The First Mission (Part 2)

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"So? What was that all about? Why are they chasing after this kid?" I asked, because except for Robbie having either trust issues or just being really shy, I noticed nothing unusual. I told Michael so, and as he explained, it began to get more clear. Robbie was away in town for an hour to buy groceries, and came back absolutely terrified. He refused to speak to his parents about it, and soon criminals would come, at first asking friendly and then aggressively for the kid. Soon they would begin to threaten them.
  "Do you know how they look like?" I hoped to get a good description of the criminals.
  "I already searched for them, and I have matched their description with some people. Would you like to hear them?" I noticed that KARR seemed to like rhetorical questions.
  "Yes please", and with that he began to read it to us.
  "Sinclair, Doug. He committed crimes like dealing with drugs, robbing, etc. He mostly works with others, and just got out of jail.
Ramsey, Mike. Same as Sinclair for the most part. However, he was also arrested for street racing and made himself quite a name in street racing."
  "Well, seems like there are some more people involved... At least one other", I now stated, but more thinking out loud than anything else.
  "How come?" Michael seemed curious, but at the same time as if he got the same thought.
  "KARR said that this Sinclair often works with others. And both of them don't seem to be really capable of organizing such a crime on their own. So maybe there's someone who organized it, and poor Robbie happened to come by..." I replied
  "...And they of course couldn't use witnesses, so they chased him", Michael continued on.
  "So that's why he was so shy! Poor kid, of course he did not want to open up or even get near me earlier... We have to help them!"
  "So...? What's our next step?" Of course Michael knew what we were going to do. Hence why my reply didn't surprise him:
  "I will try to get him to tell me why he was being chased, and one of us will stay at their house to protect them."
  "Then how about this: KITT will pick me up here and you and KARR will take care of their safety", he offered.
  "That's a good idea!" I exclaimed. I drove to the right side to stop there, and a bit after that, KITT came and we said goodbye.
I then called the family and told them that I would personally take care about Robbies safety.

I arrived and knocked at the door. After I signaled that it was only me, I got in. They greeted me, and told me that they already had a room next to Robbie for me since Devon had already considered this an option and called. Then I found Robbie. Although he still looked at me with a bit suspicion, he greeted me. I replied with a smile. He then asked me about KARR.
  "Do you want to meet him?" I smiled.
  "Him?" he replied with an puzzled expression.
  "Yes, if you want you can meet him", I offered, hoping that KARR would cooperate.
  "Just bring him to me, I'd love to know the kid we have to protect"
  I jumped a bit, he caught me off guard there, but I motioned Robbie to follow me.
  In the meantime, KARR had repositioned himself to face forward to the front door. As we got out, I got caught off guard from this again, but I tried to not show it.
  "Robbie, this is my partner,..."
  "KARR, nice to meet you, Robbie", he interrupted me, and startled the poor boy. He looked ready to run away, but I comforted him by laying my arm around him and scolding KARR:
  "KARR! What have I told you about startling people?" I asked with my arms crossed and looking at KARR with an expression of annoyance.
  "H-He can talk AND knows my name?!?" I heard a thin, but at the same time curious voice.
  "Yes, I can."
He didn't even give me a chance to reply to Robbie. I sighed.
  "I'm afraid that I won't be able to say anything about him, so I'll leave it up to KARR to properly introduce himself."
  "Thank you, Chlara. I am Knights Automated Roving Robot, KARR if you prefer. I am the prototype of the car of the future. Want to see for yourself?" and with that he opened the door.
  Since Robbie still looked a little bit intimidated, I replied that we'd do this maybe later. But we three talked the whole time, until KARR interrupted with something that startled both me and the kid:
"Seems like we are getting some unwanted visitors."
I noticed the hint of worry in his mostly angered voice.
  "Get in, Robbie, and hide in KARR, I'll handle this!"
  We could hear a car approaching, the engine sounded nearly like purring. Robbie did as he has been told to do, and soon we saw the car driving in, two men were sitting inside. I couldn't tell what car that was, but it sounded good. With a smooth turn, it braked in front of us. I leaned against KARRs door, and studied the two interested. The two came out, and seemed to be surprised by my presence. I crossed my arms and looked at them.
  "What are you doing here? Who are you?" I asked without any hint of worry, only curiousity.
They first remained silent, until the smaller one began:
  "We could ask you the same question... But to be polite, I'll answer.
I'm Mike and this is Doug, we want to talk with the little boy that lives here."
  "I'm afraid he's not here, nor in the house. Want me to tell him about your visit?" This was the nicest tone I could talk to them to, and they didn't seem to suspect a thing. Perfect.
  "No need to, but thanks. If he's not here, then we'll just have to come later again. Goodbye", he turned around and got in. I watched them drive off, and then told Robbie that I would get in too. As soon as I got in, I started to calm him down. For a while, we just sat there and did nothing. But I soon broke the us surrounding silence by asking why they were after him. Silence again.
  "I-I heard something about doping, with illegal drugs and... As soon as they noticed me, they began to chase me home, I don't even know how I made it home before they could get me. But as soon as they get me... I'm scared!"
  "There's no need to be. We'll protect you! KARR, your parents and me, we will NOT allow them to harm you!"
  "You have our word. And take your time to calm down, we got plenty of time... You are safe here, no one can hurt you... Want to see a magic trick?" he tried to distract him. And it seemed to work.
  "Why not...?"
  "So what I need you to do is writing your worries on a sheet of paper and give it to Chlara, she'll then place it a few feet in front of me. It should be at least 7 feet."
We did as we were both told to do.
"Ready? Go!"
We saw a green laser firing at the piece of paper, and it immediately turned into dust.
  "That was so cool! And that is your partner? He's everyday at your side?" he exclaimed in surprise and awe.
  I could tell KARR already left an good impression on him. I just nodded with a big smile of pride. Him opening up completely to me was a good sign. We talked a while, until KARR reminded us of the time, and we went to bed. We wished each other a good night, and I went to bed too. I wanted to be well rested for the next day.

A/N: First off, thank you so much for the reads (324!). And votes. You don't know how happy I am when someone votes. Again, I'm open for requests and such. If you liked it, then please click on the vote button below, the little star. And don't forget to vote on every chapter you liked, not only in my book, but also in others. We authors are always happy to see that little star getting attention. And some critique would be really appreciated, like what you liked, what you didn't like, and what I could do better. Stay happy and tuned, have a nice day/night, and, hopefully, see you in the next chapter!

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