Chapter 14

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Hey. Pick of Jackson on the side. I know its Evan Peters, but still :)


I am waiting for Jackson. The sun is going down and I dont know what he doing. I dont want to go in his room, even though I want too. I have my bags packed and ready to go. Then I hear a knock on the door. If it was Jackson he wouldnt knock, so it has to be Dion. I throw my bags in the bathroom and run to the door. I open it a little and Dion is standing there with his hair slicked back. I want to close the door on his face, but I dont. "Yes?" I ask as nicley as I can. He doesnt say anything, he just looks at me. What the hell does he want? Did he find out? No, he couldnt have. "I'm changing." I say and try to close the door.

He stops it with his foot. "Your not changing." He says and opens the door. I stumble to the floor. he holds out his hand and I dont take it. I pick myself up and sit on my bed. He still hasnt said anything. "Why didnt you tell me that I was out for 3 days?" I say. Dion smiles and says "I didnt think it was important." I furrow my eyebrows, "Didnt think it was important? Really? And how long were you sleeping on my floor for?" His face gets red, and doesnt anwser.

I think he was sleeping on my floor for 3 days. I gets up and dust off the imaginary dirt off my pants. "So, what do you want?" He looks at the floor and says "I wanted to see if you were okay." Hold on a second. Now he cares? "Thanks, but I'm okay." I walk over to him and am about to turn him around when Jackson transorts into my room. We both look at him in shock and he looks at us the same way. He is holding like 3 suitcases. He holds them and doesnt say anything. Dion stands next to me. He looks at both us of us and doesnt say anything.

I put my hand up to the bathroom and door and it flys open. And with that, all of my bags flay out towards Jackson. He looks at me with his eyes wide. I run to him but Dion grabs my wrist. "Stop!" I yell. Jackson drops his bags and looks at the wall. He holds up his hand and a purple lights shoots through his hand and towards the wall. When I look through the the big purple pot in the wall, I see the front doors.

Jackson starts to bring the bags through the purple thing. It looks really cool. I try to get out of Dion's grip and its not really working. I look at Jackson and he yells "Violet, we have to go!" I yell back, "Are you serious? I'm trying to do that!" Then Jackson says, "Do that thing that you do!" "What thing- Oh!" I know what hes talking about. I close my eyes and think about myself, floating in the air. Dion says nervously, "Violet, what are you doing?" My feet lift off the ground and I go higher and higher. I yank my arm, but Dion wont let go. Instead he comes up with me.

Dion holds on tighter but this time his other hand is on my arm. I smile just a little, for some reason. I'm weird like that. My head almost touches the ceiling and I open my eyes. Dion looks from the floor to me. He says very quietly, "I'm proud of-" "Drop, now!" Jackson cuts him off. I loose focus and drop. We drop to the floor very hard. We both land on our butts and I get out of his grip. I get up fast and runs towards the wall. Right as I jump though Jackson closes it. "Come on, lets go!" He says. I hear Dion running down the stairs. Jackson starts to pick up the bags and I say, "I got it."

I pick up all of the bags with my mind. Jackson makes another purple transport thing in the wall. I look through and its of the school. Nobody is in the school. I jump in first this time and Jackson comes in behind me. I get one last glimps of Dion running towards us before Jackson closes it. The bags are still in the air behind us. We walk towards the front doors. "Dion was trying to say something to me." Jackson looks at me as we walk down the stairs. "What was he trying to say?"

"He said 'I'm very proud of' and then you yelled 'Drop now' so he never got to say what he was going to say." Jackson laughs very loud. "What?" I ask. "You really dont know what he was going to say?" I shake my head. Jackson laughs even louder now, "He was going to say that he was proud of you. But dont trust him because he is just trying to make you happy, so he can do more test on you." With that he makes another portal thing in the middle of the hallway. When I look inside, my mom and dad sit on the couch and stare back at us like we are crazy.

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