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play the song on the youtube video later, you'll know when - q

when i pull back from harry's shoulder, where i had my head resting as i twisted my hands around his, while he drove us wherever it was we were going, he glances over at me, and i think it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.

when i pull back from harry's shoulder, where i had my head resting as i twisted my hands around his, while he drove us wherever it was we were going, he glances over at me, and i think it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen

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the way he used the hand i recently released to clear the loose curls from his forest green eyes, the little raise of his eyebrows as he looks into my slightly watery eyes. i know what i told him was so small, seemingly insignificant to anybody who's not me, but opening up has always been hard for me, unless it was opening up my own skin. somehow his eyes feel safe, his hands warm, and this jacket, it feels more like home than my own flat does. i go to brush the single tear that has trickled down my scruff away from my eyes, as i process what harry just told me. treat people with kindness, love people with kindness, eminate kindness. nobody i met has ever been so full of, well, kindness i guess.

"harry," i say as i let my eyes wander back to his hands on the wheel of the leather smelling car, "you're amazing." i see dimples start to crevice his face and his teeth show from between his pink lips. his cheeks blush as his eyes shine with some sort of fondness, and that sight makes me reciprocate his smile. his contagious smile, that not even 24 hours after a depressive episode full of blood and water has made me the happiest man alive. even in my life of pity and self sorrow i am the happiest man on the face of this earth at this exact second.

"and you too, louis," he says as he smiles wider at my cheeks blushing, "and guess what?" he continues, leaving the question in the air as i realize we're now parked outside of some sort of grocery store.

"ummm... what harry?" i respond as he begins to unbuckle his seat belt, rings clinking together as he moves his large and perfect hands.

"we're here!" he says excitedly, eyes shining with anticipation as he goes to get out of the car, leaving me utterly confused as to why he's chosen to have out first date at a tesco.

"uh- harry? why are we at a grocery store?" i question him, accusingly, at his seemingly bad taste in lunch places.

"oh louis, this is just the beginning," he responds opening my door for me and grabbing my hand in his as i step out, "we're here for supplies."

"supplies?" what in the world do we need supplies for? i thought we were just grabbing a cute romantic lunch in an airy and bright cafe, something cute, like out of a harry potter hogsmeade visit. "haz what in god's name do we need supplies for?"

he just looks at me and nods towards the store doors, as he starts to walk away. he stops when our hands connectedness stops him from moving further away from me, as i stand confused staring at the door to tesco. "oh come on louis, you said you trusted me, so, trust me."

"guess you got me there," i say as he tugs on my arm and i'm forced to speed walk and catch up with his long legged strides. i wrap his too-big-for-me jacket tighter around myself as the brisk air starts blowing again, before safely and warmly entering through the front doors.

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