Chapter 5

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My family and I are eating dinner, when I bring up the news. "Mom, Dad can I tell you something?" My Mom, Dad and Beatrice look up. "No." My dad says sternly. Then my Mom laughs, a quiet laugh and says "Yes." I look at my food. I start picking my peas with my fork. "Umm, so this guy wants to come over at like 9. Is that okay? because I already said its okay. So if you say its good then it will be good." My Mom and Dad look at me for a long time. Beatrice has a big smile on her face. She probably thinks its Max. but I dont want to say anything, yet. Then my mom and dad say "No." At the same time. "No, please! He wants to met you guys! Please?!"

They both look at me then they look at eachother. But then my Dad says quietly "What does he look like?" I am so confused. Why do they want to know what he looks like? "Umm I dont know, I guess he has blue eyes like mine and he has brown hair." They are still looking at me. "Why is that a problem, or something?" I ask with a laugh. They don't say anything else because then they start eating again like nothing happend. But then my Mom says "He can't come over, remember what I told you about boy coming here? And our powers have to be hidden."

"Ya, Mom I know about that. but the thing is that." I say and lean a little closer and whisper. "Is that he told me that he has powers too." Then I lean back down. My Mom looks like she is going to throw up. Then she runs upstairs. My dad says "Great. What time is is?" He starts to get up and goes towards the stairs. Beatrice says confused "It's 8:30." Then my dad mumbles something and runs upstairs.

So now its my sister and I sitting at the table. We both just look at each other. Then she says with a frown on her face. "How come Max isnt coming over?" I look at her in a daze and say "I don't know." Then I look at the door. "But all I know is that when the guy that is coming over, I am not saying a word. And same with you. I am just going to let Mom and Dad talk." She smiles and says "I wonder what his powers are." I smile and lean closer. "I wonder too. Maybe he can shape shift like you. But you have to promise that when he is over you wont use any powers because maybe he can be lieing."

Her smile slowly goes down. "Okay? But how come he would be lieing." I look back at the door. Should I tell her? No, right? "I don't know people lie a lot." I sound like an idiot. What I just said literally doesnt make any sense but that is the best thing that came to mind right now. She looks confused but then she says "What is his name?" Her smile comes back, just a little. And I smile a little too. "Jackson." And then she just smiles really big. "Is he cute?" She is practically jumping up and down. I look upstairs, just to make sure nobody is there. "A little." Now I can't hide my smile.

My sister and I talk for a little while longer, but then we eat. I look at the clock on the wall and it says 8:45 pm. I finsh my food quickly and do the dishes. Then I run upstairs and change my clothes. I put on leggings and a sweatshirt. My house is so cold when the A/C is on. I dont know why it gets so cold. I know its an A/C but still, it gets ridiculously cold.

Then I make my way downstairs. For some reason I really dont want to look nice. My Mom and Dad are sitting on the couch watching a show. My sister is in the kitchen on the computer. I make my way to the floor. I layed my head back and thought about many things. The most nervous I was about was my my Mom and Dad acted all weird when I said the things about Jackson. Do they know him or something?

Great, now its going to be weird. I am happy because they didnt say no that he couldnt  come. I know they walked away and said no, but you never know many they thought about it. I say to my sister "Beatrice, what are you doing?" I get up and walk over to her. She pulls the computer closer to her so I wont see. She says "Would you like something?" I say annoyed "What are you doing on the computer that you are trying to hide from me?" I look at the clock, its 9;12. Is he coming?

I walk over to Beatrice and say "Come on show me." She shakes her head.. I finally get to look and all she is doing is just looking up videos. I look at her. "Why didnt you want t show me this?" She looks at me and sticks her tounge out. I put my hands up and say "Sorry, sorry." Then I put my hand out "Carry on." When I am walking away she says "Why thank you Miss Violet."

I sit back down at my original seat on the floor.  But then right as I sit the door bell rings. I get really nervous and happy all of a sudden. My Mom and Dad look at the door scared. i look at them confused and walk to the door. When I open the door, Jackson stands there in a white t-shirt and jeans.  "Sorry I'm running late." He says "I had to do something." Then he walks in and stands a couple of feet away from my parents.

I say "Umm this is my mom and-" Jackson smiles at them and doesnt look at me. "I know who they are." I look at him confused. Then I look at my parents. My parents just look at him in shock. My Dad gets up and says "Hello Jackson, how have you been?" My Mom is still sitting down.

I sit next to her and she puts a hand on my shoulder. What the hell is going on? When I turn around Beatrice is slowly coming over to us.. Then she sits next to me on the couch. We look at each other and then we look at Jackson and my Dad. My Mom says "Can you guys go upstairs, please." As Beatrice and I start walking towards the stairs Jackson has a huge smile on his face when he says "And who is this?" Then he starts walking towards us but my dad stops him.

"All I want to do is say 'hi'." My Dad says "No. Just stop." I walk towards them and say "Stop what?" My dad says "Please go upstairs." Jackson says "No I think they should hear what I'm about to say." Jackson pushes my Dad out of the way. I walk up to Jackson and say "Don't you ever touch my Dad again. Do you hear me?" Jackson smiles when he says "Your dad. I think you mean our dad."

"What?" I say. I look at My Mom and Dad. "What is he talking about?" I ask them. My mom says "He is your brother and he is a year older then you. When you guys were younger I couldnt take care of two kids so your father and I sent Jackson to a foster home." Jackson is still looking at me. "But then by what I see, you had another child." He says strangly calm. I exhale quietly, I feel like I'm going to cry. I cant cry infront of them, so I bit the inside of my cheek, grab Beatrice's hand and walk upstairs.

But then, from behind Jackson grabs my waist and I let out a small scream. "Let go of me!" I yell and the lights start to shake. My mom gets up slowly and says "Jackson let go of her, she is going to cause trouble." Then the lights go out and when they turn back on Beatrice is hugging my moms side. I yell "What do you mean, cause trouble?! You think I'm a trouble maker?!"  Then my Dad says "Your mom didnt mean it like that. Just please calm down."

"Calm down?" I ask and everything stops. All the lights come back on and stay on. "Calm down? You want me to calm down? First you tell me that Jackson is my brother, then you want me to calm down?!" My Dad walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder and I can't move. Jackson is still holding my waist. My Dad lets go of my shoulder. I ask trying to stay calm, "How come you didnt get Jackson back?" My Mom and Dad look at each other. Jackson says "Ya, I want to know too."

"Well." My Mom says. "Your Grandmother, my mother, told me that Jackson had bad powers. Like really bad. And that got me scared." I turn to look at Jackson and he is as confused as I am right now. We both say "What?" At the same time. "You didnt wan to keep your own child?" I ask. My mom looks at her feet and my dad does the same. My sister looks scared as ever but then she says "You two look a like." Jackson and I look at each other for a split second then look away.

Jackson lets go of me and I still feel his hands of my waist. He bends down to look at Beatrice better. My mom says "Get away from her." Then Jackson looks angry. I can't even see my younger sister that I have never seen, in my life. because you decided to have three children and sent one to a foster home. I thought you said you couldnt take care of two children. Well I guess you can."

He gets up slowly and says "Nice to see you all, oh and Violet, I'm taking you to school tomorrow. So be outside at 6:45." But before we can protest he walks out calm as ever. I cant believe my mom and dad arent going to say anything. I grab Beatrice's hand give my mom and dad a kiss goodnight and make my way upstairs to our room. My sister says "I can't believe we have an older brother." She says excited. "Ya me too."

When we get to our room, because we share a room, I tuck myself in and think about what the hell just happned.

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