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All four of the Pevensies dressed in the clothes that would fit them, all in which they found in their treasure chests. Lucy were a burnt orange dress, which traces and patterns of white on it. She attached her belt around his waist, where she kept her dagger and healing cordial. Susan was a flowing Purple dress with hints on gold on it. She also held her bow and arrows that she loved so much. Edmund was wearing a simple blue velvet shirt with a white shirt underneath it. He carried a sword with it. Peter wore a light blue shirt under a shirt sleeved brown shirt, paired with his famous sword and shield. Once they had already they needed, they decided to go back to the beach to explore some more. Now that they were in their old Narnian clothes, they really felt like kings and queens again.

As they made their way back down the the beach, Edmund walked beside him, noticing how sad he looked. "You okay?" Edmund asked. Peter jumped slightly because he had been deep in thought. "Yes...I'm fine." Peter said and sighed. "You're a terrible liar" Edmund commented. Peter looked at Edmund, too stressed out to start this argument with him. "I just...miss the old Narnia. I miss the castle. I miss the exploring. I miss all of our friends" he admitted. "Yes...me too" Edmund said. "But we are still the kings and queens of this world and we need to live up to that by helping anyone we can find and also to find the Narnians" Edmund explained. Out of them both, Peter had been become to voice of aggression and Edmund had become the voice of reasoning. Mainly because Peter got into fights daily. They didn't hate each other for their flaws though. After all, it was Edmund who used to be he moody, aggressive one out of both of them.

As they reached the top of a small hill made of sand, Lucy spotted something in the distance. It was a poor dwarf about to be thrown into the sea by two soldiers. "Look" Lucy said as she pointed to towards the boat. Susan quickly ran forward pulled out one of her arrows and aimed it at one of the guards holding the dwarf. "Drop him!" Susan yelled to the guards. Peter, Edmund and Lucy ran beside her, their weapons drawn. The soldiers quickly dropped the dwarf - Trumpkin - into the water. Since he had his hands tied, he couldn't swim at all. Peter and Edmund quickly rushed towards the water. Susan shot one of the men with her arrow, causing him to fall off the boat. The other soldier panicked with fear and jumped into the water after the other soldier. Peter dived into the water to save the dwarf from drowning whilst Edmund swam to get the boat to shore. Peter grabbed the dwarf and pushed his feet against the gravelled sea floor, pushing him and the dwarf back up to shore. Once they were all back on the sand, Lucy quickly pulled out her dagger and cut the ropes that were tying the dwarf up. Trumpkin immediately spat out the water that was in his mouth and took a moment to get him breath back. Lucy was just relieved that he was safe and alive. Trumpkin expression soon turned angry. "Drop him?!" Trumpkin shouted in disgust. "That's the best you could come up with?" He said, glaring at Susan. Susan took offense to this, considering they had just saved his life. "A simple thank you would suffice" she said, annoyance in her voice. "They we're doing fine drowning me without your help" Trumpkin retorted. "Maybe we should've let them" Peter responded, defending his sister. "Why were you trying to kill you anyway?" Lucy asked, wondering why someone would try and kill a Narnian. "They're Telmarines. It's what they do" Trumpkin explained, still angry. "Telmarines? In Narnia?" Edmund asked in confusion. As for as the Pevensies knew, Telmarines had never had an ambition for ruling over Narnia. "Where have you been for the last few hundered years?" Trumpkin asked them in frustration. Lucy smiled slightly as she turned to face Trumpkin. "It's a bit of a long story" she said with a smile. Trumpkin suddenly saw Susan hand Peter back Rhindon. A sword he had only heard of in Legend.

He then looked at all four of them and realised who they were. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me?" He said in complete disbelief. "You're it? You're the kings and queens of old?" He asked. Peter stepped forward o introduce himself. "High King Peter. The magnificent" he said as he held a hand out to shake Trumpkins. But Trumpkin just stared at him in confusion. "You probably could've left off the last bit" Susan said with humour in her tone. "Probably" Trumpkin said and laughed slightly. Pete pulled out his sword o hand it to Trumpkin. "Oh, you do want to do that, boy" Trumpkin warned. "Not me. Him" Peter said as gestured towards Edmund. Edmund hesitated for a moment before pulling out his own sword. Trumpkin accepted Peters sword, pretending to find it heavy to catch Edmund off guard. Which he did. In the end, Rhindon ended up on the floor and Edmund was triumphant in the fight. "Maybe that horn worked after all" Trumpkin said. "What horn?" Susan asked in confusion, hoping that he was referring to her magical horn that she had been given.

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