An Invitation! Food Crisis

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(Y/N)'s POV
"A letter?" Ciel questioned, "sent from who?" He takes the letter from Finny and reads who it's from. Me, getting curious rests my head on his shoulder, in a comfortable position that also allows me to see the letter. I see Ciel turn pink, but I'm too focused on the letter that I didn't bother to ask
"Who's Alois Trancy" I ask, still on his shoulder. He shivers a little, probably because I'm right next to his ear, which makes it understandable, so I get off. " He lives in Trancy Manor alone because his parents have died, I wonder what could be the matter..." Ciel said, suspicious of the whole letter thing. 'Sebastian's already told me the whole story... How Claude did something to Ciel's soul so Sebastian couldn't take it, and how Claude wants Ciel's soul and is using Alois, but I can't say any of that!' You see, Ciel and I have already gotten are revenge, but Ciel has some amnesia and can't remember it, I don't want Ciel to die, but he's always told me that he will do whatever it takes for revenge, so I'm following his wishes.

Ciel opens the letter and takes a few seconds to read through " An invitation? But what for? This is strange " "Now young master" Sebastian says stepping in " I believe Alois also has connections to the realm of demons, it would be in your favor, as well as (Y/N)'s to check him out, since it seems he's up to something, perhaps he played some part in the suffering of you two." 'Wow, if Sebastian hadn't told me the story already, I'd have believed him in a heartbeat! That just shows how he really is "one hell of a butler" doesn't it?'. "Very well then, we shall go, but before we do, Sebastian, I'd like a thorough back round check on his demom, I'd like to know who is stronger between him and you" "Very well then young master, I shall leave immediately and will return just the same" and with he left.

"CIEL!! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" I yeld at him. He looks shocked and confused "W-what ever do you mean (Y/N)?" "YOU DUMMY WHO'S GONNA MAKE LUNCH AND DINNER FOR US NOW!?"
I exclaim in frustration. You see, I've tried Barts food before, yeah, let's just say we had to call a plumber....
"O-oh I hadn't thought of that" Ciel stated, still shocked by my outburst

Then a beckon a hope, an angel came down the steps of Phantomhive manor. "PRINCE SOMA! AGNI!" I exclaim grateful to the heavens. I run up to Soma and give him a big hug which he returns. "Good to see you again (Y/N)! How have you and Ciel been?" "We've just fine" I said as I let him go "But, right now we are in a BIG crisis" "What's happened (Y/N)!?"
"It's Sebastian" I say dramatic putting my hand on my chest "What had happened to Sebastian!?!" Agni jumps in worried "He's gone!" I exclaim leaning on the prince, putting my hand on my head and closing my eyes.
"(Y/N)! Stop that!! Bloody hell, look at their faces! You're gonna scare them dead!" Ciel yells at me tired of my actions. "No need to worry, Prince Soma, Agni. Sebastian is alive, he's just running an errand for me, (Y/N)'s just upset that I sent him away without asking him to make lunch and dinner first, I'm sure (Y/N) is VERY sorry right?" He looks at me and glares. Afraid, I get on all fours and bow "Y-yes, I am truly sorry" Soma and Agni then sigh in relief, the Soma picks me up "No worries (Y/N) just try not to pull another stunt like that again. Since Sebastian is gone, how about me and Agni make food for you instead?" Drooling I then exclaim "REALLY!? YES PLEASE! I ACCEPT YOUR OFFER". Every laughs at me including Ciel.

"Alright, while they make food, it's about time we finally head to work
(Y/N). We've been slacking" Ciel says walking up the stairs. "Aww man, alright, I'm coming"

(Skipping to Lunch)

"Alright! I'm hungry!" I say, as I'm about to attack the food "Wait a moment (Y/N), at least wash your hands first, you have ink all over them, from when you spilled the bottle, It's harmful to your body if you take in those chemicals" "Okay, okay, I got it, spare me the lecture" I got over to the sink and try to wash my hands "Uh oh... Um Ciel.. It won't come off" "Goodness, the inks already dried, we'll have to soak your hands in soap and water then, Mey-rin could you please go get a bucket with warm water and soap please" he calls out to Mey-rin. "W-wait Ciel... THEN HOW AM I GOING TO EAT?! I'M STARVING!"
"You'll have to wait until the ink comes off" then the prince comes along "Ciel if I may, this dish is best when eaten right after it is cooked, I'd think it's best if we find some way for her to eat it now"

Mey-rin has come back with the bucket. I sit at the table and dip my hands in pouting until a brilliant idea strikes me. "Ciel, could you do me a favor?" I flutter my eyes innocently "What is it that you need? He asks
"Could you, maybe, I don't know, feed it to me?" I say. Right after a suggest it, Ciel goes bright red, I'm sure he's gonna reject the idea.

"V-very well I-I guess it c-can't be helped" Too hungry to noticed the stuttering I exclaim "THANK YOU" and smile brighter than the sun. Ciel then breaks the food into pieces. "O-open your mouth (Y/N)" I do as he says and open my mouth. He then drops in the food with his hands. "This is soo good! Another one please!" I smile, enjoying the taste
As I enjoy I accidentally close my mouth on Ciel's fingers, that then sends me back to reality and we both turn redder than a tomato "I-I-I'm-m S-so s-or-rry I d-didn't mean to" "It's quite a-alright" we both turn away from each other until we hear a voice

"Young master, I'm back, and I come with some, interesting news"

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