The First Weeks

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  I got in, and as soon as I did, KARR closed the door. I took a deep breath, knowing that I couldn't go back any more, and was about to start the engine when I realized... I didn't have the key.
  "What's the matter?" I heard KARR say. And I noticed a slightly mocking tone in his voice.
  "I need the key, so would you be so kind to tell me where it is?" I said slightly annoyed, but I tried my best to sound nice. I don't think I have to mention that I failed more or less.
  "Sure, it's in the glove box," he said relaxed. I tried to open it, but it didn't work.
  "My bad, I forgot to deactivate my Anti-theft", and this time, he sounded actually honest.
  "No problem, I forget things way more often than you", I said with a forgiving smile and tone.
  Now with the key in my hand, I started the engine, and I listened to the jet like sound it gave. I sighed somewhat happy, switched into 'reverse' and began to drive out and on the streets.

  We drove a while, until KARR asked me:
  "Do you want to see my abilities?" He sounded a bit excited (you could never know), and I replied:
  "Sure, why not?"
  He went into Auto-drive and I leaned back into the seat, allowing him to drive all by himself. I was... nervous to say the least, but I tried to fully trust him. Of course I didn't forget his past, but maybe I should still give him a chance. I mean, it worked out well with Horace, didn't it? It was so exciting and felt completely different than anything else I had experienced. Not only did he show me how to time the turbo boost, but he also showed me 'Ski-Mode'. But after a while I realized that I had forgot something :
  "Um, KARR? Where are we supposed to stay overnight?" I asked and hoped that KARR would know the answer.     My hope wasn't disappointed.
  "I know how to get to money, and I can show you every hotel in the area, would you like me to do that?" he asked rather rhetorically and I replied with:
"Are you a Trans Am?"

Days passed, and we were getting used to each other. I got myself an small apartment at the outside of the city, and we'd often drive together. I was in my room, reading Agatha Christie, when we heard screaming from the other apartment. My first thought was to help whoever needed it. So it was quite convenient that I had made myself a small comlink previously, incase me and KARR were at different places. So I ran to the apartment, and placed my watch in front of the lock. As soon as I heard a clicking sound, I peaked in. When I stepped in and walked around, everything seemed in place, but KARR told me that there were multiple people in the living room, the closed door to my right side, everyone armed except one. I had an idea. I asked KARR to make siren like sounds and to imitate the voice of an police officer. He did as I asked and told them to lay the guns down and come out with their hands in the air. Since they actually believed him, they did as they were told. I made hand cuffs and snapped them around their wrists as soon as they came out. In total, three men and we waited for the police to come. They didn't seem too happy that one person had successfully tricked them into thinking that they were arrested. Soon, after a call from KARR, the real police arrived and arrested them for good. No one believed them that we were the ones who tricked them into laying their guns down and coming out, which made them even more furious. Some of the glares I got would have killed me if glares could do that. It turned out that the woman had information about someone who tried to buy a marine reserve so that he could get the oil there. She also said that he had blackmailed those who tried to hold him back, so he sent the three to make sure she wouldn't say a word. I was asked as a witness and only told them that I called the police. They believed me since KARR was so smart to use my voice. As I went back to my room to calm myself down, I sat in my chair and began to piece the model of a car together, a BMW i8.

  A few days after that, we began to
patrol the city to help against crime from time to time and the police actually appreciated it as time passed by. As we just got home again from a tiring mission, I sat in my room again, and tried to draw KARR on some paper.
  "Chlara?" I heard KARR's voice sounding out of the speaker of my comlink a few minutes later.
  "Yes KARR?" I replied, noticing the hint of worry in his voice, which again worried me.
  "We might have a problem..." he growled slightly angry and that was all I had to hear. 'What could that problem possibly be?' I wondered. Whatever it was, it even worried KARR. And THAT was never a good sign. As I rushed down, I saw that KARR was driving constantly backwards, backing away from... Another, completely black Trans Am? Not good. I stopped right in front of KARRs scanner to protect him.
  "Who are you, and what do you want?" I asked, sounding more aggressive than I wanted to.
  "I only want to talk", a man with brown, curly hair and a leather jacket said as he got out of his car, the completely black Trans Am with a red scanner, and walked in front of its scanner, slightly leaning against its hood.
  "You still didn't say who you are", now trying to sound completely calm.
  I crossed my arms.
  "How about you tell me your name first?" he said with a slightly forced smile.
  "... Fine. I'm Chlara Mistić, and that is KARR, now it's your turn", I said, hesitated a bit, and then reached out to him to shake his hand.
  He shook my hand a bit confused due to my unexpected politeness, and replied with a small smile:
  "I'm Michael Knight, and this is my pal KITT. We heard rumors about a car that looks similar to KITT and a woman who solve crimes, and decided to find out whether they are true or not."
  "As you can see, the rumors are true, so if you two could please go away?" I replied trying my best to sound nice.
  I knew their history with KARR was really bad, and I didn't want them to destroy KARR. Yes, I grew attached to him, and why shouldn't I? He showed that he had earned trust, and I trusted him.
  "I'm afraid we can't, since KARR IS actually really dangerous. I'm only surprised that it went well for so long." KITT replied with hearable surprise.
  I was about to start an argument, when I got an better idea.
  "Why don't you two see for yourselves? I mean, at least give him a chance, it's not like it's going to hurt you, or is it?" I challenged them.
  I didn't want to lose KARR an, since he actually had changed a bit. At least I thought and hoped that he did. I mean, he now wasn't that reckless like he used to be, and he always listened to me. What could possibly go wrong?

A/N: First off, thank you so much for the reads (324!). And votes. You don't know how happy I am when someone votes. Again, I'm open for requests and such. If you liked it, then please click on the vote button below, the little star. And don't forget to vote on every chapter you liked, not only in my book, but also in others. We authors are always happy to see that little star getting attention. And some critique would be really appreciated, like what you liked, what you didn't like, and what I could do better. Stay happy and tuned, have a nice day/night, and, hopefully, see you in the next chapter!

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