To The Theater!!

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's about noon and I've finally caught enough rest, as I awaken, I find myself on one of the office couches. I stretch and then sit up to find Ciel doing some paperwork "Did you need some help with that?" I ask as I rub my eyes "It's alright, this is the last paper." I sit there for a moment and wonder of what I was doing before I fell asleep in the office, then I recall, "LIZZY!" I shout startling Ciel and as if on cue, Lizzy comes through the door "Yes
(Y/N)?" She asks. "I-I'm so sorry Lizzy, I didn't mean to fall asleep I swear" I say frantically. She giggles and says "I don't forgive you, you'll have to make up for it by going to the theater with me today" she says with a smile. "Of course!" I smile back "Of course, your invited too Ciel, I've already called a carriage, come on! Let's set on our way!"

(At The Theater)

"Wow! This place is nice!" I say admiring my surroundings. "Isn't it? I've reserved us some seats for the Romeo and Juliet play! Now, let's head on in". As we walk into the theater, I noticed that we are just on time because the play has just begun.

"Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes. A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whole misadventured piteous overthrows. Do with their death bury their parents' strife."

"Oh how beautiful! A tale of forbidden love! Just like ours! Isn't that right bassy!" Our trio looks over to Sebastian and notices Grell beside him attached to his arm "Ah, it's so beautiful I could just die" He says attempting to fall into Sebastian's arms, but ends up landing on the floor instead. Ciel and I quickly turn to each other, I am the first to speak of what is on both of our heads. "Oh no, C-ciel, if Grell is here, that means that.." he finishes my sentence "Someone's about to die". Before we have time to evaluate an intruder bursts through the doors armed with a gun. Ciel protectively places his arm in front of me. The man looks around and spots us, then he looks on to the stage. He aims his gun and shoots directly into the male leads scull. At that point people are trampling over each other trying to leave the theater. The man then screams directly at Ciel and I "THE GIRL WILL BE MINE" and then a couple seconds afterwards shoots himself. With that, Ciel and I grow more suspicious. Elizabeth then yells "What are you two just standing there for!? We should get going!" And with that we leave as well.

"This is so unfair! Anytime I try to do something with you, it always goes wrong! Unbelievable! That's it, we are going for dinner right this instant!" She fumed as she pulled us into the carriage. At this point Ciel and I are more afraid of Lizzy than the event we just witnessed. 'I excepted no less from the girl who is only afraid of a stain on her dress' I giggle at my thoughts. After a few minutes, we arrive at a nice looking restaurant. Lizzy pulls us in. "Table for three please, and before you ask, our 'chaperon' is right here" she says singling at Sebastian. The waiter, sensing Lizzy's anger squeaks out a "R-right this way ma'am". A few minutes after being seated, Lizzy cools down... Only to see who walks through the restaurant doors "M-m-my Lady. Y-your Father as asked you t-to come h-home" he says fearfully. As Lizzy is about to scream, I grab on to her arm "L-let's not be so rash Lizzy, how about we go shopping next weekend. I promise to try on as many dresses as you so desire. ". Her face brightens up "It's a promise then! Sed you later (Y/N)!" She then skips on out of the restaurant. Ciel and I let out a sigh of relief and so does the waiter who has stopped by to take our orders. I order some lasagna and Ciel, some spaghetti. "I thought we were going to suffocate in her aura back in the carriage" I tell Ciel as I laugh out loud, I guess he found it a little funny as well because he let out a chuckle.
"You know Ciel, we should go on vacation soon, I think we need a break, some time to escape from reality, you know?" He smiles "Oh I understand, I understand completely, but isn't an escape from reality a world without me" He says and then frowns from the thought. His words had the opposite effect on me though because I start to turn red. " Y-you may be in my reality, but you're also in my fantasies" I say turning away. When I look back at him, his face has turned the same shade as mine "W-well I could say just the same about you, (Y/N)" I giggle "Thanks". After a little more chatting, our food arrives and my mouth begins to water, I dig in. "You should try some Ciel it's good!" I say taking some on my fork and putting it at his mouth "Say aah~" I say with a smile. He silently agrees to play along "a-ah" he closes his mouth on my fork and I realize 'T-t-that's an indirect kiss isn't it?' My face burns red, Ciel seems to notice too because he turns a shade of red that challenges my face. He releases my fork, "T-thank you, it taste nice" he said still red, "N-no problem! I still remember the time you helped me by feeding me" our faces finally turn back to normal and we laugh "Yes, I quite glad the ink came off after that incident" he smiles at the memory. We then chat throughout dinner about the most random things enjoying our time, almost forgetting the scene at the theater. We were too busy enjoying each other's company, but little did we know that hell was soon to arise from below...

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