chapter nine

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Elizabeth's POV

'Louis better be okay, what if he isn't though, oh ma god.' Katie scared herself pacing around my hospital room, she looked all shaky and stuff, but I don't blame her, Louis is in extreme care and all we want to do is run into room seven and sprinkle some fairy dust over him to make everything better. Just as my moment of fantasising was over, a lady from reception entered mine and Gareth's room, pushing a patient on her bed.

'Hey' the patient said.

'AILISH' I shouted, realising it wasn't a random person and that it was ailish.

'How are you?' Gareth asked her as the nurse pushed her bed next to ours

'I'm okay, I have just woke up, but I remember not being able to open my eyes, I could hear lydia and liam' she explained

'Yeah the same happened to me, I could here Elizabeth's voice' Gareth said.

'I have been awake for ages' I complained

'I'm hungry' ailish complained

'I'm thirsty' gareth complained

After our complaining rant was over we all got what we wanted, well I didn't want anything but I had a little snooze.

Quite a while later a nurse entered the room, as soon as the doors closed behind her, Lydia and Liam followed her in.

'AW GUYS' lydia said in awe.

'You all okay?' Liam asked

We all nodded.

The nurse exclaimed to us that we were free to leave the hospital but we had to have wheelchairs, we agreed and let lydia ed liam katie and harry pick us out a wheelchair...

'I don't wanna be in a wheelchair' I moaned 'this isn't fair, and emma never even showed up to see us in hospital, why is she avoiding us? Were suppose to be her best friends'

'She might not know were in hospital?' Ailish suggested

'I know what you mean, it might not of been her on the park in the first place, but if it was her we have all got hit by a bus, we don't know what is wrong with Louis but he is a lot worse, and she hasn't even shown up, it was zayn she was mad at, so why take it out on us' gareth complained.

'It sounds mean but if zayn wouldn't of kissed her, we wouldn't be in hospital' ailish said, we all nodded knowing this was true, but we was no way blaming everything on Zayn, we should of been looking when we crossed the road.

Katie Harry Lydia Liam and Ed walked back in with our new wheel chairs, mine was orange, gareth's pink and ailish's blue, we all smiled at the chair of death we were gonna be sat in for months, but we could finally get out of hospital!

I looked up at Katie to thank her but I stopped when I saw the mascara running down her face, she had been crying, and I will find out why,

''Katie why have you been crying?' I asked?

'Um, err' she stuttered, looking at Lydia for help,

'She just doesn't like seeing you in this state' lydia covered, but I didn't believe her

'Tell me the truth' I gave them both a glare that probably made then feel pretty uncomfortable.

'LOUIS MIGHT NOT MAKE IT' harry shouted, bursting into tears.

'What!?!?!' I said. Not being able to believe this, struggling to spit the word out, my eyes filled with tears then exploded, I couldn't believe this, I had such a good friendship with Louis, and now he might die, and I could feel guilty forever thinking I could of saved him. Ed knew what was going through my head, 'be positive and happy Liz, I'm sure he will get through it, he will be fine, we just gotta be patient and not worry' he always knew the right thing to say.

'Harry why did you blurt it out, we don't want to trouble them, they're ill!' Katie yelled

'I'm sorry but its not fair if they don't know!'


a few doctors helped us into our wheelchairs and showed us how to use them, they were electric so we didn't have to push ourselves around forever, we wheeled out into the waiting room to find lauren and niall, sat waiting for us

When lauren saw us she screamed, but then she smiled, happy we were okay. 'Do we wait for Louis?' Ailish asked

'Yeah I think we should' I suggested, 'but he could be days' Ed warned us, 'well we can wait for a few hours at least, you know just in case' lydia suggested, we all nodded, agreeing.

We must of been sat there for about eight hours, and I was bored to death, we had ran out of things to talk about and were all just sat in silence, in an empty hospital, bored.

'Louis is currently having huge operations done, I would advise you to go home, and come back tomorrow night, Louis will have compleated his operation by then and will either have a positive or negative result.' A nurse said.

'Okay thankyou' I said, we went home.

It is pretty hard to do things in a wheelchair, you have to depend on other people all the time and you can't do much on your own.

Luckily I have amazing bestfriends I can trust.

But katie nearly tipped me out of my wheelchair when we were getting into the car, but I am also a forgiving person so that's ok.

'Shall we drive round and look for emma?' Harry asked

'No we need to go home to make sure helena hasn't murdered zayn...'

'Oh yeah good plan' harry looked excited for some strange reason, we arrived at home in the space of ten minutes but as we got to our front door, we paused.

'You ready' ed said, with this hand on the door handle.

'Yes' we all said in unison

He opened the door and I could see nothing, everything was still and it seemed quiet...too quiet...

:HELENA, ZAYN...ARE YOU DEAD?' I screamed at the top of my lungs, no response. Oh dear, we all split up and crept round the house like ninjas, I ran upstairs and kicked the bedroom door open and slowly peaked my head around the corner, I got to Zayns door...BAM I kicked it open to reveal Zayn and Helena 'making out' on Zayns bed

'EW' I yelled, they tore apart, I may have given them a heart attack,


I got some disgusted responson expect from harry who yelled 'get in there lad' Helena and Zayn just looked at me in fear and confusion...

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