mature content ahead hehe
_________________________________i watch as his head slowly moves up and down, causing some loos curls to roll off the top of his head, tapering down his shoulders. i know what that nod means and i was no time on moving on. i feel sweat roll down my exposed chest, i wasn't planning on undressing tonight but i guess just a shirt will be fine, as long as he doesn't see my wrists.
i move teasingly slow once i pop the button to his too tight black skinnies, seeing the relief on his face and he has a little more room to breathe. i pull the jeans slowly down his tan legs, throwing them into the pile of pillows beside us. i move back up his body so that my face is just above his tented boxers, my head full of anticipation. the time i'm taking is excruciating for harry, i bear his gasp out, "l-louis... p-please just go." he wants this almost as much as i do, i can feel his pulse quicken as i move my hand to remove the checkered boxers from his legs.
i play with his waist band for a second longer, teasing him further, until i quickly rip them off his body and throw them aside with his pants. as soon as i do his length springs up, his erection obvious to say the least. i steel a look from him quickly, i see his dilated pupils, his eyes no longer meadow green but the color of a deep forest, darkened with lust as he stares intently at me, positioned now with my mouth parted above him. his mouth is open as well, he looks almost shocked. i may be small, but i've always been the dominant one, he seems okay with that to he honest.
i look back down at his length just a few centimeters below my mouth, and i lick teasing circles around his head, hearing a few moans of desperation escape his swollen lips. that's all i needed. that little noise to know it's working. within the same second i move and lick a bold strip all the way up the shaft, before closing my lips around him and feeling his pulse within my mouth. i swirl my tongue around him while slowly bobbing my head up and down.
he moves to sit up straighter, burying his hands in my fluffy hair, pulling aggressively against the shirt strands, moving himself farther back in my lips. i quickly pull off of him, leaving him cold and longing, tugging at my hair even harder. this effect i have on him, he doesn't know but he hasn't on my too. i feel my cheeks heating and my eyes getting cloudy so i pull the blanket down to cover me up entirely and move to palm my throbbing erection while taking him back into my swollen lips. i feel my cheeks hollow as i move up and down at a much faster rate, getting myself off alongside him.
i suddenly take him all in me, feeling him tickle the back of my throat. i palm myself harder at the sensation that sends through me, hearing him say, "louis, i-i can feel what you're doing... i w-wanna see." he tries to pull the blanket off when he sees my pants shove out of the blanket, i quickly smack his hand away and correct the blanket, moving my hand back to myself and my mouth back to him. i love faster now, stroking myself with such speed as i move on him, swirling my mouth around him, licking and tasting as i try and pleasure myself just so i can focus better. after about 8 minutes of this steady increase in speed i hear him moan deeply, "l-louis, i'm gonna... louis i'm gonna c-" he's cut off by himself, as his back arches off the small pink chair and he shivers intensely as i feel his cum fill my mouth. that was enough to finish me off as i quickly come into my hand before pulling my boxers up and climbing out of the blanket.
i look at his sweaty face, lips swollen and eyes darkened as i swallow his deposit in my mouth. his mouth opens wider at my actions and he moves to brush hair away from my eyes, brushing his soft hand against my cheek when he pulls it away, leaving that warm sensation behind him. funny how i just swallowed his cum but his hand makes me feel more connected to him, his eyes make me feel one with him.
"louis, you're perfect." he says softly as he laces his arms around me pulling me down onto his bare chest. skin on skin feeling like wings must on an angel. he is an angel. maybe he'll be my angel.
"thank you," i whisper looking up at him from my position on his butterfly, "you're amazing." he blushes, his cheeks somehow getting even more red from extra heat, as he smiles down at me, dimples forming like anchors to my heart. wow, what is happening to me? i just met this man i need to call my non-existent titties.
"it's rather dark now lou, do you think we should pack up and i'll drive you home?" he asks me starting to move me off him so he can get his clothes. "harry, i don't want this to end." i say watching him get dressed as he tosses me my jeans. "lou. lou, lou, lou, lou, lou." he says moving over towards me and brushing my hair back, cupping my cheek, "this is not the end, just the beginning." as soon as i'm fully dressed he grabs all of our shit and somehow my hand as well, guiding us back down the hiking path. the damn steep and fucking stupid if you as me, hiking path. if i could fly i'd just hop right on up to that spot, our spot, damn the woods they can suck a cock. oh, i just did. oops.
once i see his car i run towards it, shoving the blankets in the rink and hopping into the passengers seat and into the warmth of the closed doors. he climbs in just after me, ducking under the door and turning on the car and the heat for my shivering body. our hands find a way back to each other as we drive in comfortable silence, neither of us speaking just admiring the night. everything was perfect. he's perfect, we're perfect. again i say, i need to calm my titties ain't nobody falling in love after 4 days.
soon enough the car is parked outside my building, and we're back in the garage where harry almost killed that poor little girl. i guess you could say he's got a killer ass. i'm sorry that was bad, i think harry's bad jokes are rubbing off on me after just a few days.
he turns off the car and gets out to open my door for me, grabbing my hand once again and leading me to the elevator. "would you like me to leave you here or drop you at your door?" he asks, stopping after pushing the 'up' elevator button, making it light up. "take me to my door if you would haz, i'm still not ready for it to end." i pull him into the opening elevator door and pull myself closer to him, burying my head in him chest as he towers above me. once the doors open and our silent peace is disturbed he smiles widely. "why the smile?! are you so happy to be leaving me?" i say accusingly as we make our way to my door. "never lou, just didn't realize your apartment number earlier." "28?" i respond questioningly. "yeah, 28. that's been my favorite number basically since birth. i never knew why i liked it so much, maybe it was... never mind that sounds stupid." "no, i'm sure it doesn't sound stupid, what was it?" "maybe it was leading me here." he says softly pulling me into a hug as we end up in front of my door, he points lazily at the number on my door when he pulls away.
"yes harry, maybe it was." i say as he leans down trapping my lips in a soft yet passionate kiss, lasting only a few seconds yet feeling like it held the whole world within. "okay lou, good night, i'll see you soon." and with that he turned back down the hallway, leaving the taste of his lips on my own. "goodnight love" i whisper after him, opening my door and dispersing within.
authors note:
i adore them i'm sorry but i love them ugh

green + blue {not to be finished}
Romancelouis' lonely, so is harry, maybe they'll be lonely together? !!warnings!! -language -sexual content -self harm/depression not going to be finished, but enjoy what's here hehe