Chapter 3

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I am the first one on the bus. I shoved myself by the window. I keep looking out of the window looking at all of the kids hanging out, outside

I am at the middle end of the bus. I take out my phone and text my mom

Me: Hey! Today my friend is going to come over and we are going to do homework together. I will not use my powers, I promise.

Now there are a couple of kids on the bus.

Mom: Who is this person? Is it a male or female? Should I call your father at work? Remember to pick up your sister. I cant talk for long because I am at work. Watch your sister and take care of her.

Me: It's a guy. Dont call Dad at work. I will pick up Beatrice. And we wont do anything bad.

After that my mom doesnt text back. She calls.

"Hello, Violet, a guy really?" She whispers

"Yes Mom, It will be fine. What time are you getting out?" I ask. She says "I'm getting out at 6. And your dad is getting out at 6 too." "Okay, love you." I say. "Love you too." Then she hangs up.

I look at the time. Its like 2.

I shove my hands in my backpack and my hands light up again. Its so weird. Is this my new power?

I look out of the window again. But this time I look for Max. I see him talking to a group of boys. When he sees me looking at him my cheeks get hot. I look away fast and he is getting on the bus. He looks at me and he has a big smile on his face. I try to smile at him and he sits next to me.

"So." He says "How was your day?" I give him a small smile and say "Good. Yours?"

"It was great."

Then Jackson gets on the bus and yells at everyone to get out of his way. Max says "Calm the hell down man, nobody is in your way." Jackson stops and says "How dare you- oh you sitting with her again?"

I feel myself getting angry and hot. My hands start burning. Max puts a hand on my shoulder. "Ya, is that a problem that i'm sitting with her?" Jackson looks at me confused and then smiles at Max. "Ya, kind of. Shes a complete weirdo."

Max turns his head at whispers in my ear. "I am telling you, do not get angry. I will solve this." He turns his head back to Jackson and says "Maybe if you weren't being an asshole this morning-" "Hold on." Jackson cuts in "Did you just call me an asshole? Nobody calls me an asshole."

"Well I just did jackass. How about that? Huh? What do you have to say now?"

Jackson gets really close and puts his finger on Max's nose. Max takes Jacksons hand and whips it off his face. Max says "How about you leave us alone." It wasnt a question. It was a statement. I know that for sure. Jackson looks at me and smiles like what Max just said was a joke "Us? Really Max, us? What has gottin into you?"

Max stands up and says "Nothing. what has gottin into you?" Great now they caused a scene. Everybody is looking at us. Literally everybody. Even the freaking bus driver. but then she starts the bus quickly once I made eye contact with her and she drives off. Max and Jackson are wobbling around. Max holds on the the seat while Jackson throws a punch but Max ducks.

Jackson laughs. "I want you to stop hanging out with her. Now." Now this time Max laughs sarcastically. "What are you my father now. You didnt even meet her yet."

Jackson looks at Max sternly. "Oh yes I did, I meet her enought. I always look at her." Jackson looks at me "And think what is wrong with her?" Then he laughs and some of his other friends laugh too. I feel like punching someone in the face. But I try and contol myself and keep thinking of what Max said.

Max looks at me and I look at him and smile. He smsiles back. but then I look out of the window because I dont want to be here anymore. Max says "Really then, whats her name?" Jackson says "Violet." Max claps his hands and says "Good job. Now question number two-"

"Why are you asking me questions?" Jackson asks and Max says "Shut up."

Jackson smiles and says "You." And points at me. "Stop hanging out with Max, he will get you in trouble." Then Max punches him in the face.

I am in shock. My jaw is on the floor. He just punched him in the face. Everyone on the bus gasps.

Max grabs my hand and says "We need to go now. Before you get angry and-" but then Jackson gets up and is holding his eye. "What the hell was that for?"

Max stops and is still holding my hand. "Why the hell would you say that?"

"Say what?" Jackson asks with a cocky grin on his face. The the bus driver yells "Sit down!"

Max pulls me to the front of the bus and we get off. And we start running. I ask "Max, why are we running they are still on the bus?" We both look back and Jackson and his friends are running after us. Max says "No there not." I try to look at what street were on but Max is pulling me and we are running really fast.

But then I relize that we are like a mile away from my house. I say gasping for air "Max, I need to pick up my sister. And she is getting out now." Max looks at me and says "Oh crap I forgot about that."

"You know I have a sister?" I ask shocked. "Ya." He says looking foward. I never knew he payed this much attention to me.

We make a sharp turn and start running towards my sisters school. They are still behind us. I stop and Max says "What the hell are you doing?!"

I dont say anything. I just want to stand up for myself.

Max says "This is a bad idea." Now they are right infront of my face. Jackson says "Oh well, well, well let me see. Now this little whimpy girl wants to stand up for her self. Is that right."

I dont say anything. I just clench and unclech my fists. Max gets closer to me. Jackson turns around and says "Its alright I got this." And all of the boys walk away. Punching each other in the arms like jackasses.

Jackson keeps walking towards Max and I but then we bumb into the side of someones house. My sisters school is like a block away. She gets out in 5 minutes. Jackson shoves Max to the ground. I think he is uncounsious. He pushes his hands the the sides of my face so now we are facing eachother. Eye to eye.

All he says is "I know exactly what you are Violet. I have been watching you for many years. And now we need to talk." He heart is pounding very hard.

But then he says "I am just like you Violet."

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