the smaller lad with the ocean eyes was staring right at me. his lips still shining from the kiss we shared just seconds ago, his cheeks flushed an adorable shade of pink as he muttered unfinished sentences towards me. "i'm harry," i say to him in an attempt to start a conversation, my eyes never leaving the shining blue of his own. "oh um, i-i'm uh-louis" he stutters nervously and confusedly as he continues to stare at his shaking hands where that mans had just rested. "well, 'uh-louis' how would you like to try and forget that monster ever touched you?" i question, daringly even for me. normally i try and be more quiet, i don't like to share too much of myself with anyone, not even a full sentence most times. but there something about this louis fellow that makes me feel, i don't know how to explain it, he makes me feel safe. even is such a public place as the Solus Calor (the club i'm at right now).
he processes my question for a second, his lips wavering as he begins to form an answer. "i think i would curly, i think... yes" did he just— "curly? y'know my name lou" he blushes as he suddenly looks up at me with a slightly shocked face, "oh i'm sorry, uh-harry yes harry." i start to smile as a slight laugh escapes my lips at his scared face, normally i'm the one so uncertain in public places like this, but i guess he deserves to be so shaken after what just happened to him.
"okay louis," i say as i take his shaking hands in my too-big ringed hands, "let's dance." he stays still for a second as i begin to stand up, his face slightly uncertain before he decides to stand up and squeeze my hand tighter. i guess the safe feeling is reciprocated. "let's then" he says back to me and i lead him into the crammed dance floor, music blasting all around us and people grinding up into the both of us unapologetically. he tightens his grasp on my hand when a man hits his, i must say attractive, bum from behind. i quickly steer us in the other direction until we reach a mostly open and vacant space on the floor.
"louis?" i ask spinning around so green meets blue as our eyes wander to find each other. "yes harry?" he responds, looking much more confident now that we're away from most others, now that it feels like it's just us on the dance floor, hell it feels like we might be the last people on earth. "dance with me," i say as i wrap my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me, careful to keep my grasp on him light and open so he doesn't get uncomfortable or so his mind doesn't drift back to the man from earlier. he moves slightly closer, closing the gap between us and working his arms around my neck, hands playing with the messy curls falling off my head.
"harry, i don't even know you," he says uncertainly from below me. "and i don't know you lou, but isn't that how everyone comes into anything? knowing nothing and hoping for everything?" i responded, not even sure what i was really talking about but saying it anyway. "well, mr. wisdom man, i guess you're right. i think i might be hoping for everything" and all of the sudden, in the same nanosecond he had finished that sentence, his soft thin lips we're back on my own, tastes of beer and longing mixed in together. this kiss was different, not used to stop something but created to start something. i don't know what he was starting but i was hoping for everything.
he pulled back slightly, as the idea that i really didn't know him started creeping in. i kissed him earlier because, well who wouldn't have? he needed my help. but now? this is a stranger, this is a bit fast. i'm not looking for a one night stand, i've had enough of those to haunt me for life. i don't know what i'm looking for, but strangers at a bar getting hit on by scary men can't be it. right? after all this time of being alone, i found louis. but is that right? is that even safe? it's not. i have to be safe. louis can't become my world after two minutes and two kisses, louis is a stranger, an unknown potentially dangerous for me stranger. that won't do, so i pull back further.
"louis... louis i- i don't want to start anything that i- that i cant finish" i manage to sputter out in his general direction as i start to untangle my arms from his. "harry, harry i'm not looking for anything. i don't know you. and you're the one who said we can hope for everything. harry i'm not going to hurt you, i'm not going to do anything you don't want to do-" "louis the bar is not a safe place for anything, i mean you saw that man earlier, i cant trust you, i cant fuck you, i cant love you. there's no point in just another night of fun so sorry, obviously neither of us can be attached to the other after about 10 minutes so i know this won't hurt you, i need to leave" i say quickly as i shuffle away from a disheveled and utterly disappointed looking louis. did i just lie? to myself and him? ''neither of us can be attached after about 10 minutes' i don't know, maybe we could be?
i stopped in my stride, once i got closer to the door, as i felt louis' small hand on my shoulder, spinning me around to hand me a small sheet of paper. no words, no kisses, no tears. just a no strings attached piece of paper. he then scurried out the door and i watched as he got into a short blue car in the back corner of the lot, he drove away and to the left leaving me utterly disoriented and very confused with myself. i must be crazy drunk to be getting all these random emotions from a random stranger, with gorgeous blue eyes that mix with the green in mine to form the most gorgeous painting of the ocean and... o my god i need help. suddenly i remember the sheet of paper i'm twirling between my fingers, i pull it out and fold it open carefully, seeing small in organized hand writing littering the page.
harry, everybody's a stranger at first. if you want to change that, call me. - louis
at the bottom of the page was a scrappily written phone number, and a small smiley face. how louis managed to make me smile and blush like a 2 year old at 15 short words is completely unknown to me, but suddenly i'm overcome with regret for the small freak out i just has. god, i need to see my therapist again my emotions are taking control over everything now. i thought i'd fixed that... who knows? maybe louis can help me. i mean he's right, everybody is a stranger at first.
authors note:
i write in all lower case and i really hope that doesn't bother you but for some reason i really like the way it looks, idk sksk i'm weird. anyway here's chapter two!! how do u feel about the switching perspectives? lemme know ur thoughts lol

green + blue {not to be finished}
Romancelouis' lonely, so is harry, maybe they'll be lonely together? !!warnings!! -language -sexual content -self harm/depression not going to be finished, but enjoy what's here hehe