chapter four

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Elizabeth's POV

Can't believe I got stuck in the bathroom.

Lydia's POV

It was pretty funny when Elizabeth got stuck in the bathroom

Jess' POV

I almost peed when I found out Elizabeth was stuck in the bathroom.

*knock knock*

'I will get it' I screamed leaping towards the front door, like a fairy, but I fell abit, so more like a fairy on drugs. Meh. I opened the door to see my good best friends Ailish and Gareth.

'Oh em gee guys what are you doing here?' I asked gesturing for them to enter, they sat on the couch and then started explaining.

'Well the thing is' gareth started

'Were moving in with you guys' Ailish said, I noticed they had both already packed up and had their suitcases beside them.

'Um let me ask the guys' I said, I shouted the crew down and they came running when they heard that Ailish and Gareth were here,

'So you two can have two of the six spare bedrooms' emma grinned

'Yeah' helena agreed

'It will be well fun' elizabeth implied.

Gareth was full on staring at Louis once again, but Louis had his arm around Emma's waste, but even that didn't stop him.

'Yes they can move in' harry spoke clear

'Woooooo' we all cheered hugging our best friends.


'Oh em gee yes! I'm so excited' lauren said

'Um eliz...I hate to burst your bubble...but Santa isn't real' liam spoke bluntly.

All the girls gasped in shock and turned to face Elizabeth.

Her face was reddening with anger, her eyes narrowed, she started breathing out loud, she screamed at the top of her voice, running at Liam and pushing him to the ground she then sat on top of him and shouted in his face 'SANTA IS REAL YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT SO SHUT THE HELL UP' she got up and stormed away. I ran after her, so did Katie.

'Elizabeth' I said calmly, slowly pushing open her door to see she had face planted onto her bed and was kicking her legs about in a furious way.

'Bro, are you okay?' Katie asked sitting on the end of her bed.

'No, I hate liam I hate liam I hate liam.' She repeated.

Just as she finished her little rant about how much she hated liam. Liam walked in. 'Elizabeth I'm so sorry' he apologised 'I honestly didn't mean to offend or hurt you in any way'

'Well its okay but you will be sorry when there's no presents under the Christmas tree for you'

'Um guys, I have some news' ailish said opening the door 'its important'

Elizabeth and katie sat up,I turned, all looking at ailish in confusion.

'I have a boyfriend, and he's coming to live with us' she blurted.

'Really? Yay' katie said

'Aw my little ailish has found love' elizabeth said clearly happy now.

*knock knock*

'He's here' ailish shouted running downstairs to the door, followed by everyone, when she opened the door I saw him. Wow. He was hot. He was really hot. He was tall, about a year older than us maybe. Dark brown hair and eyes. Tanned, and he's a lifeguard. Oh. My. God. No wait, I have Robert Pattinson, what am I talking about. I love rob. End of.

'I have to go to the shop, who wants to come?' Ailish announced.

'Me' elizabeth said

'Me' emma said

'Me' lydia said

'Me' lauren said

'Me helena said

'Me' I said

The boys went out for nandos, to get to know gareth better, so it looks like its just ailish's boyfriend 'callum' and katie in the house alone for a while.. She could show him round I guess.

Katies POV.

They all left for the shop leaving me with Cal, just because I can't be arsed going to the shop, they expect me to keep a conversation going with a guy I just met. I needed a snack, I was looking in the fridge for something to eat when I felt someone breath on my neck, I span around on the spot to see Callum stood behind me, arms on either side of me, leaning on the fridge.

'Um hi, what'cha doiing?' I asked cautiously.

'Oh nothing, just being friendly' he said, grabbing my bum and pulling me into him 'woah woah, what you doing, let go' I said pulling away,

'Hey, now don't get all aggressive' he said in a deep hot voice, he was goodlooking, but ailish's boyfriend, I had harry styles for god sake!

'Come on' he said pulling me into him, going straight for my lips.

'No get away, your ailish's boyfriend' I shouted almost.

'Keep your voice down, ailish doesn't have to know' he said before pulling me back into him, I tried to get out of his grasp but the squeeze on my arm just got tighter each time.

'GET AWAY FROM ME' I screamed.

Just as I finished screaming he slapped me hard across the face, full pelt, knocking me to the ground.

Callums POV

'KATIE' a voice screamed, shit that was ailish, she has just seen all of that. I'm bollocked. The rest of the guys had just got home too, jesus christ is that one direction? Katie jumped up and ran straight to Harry, a huge handprint on her face, tears rolling down her face, Harry hugged her and made sure she was protected, he took her into another room to calm down.

'Who the fuck do you think you are?' Ailish shouted to me.

'Your boyfriend' I smartly said

'Wrong! Get out of here you piece of shit' she screamed

Not feeling so smart anymore, I stormed out and the last thing I heard from those crazy sods was the squeaky sound of Elizabeths voice telling me I will never find anyone like ailish. I don't think I will...

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