The First Mission (Part 1)

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"So... your first day at the foundation... excited?"
"At least more than you" I chuckled as I looked on his voice modulator.
"Oh, I am excited... I'm just... afraid as you would put it."
"What could you possibly be afraid of?"
"Their reaction to me now working with them. And you being... disrespected because of me..."
"I... it's nice of you to think about me, but you really don't need to, I can take care of myse-", but I was interrupted by a now slightly angry sounding KARR.
He sighed resignated.
"I'm sorry, but I can't shake the feeling that something bad will happen. And besides, you are one of the first people who care about me without just wanting profit from it. You really do seem innocent though, maybe that's why you didn't want anything from me. But as long as you don't betray me, I will try to be there for you. Emphasis on the 'IF you don't betray me' part."I chuckled in response, but I also said :
"I understand, but don't you forget a minor detail? Why would I want to betray you? I don't have any reason to. And I think I will never have one neither. You get what I mean? I would never do such a thing."

We arrived at the foundation, and I got into the large mansion. I was told to go in in order to receive my first mission. I was getting more and more excited about it. KARR must have noticed that, because I heard a low, and more of a quiet chuckle coming out of my comlink. I took a deep breath and stepped in. The first thing I did, was going to the reception and ask for the way to Devon's office. The receptionist asked of course first for my name and what I needed. Then she phoned him and told me to go upstairs to the first door on the right.
I walked upstairs and knocked.
"Go in."
I got in and Devon immediately greeted me.
"I have a mission for you."
"And? What is it?"
"You'll work with Michael on this case, since it's your first day. He'll give you instructions on how to finish the case successfully."
I sighed, but nevertheless replied :
"Good, where are KITT and Michael?"
"At the Semi."
I waved as I rushed off to the Semi.
"Hey, where are you going?" I heard someone laughing. Michael had now even a wider grin, if that was even possible. I turned around and walked towards him. We shook hands, and I wondered :
"Where's KITT?"
"He won't be here, I was told to help you AND KARR with your mission, so you can get used to each other. But first we'll have to go to the semi to check on KARR, is that okay?"

After Bonnie checked on him, we drove off. Michael showed me how to drive out of the semi, and promised me to show me other maneuvers. I noticed that KARR has been quiet for a long time. I tried to get him to talk, but I failed.
"Maybe we should give him time. To get used to this, I mean. Maybe he just doesn't know how to react?"
"Alright KARR, you don't have to say something, but could you please give us a sign so we know that you are okay?"
"I'm fine, I just have to get used to this all I guess. As Michael said, I don't exactly know how to react. Why are you all so nice to me? I noticed that although Bonnie was a bit... nervous, she was quite polite and caring. Oh, and she asked you two, especially Michael, to be careful and to bring me in working condition back."
"Of course she said that. She ALWAYS says that... Well, we should get there fast, do you know what we are investigating?"
"Aren't YOU supposed to know that?"
"I only wanted to know if you knew," he defended himself and threw his hands up.
"Then enlighten me," I challenged him.
He explained that some guys threatened a family with giving up their child to them, but we didn't have any details, so we figured that we would get them when we got there.

As soon as we arrived, we were immediately greeted by the family, but not even half as friendly as we thought we would be. A man with a deep voice, light brown, short cut hair and a shotgun shouted:
Michael and me exchanged a look, then we got out with our hands in the air to show him that we were no threat to him or his family.
"We are here to help you, we are from the Foundation for Law and Government. We only want to help." I spoke too fast for him to interrupt me.
After a few seconds he asked us to come in. The first thing we saw was a little boy, who seemed to be hiding behind his mother. I gave him a warm smile, but he still seemed afraid. We sat down I the living room, which seemed to be connected to every other room, and talked with them. However, I left the speaking to Michael, and tried to warm up with the boy. I showed him that I meant no harm, but instead just wanted to be his friend. After some wary looks of him, he decided that he could trust me enough to sit next to me. He slowly approached me, and sat down. I smiled in response, and asked questions like 'What's your name?', or 'Do you have any hobbies or interests?'. After a while he answered :
"I'm Robbie, and I like cars and ships, I also like carving boats out of wood... Now it's your turn."
"My name's Chlara, and I love cars, but I'm better in drawing than in carving, want to teach me how to carve boats?"
"...Sure, why not? You don't seem so bad."
We went upstairs and got to a room that was full of boats and cars.

After one hour, they (the parents and Michael) got in and saw Robbie teaching me how to carve a boat. We had been so concentrated on the boat, that we didn't notice them standing in the doorway. Only when I stood up to open a window we noticed. Soon we had to leave, and I waved Robbie.
"You seem to like him," Michael chuckled.
"How can you NOT like him? He is so nice."
"Just don't forget our mission," he reminded me.
"Don't worry, I won't."

A/N: First off, thank you so much for the reads (324!). And votes. You don't know how happy I am when someone votes. Again, I'm open for requests and such. If you liked it, then please click on the vote button below, the little star. And don't forget to vote on every chapter you liked, not only in my book, but also in others. We authors are always happy to see that little star getting attention. And some critique would be really appreciated, like what you liked, what you didn't like, and what I could do better. Stay happy and tuned, have a nice day/night, and, hopefully, see you in the next chapter!

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