I'm sorry to trouble everyone once again' elizabeth started 'but I need to pee' she admitted preparing to run from the yells and shouts.

'OH MY GOD' I complained, ed pulled to the side of the road and elizabeth disappeared into the bushes...

After about two hours of driving, turning around, driving the other way, getting even more lost, we finally got to the theme park.

'Thank the lord we are here' emma shouted with enthusiasm.

We made our way through the entrance and finally we were here, we queued for loads of big rides and had an amazing time, we went on the log flume and got drenched, we went on the ghost train and I had to try and protect katie but I was bloody shitting it!

About four hours later...

We got home easily because jess took elizabeth's place as the map reader.

'Why can't you give me a second chance as being your map reader?' Elizabeth sighed.

'Because I just wanna get home quick without the chance of getting lost' jess answered.

'Pft fine' elizabeth said grimly.

We got home within an hour or driving and as soon as we did we all flopped onto the sofa. We were so tired. I went and sat with Katie

'Get off me styles, I'm tired' she moaned as I poked her in the face trying to get her attention.

'Chill dyerrr ' I said hoping it sounded like I had swag...

It didn't.

...'I was only gonna tell you I love you' I said, trying to make her feel bad.

She smiled in a sarcastic way but I knew she was only joking...

' I WILL LOVE YOU HAZ' gareth shouted running full pelt towards me and diving on top on me wrapping his legs around me waste.

'Get off me gaz'

'Okay, sorry haz'

He walked away awkwardly.

I heard a shout from the other room


We all ran in to see Helena shouting at Zayn who was stood closely to emma.

'What's going on?' Ailish asked shocked at the mood swings today...

'Zayn just kissed emma' helena confessed, tears rolling down her cheeks, face red and makeup all under her eyes.

We all turned to zayn and emma, then to helena, then to louis whose face dropped

'How could you em?' He squeaked holding back the tears 'were married, I can't believe this' he said, not afraid now, he burst into tears in front of everyone, now louis is my best friend, more like a brother, my boobear, I ran up to his and squeezed him tight.

'Louis I swear zayn kissed me, he pulled me into it TELL THE TRUTH ZAYN' emma said sternly facing zayn.

'No, your the one that kissed me!!!!!!' He denied.

Emmas mouth opened wide, her eyebrows moved about 3cm further up her head, her eyes widened and she looked as though she was about to eat someone. We all watched her closely.

'FUCK THIS IM OUT' she screamed running out of the front door in anger...

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