Unfolded Secrets, Bad News And A Worse Event

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"What do you think?" I asked. For some reason, I couldn't shake a bad feeling. I was on edge, and I couldn't do anything about it.
  "Relax. Why are you so upset? Your heart rate is way too high. And you seem nervous."
  'Ach ne...(No shit, Sherlock)' I thought, but instead replied:
  "I am fine."
  "I am a highly intelligent computer with vital scanners. You are not 'fine'. And now stop lying and tell me what's wrong!" The last part sounded more pressing.
  I sighed, but the feeling wouldn't go away.
  "KARR, you know... I have a bad feeling. But I'm pretty sure, that it means nothing, since it's always wrong." I hoped he would just accept that answer. Sadly he didn't. Or better, he didn't want to.
  "That is nonsense. It has to mean something, even if you don't think it does. Why would it be there, then?"
  "That's the point. It never makes sense. It appears, although nothing bad happens. It just... It really puts me on edge, nothing more..." I reassured KARR, but still... Something was wrong, just what?

  I knocked on the door to Devons office.
  "Get in." he didn't sound too enthusiastic.
  "Devon?" I peaked in, before walking in.
  "Chlara. May I talk with you?"
  Well, that sounded just great! Note the sarcasm.
  "Of course." I smiled, not really confident, more like a kid to their parents when they did something wrong and their parents found that out.
  "I want to know one thing: Why does it say '15.03.2005' on your passport? Do you know that you didn't tell me, that you are technically just fourteen!?" he sounded and looked really mad, and I felt worse than anything or anyone in the world. I only looked on the floor.
  "Don't you have anything to say?"
  I couldn't get anything out at first.
  "I'm sorry... I guess I for- I didn't think about it..."
  "I...!" I sighed, and didn't even get myself to look at him.
  "...Don't know." I finally got myself to look at him.
  "I really like this job. And you all are my childhood heroes, so I was - no, I AM so happy and honored to be able to work with you all. So, I'm sorry to not have told you, but..." I sighed again. "I don't know why I didn't tell any of you. I'm pretty sure that KARR still doesn't really know that. No, he does, because he saw me as kid when we first met."
  He was silent for a moment, not showing any hint of what he thought. Then he said:
  "Tell me one thing: why? Why did you want to fight crime? Don't you like your home?"
  That one really hurt, since I loved my family, and they loved me too.
  "I do. I, in fact, love my family. But the thing is, that is has nothing to do with that."
  He now looked less hard, and his tone changed, too.
  "And what if someone kills you? I can't let you risk that. Do your parents even know that you have this job?"
  "The thing is: I can't be killed, literally. You know that I can do magic? This magic is the thing that prevents me from dying. And no, they don't know. I don't want them to, either." I said truthfully. I didn't even dare lying to him, and I would never dare to, either.
  He thought for a while, what seemed like an eternity to me. Then he spoke up again:
  "I have made my decision: You won't be allowed to attend to your job for... Let's say three days. That means, you won't get missions for three days, and you won't help the others with them. But since you are a valuable member, and the only one KARR tolerates as his driver, you are allowed to work here again, after these three days. And you are still allowed to come here, or talk with the others in the semi."
  I could not believe it. I wasn't fired! I was so happy, that it was hard for me to describe. Devon must have noticed it (wasn't hard to notice, since I smiled so wide and much, that it began to hurt), because he now smiled back, what made me even happier.
  "Thank you so much... I-I can't believe it. You won't regret it, I promise!" I mumbled: "I could cry, I-, I-..." I wiped away some of my tears, and looked thankfully at Devon.
  "I'm sure I won't, Chlara." he still smiled as he said that. The door opened.
  "Devon? I- Oh, hey Chlara! Wait a second... Why are you crying?" Michael had walked in, and saw my face as I looked at him. I wiped my face with my arm again.
  "Ehh, it's nothing important. I am just someone who cries easily. I'm built way too near at the water, I guess. I will leave you alone now. See you!" I smiled and walked out. 'At least not fired! Well, how do I tell this KARR?' I thought as I stepped out of the building.
  "Hey Chlara! I've heard it. Well, better suspended for a couple of days than being completely fired don't you think?"
  KARR drove towards me and opened the door. Before I got in, I saw a woman hurry towards me. She seemed somewhat familiar, but I couldn't identify her. She spoke up.
  "I'm sorry to disturb you, but could you show me where to find a Mr. Knight?"
  I smiled and nodded.
  "I'll bring you to him. Just follow me."
  When we were on our way up, I asked her:
  "What's your name, if I may ask?"
  "Jennifer. Jennifer Knight."
  Realisation hit me, as I remembered who she was. I didn't show it, and replied with:
  "I'm Chlara, Chlara Mistić. Nice to meet you."
  I looked at her and smiled. 'Well, I hope she's nice to Michael this time. And tha-'
  She interrupted my thoughts:
  "Aren't you the new girl that Mr. Miles hired?"
  "Yup!" I replied happily.
  "You sure have an unique last name. If you don't mind me asking: Where is it from?"
  "It's from Bosnia. My roots lie there partially, but I was born in and grew up in Germany."
  She was silent. Then she asked:
  "What do you think of Mr. Knight?"
  I wasn't really surprised by that question.
  "I like him. He is quite polite and nice."
  "Really? Hm... Alright."
  We arrived at the office.
  "There we are!" I exclaimed.
  We stepped in.
  "Yes?" I heard Devon ask.
  I pointed at Jennifer and said:
  "She wanted to speak with Michael."     Said man looked at us with confusion, but nevertheless replied:
  "Okay... What do you need?"
  "You know that we've been thinking about scrapping KITT and closing FLAG. But we have decided, that we we all will test you and your colleague Chlara, to decide whether we will close FLAG or not: We have heard, that someone, that already has built an EMP, wants to steal KITTs blueprints, meaning that they could do literally anything they wish for. If these plans get in their hands, then they could do big damage. And... They may or may not have KITTs formula..."
  I immediately replied, full of worry:
  "But I thought Devon and someone that lives in Switzerland are the only ones that are alive and know the formula? The others are dead, or in prison."
  Jennifer raised her eyebrow.
  "How do YOU know?"
  "Easy. I read the files to those who were successful in destroying KITT."
  "Ah, yes." was the only response I got.
  Devon seemed like he was in stress.
  "Are you sure, Jennifer?"
  She nodded.
  "Chlara, do you know how the ones that could be it look like and their names?" Devon now looked at me.
  "I do. And I will look immediately. If you want me to, of course." I hurried saying.
  "Yes, please! And be fast, we may have not enough time..." he spoke with a serious tone.
  I ran out of the office to KARR.
  "KARR! What can you tell me about the guy that destroyed KITT with the Juggernaut?... Bergstroem?" I asked, well, more like yelled at him, since I was really nervous.
  He didn't answer.
  "KARR? What is it?"
  I tried to open the door, but I couldn't get it open.
  "KARR, dammit! That's not funny!"
  I walked around him to the front hood. I saw with shock that his scanner wasn't even active. And his tires were completely flat! That meant... 'NONONONONONONONO! PLEASE, NO! VERDAMMTE SCHEIßE (fucking shit for all non-germans)! Please don't be shut down!' I was crying by now. I opened the door with my keys. No lights, no beeps, nothing. I got out and locked the car. Who shut him off?!?

  What I didn't see in the meantime however, was someone with some kind of device in his hands. He watched as I came to the realization of KARR being completely shut down. Then he walked away, still unnoticed.
  I rested my body on KARR, hugging him and just crying. After a while, I decided that I had cried enough! I had to find either Bonnie or April. While getting up, I felt someone gently grabbing my shoulder. Since I was so desperate and angry, I thought that the person the hand belonged to was an attacker. So I turned around fast and punched the presumed attacker in the face, hitting their nose so hard that the person nearly fell to the ground, catching themselves while falling. I looked at the person, and was so full of anger, that I must have scared them. I was ready to charge at them. But after a second I realized something. My so called 'attacker' was a worried (and now slightly cowed) Michael! As soon as I realized that, I immediately apologized a thousand times.
  "Oh God! I'm so sorry, I really am, I just didn't think before punching, and I'm just so frustrated, and-" Michael interrupted me, still rubbing his now a bit bleeding nose:
  "Hey, no problem! I understand. Now, if you could tell me what's wrong?"
  He really looked worried. I pulled myself together and told him that KARR was completely shut off. With every word I calmed myself more and scolded myself for crying the whole time. Michael just listened to me, getting more and more worried.
  "And now?"
  "I don't know... Maybe April or Bonnie can reactivate him!"
  "Why do we still waste time then, Chlara? Get in! We should go to them ASAP!"
  He now held his comlink up to his face.
  "KITT? Buddy? Can you come?"
  "Of course Michael. I'm on my way," KITT replied.
  I was relieved to hear KITTs voice, since I then didn't have to worry about him. I got in, after unlocking KARR, or, more accurate, the car that KARR was in.

  "Chlara? What happened?" April asked, after she had seen my face, which was still full of the tears from before.
  "KARR... Is shut down. Completely." I didn't say anything else, I couldn't. Even if it was only temporarily, I didn't, I couldn't forget what Jennifer had told us. 'Someone, who has already an EMP and knows the formula... What, if it was said person...?' I now was even more worried.
  "What happened...? Chlara...? Why are you even more upset...?" KARR  was speaking very slowly.
  I immediately walked to him and hugged him. Nearly crying. This day really got to me.

A/N: First off, thank you so much for the reads (324!). And votes. You don't know how happy I am when someone votes. Again, I'm open for requests and such. If you liked it, then please click on the vote button below, the little star. And don't forget to vote on every chapter you liked, not only in my book, but also in others. We authors are always happy to see that little star getting attention. And some critique would be really appreciated, like what you liked, what you didn't like, and what I could do better. Stay happy and tuned, have a nice day/night, and, hopefully, see you in the next chapter!

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