Chapter 8

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Jackson, Max and I are still looking at Dion in amazement. Max walks closer and says "Why would you do that to me?" Jackson says "Max, dont get close to him." Max furrows his eyebrows and backs up. Dion says "Just please." and takes a step foward. And the three of us take a step backwards. Dion smiles, just a little and says "Just come with me. You two are being ridiculous." Max looks at Jackson and I and says "What is he talking about?" "Nothing." I automatically say. Dion looks only at me and says "Why dont you just tell him?" I look at the floor. "Okay then I will tell him. I want Jackson and Violet to come with me so I can test them."

Max looks at Jackson and I "How come you havent told me this?" Jackson laughs and says "We just found out 30 minutes ago. And why would we tell you anything after you were just being an ass to us?" Max yells "What?! I didnt freaking do it! T-That asshole used his freaking powers and change into my body?" Jackson and I look at eachother. I realy dont know what to say. Dion walks closer to Jackson and I. "This is stupid." He says "Just please come with me." He grabs our wrist and his grip is so tight that I cant even get out. Trust me, I'm trying. But then Jackson gets out and holds his wrist like he is in pain.

When I look behind me, Max is running after us. How fast are we going? He is just walking. Are they that far behind? But then Jackson is running, still holding his wrist. "Let go of her!" Jackson yells. When they catch up, Jackson grabs my waist. And he is pulling me. I try to get out of his grip but Dion looks like he isnt even trying. Max says "I'm going to get your parents." Then runs away. I look back and he is running down the hall and turns the corner to go down the stairs. Dion says "Why cant you guys just come with me? We need you." Jackson and I say at the same time, "Who's 'we'?"

Dion smiles and says "My group." Jackson says angrily "And what is your group?" Dion laughs and says "I guess you have to come with me and see." Now Dion is pulling. He is pulling so hard that he is dragging Jackson with him. Where the hell is Max? When I look back at Dion he is just walking, like its a walk in the park. Jackson says trying to pull me back "Your... not having... any trouble with this?!" Dion chuckles and says "Not at all."

I hear someone running up the stairs and I yell "Max! We are still here!" Jackson yells too "Help Us!" Dion stops and says "Shut up!" He stops walking and lets go of me. I have a huge black and blue on my wrist. Jackson and I look at eachother and Dion pulls us into a classroom with frozen kids in it. He shuts the door quietly and we squat in the corner. Jackson whispers "Why the hell did you shut the door? Who are those people?" Dion looks serious and says "Really, shut up. I'm not joking." He says to himself "I didnt send back up."

I get up and Dion pulls me down. "What are you doing?" I get back up again and say "I just want to see who it is. Calm the hell down." Jackson smiles. I tiptoe and walk to the door. I see a gun on the floor just a couple of feet away from the door and I see a shadow coming down the hall. I lean aginst the door and slide down. I want the weapon to defend myself. But how will I get it? I look at Jackson who is looking at me confused. Then when I look at Dion, he has a smile on his face, and when our eyes meet his face turns red and looks at the boy a couple inches away from him.

I dont have time for them to change my plan. So I have to do it alone. I get up and the shadow is getting closer to us. I exhale and scream as loud as I can. Jackson and Dion are looking at me with wide eyes. When I look up again. the gun is still there and the shadow is almost infront of us. I whisper "Hide in a corner or something." They dont listen to me. "What are you waiting for?!" They still look at me. "Suit yourself." And they still arent listening to me. I scream "Help me!" Then I hear the person coming closer to the door. I get up and stand behind the door.

I put my hand up, just incase the person opens it quickly and then it slams into me. The guy opens the door and its hits my hand hard. When he looks around, he sees Dion ad Jackson. He yells "There you are!" Dion and Jackson get up ready to fight but then I tap the guy in the shoulder and when he turns around I look at him nicely. And he laughs. He looks a little older then me. And we are about the same hight. I grab his head and bash it against my own. That was a bad idea. My head pounds. When he picks up his head, his head is bleeding. Is mine bleeding?

I take my fist and punch him in the face. His face bashes into a desk and he falls on the ground. Dion yells "What the hell was that for?!" Jackson smiles at me, runs over to me and gives me a big warm hug. " I didn't think you had that in you." When I let go I hold my head and say "Next time, listen to me. And maybe if you want to, you can help me. Its not a lot." I smile at them and they smile back.Dion says "But, I dont understand why you did that." I say "Oh, I thought we needed a weapon." I walk over to the door and say "Is this good enough?"

Dion says "Good, now lets go." Jackson's smile turns into a frown. "We are not going anywhere with you." Jackson grabs my hand and pulls me away with him. I whisper to him "I want to go home." Jackson says "Ya me too." We look back and Dion is gone. Jackson ooks at me and we start running. We run down the stairs and out of the doors. We keep running. I feel like my lungs are begging for air. But I cant stop until we get to the house. Jackson says out of breath, "Do you think he went to the house." I try to laugh and say "Yes." My throat is so dry. I wonder how Jackson feels. 

"Do you think I can stay at your house for a while?" I smile and say "You can stay for as long as you want." When we finally reach the house, the house is open a crack. I look at Jackson and he is just looking at the door. He stands infront of me and walks in. When I walk in, my mom, dad and Beatrice are on their knees with their hands behind there back. They dont even look up when we walk in. Beatrice's face is wet with tears. My Mom looks petrified. And my Dad looks angry.

Dion stands infront of them and says "Nice of you to join us." I keep wondering how he got all of them here. but I cant worry about that right now. Jackson walks closer to him, grabs Dion by the hem of his shirt and pushes him against the wall. Jackson says angrily "Dont ever do that to my family again. Even though they brought me to a foster home, I still love them." Dion doesnt say anything. I quietly go behind Beatrice and untie her hands. I do the same for my mom and dad. Jackson says "What do you want from us?"

Dion smiles and says "I just want the most powerful two people in the world. Together the three of us can become a team." Jackson turns around and looks at me. "What does that mean?" He asks. Dion says "We should become a team and take over the world." Jackson laughs and says "Number One, Violet and I are not taking over the world. And number two, how are Violet and I the most powerful people in the world?" Dion smiles and says "Can you let me go?" Jackson lets him go with a frown on his face. "You two have a power that noboduy else has." Dion says witha huge smile on his face. Jackson laughs and looks at me. "I highly doubt that." I say for Jackson.

Dion turns serious all of a sudden. "Does it look like I'm joking around?" Jackson says "You know what Violet, lts just go with him." My smile turns down. "Are you serious?" Jackson laughs out loud all of a sudden and says "I am totally joking around. We are not going with him." I exhale loudly. "You scared me there." Jackson says "Ya, hereing myself say it outloud scared me too-" "Enough!" Dion yells. "Then tell me why you two dont want to go." I look at him and say "Because I dont want to leave my family." Then Jackson says "I wan my family to take me back and look after me. I havent seen them for like 18 years."

I look at my mom and dad and my mom says "Jackson, you can stay with us." Jackson has a really big smile on his face, and I can see teeth. I try to smile but I cant because I dont know if I should go. I dont want to leave my family. Dion says "Okay are we going because we need you two to take tests." Jackson says "Oh my gosh, what test?" Dion looks between Jackson and I. "I am going to put you in a stimulation. And in the stimulation I am going to see how you use your powers on your worst fears."

Jackson and I look at eachother. I say "How long are we going to stay there?" Dion says "For a long time." I look at my mom, dad, and Beatrice. They all have sad faces on. My Mom says "You should just go with him." My Dad says "We will visit you both on visiting days." I say to them astonished. "What?" My dad says "Trust your mother and I on this. You two are not safe here. And Dion is right, you two do are the most powerful people." Jackson says "Oh my gosh, you too. You believe him?!" My Dad says "Yes I do. Its true." Jackson and I look at our father. "Go." He says with a small smile on his face. I hug my mom and dad really tight and give them a kiss. Then i give Beatrice a big hug and kiss. I say "I will miss you."

They say together "I will miss you too." Then Jackson gives them a hug and kiss. He takes my hand and we follow Dion out of the house. We get on the train and Jackson says "I left my car at the school! Shish!" I cant even smile. Dion keeps looking at me. When te train ride is over, we get out into this small house. It is a small brick house. Jackson and I look at eachother confused. When we get inside, its huge. People are rushing around everywhere. I look around and Jackson does the same. I'm surprised I havent used my powers yet. I guess I can control it.

Dion says with a big smile on his face. "Welcome to your new home."

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