The First Mission (Part 3)

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  My door literally flew open and revealed a really scared Robbie.
  "What happened?" I asked him, now completely awake.
  "I-I had a nightmare..." he whispered, shaking from head to toe.
  "Get in," I gestured to my bed. "Why didn't you tell your parents? I of course don't mind you, but why?" I asked, completely confused.
  "I... heard a voice that sounded like your friend, KARR I think was his name, after I bolted up in my bed, and he told me to come to you, are you mad?" he added with his head down.
  "Um Gottes Willen, nein!" I denied immediately.
  "I'm sorry, what?" He put his head to the side.
  "'For God's sake, no', it's German, sorry..." I apologized, and gestured again to my bed.
  After some hesitation, he finally laid down. I did the same, and asked him, if he minded telling me about the nightmare. He said yes, and I didn't ask him again.
  The next morning we headed down to the kitchen, and I made him breakfast after his parents agreed. Then I had an idea.
  "Are you in middle school? And what grade are you in?"
  "Yes, and I'm in 7th grade. Why?"
  "Eh, nothing important... How about I drive you to school?"
  Now I knew what I had to do. And I hoped that it worked...

  As we drove to the school, his mood was getting better and better. We talked a bit, and then arrived after a short time at the school. I looked interested at the school, since I was born and raised in Germany. As soon as he greeted his friends, I drove off. After a while I drove to the right and I looked around to see nobody around. Then I changed my look just enough to not get identified. I changed my voice too. Then I turned to KARR.
  "Alright! You'll look after Robbie, and I'll try to find out their location!" I instructed him.
  "I will," and with that he tinted his windows black and turned back to the school.
  After looking around, I headed to the middle of the city. I walked around and looked for the criminals. Since I couldn't find them at first, I kept looking. After an hour I finally saw one of them. I followed him silently, and he didn't even seem to notice me. After we crossed some roads, he seemed to be at his destination. I could see that he greeted someone, before he stepped in the house and disappeared. The door was closed. I marked the location to find it again later. I always had a second pair of surveillance earrings so I placed them hidden in front of the door. They would give me a signal as soon as nobody was in the house. After a last glance I walked back to KARR.

  "I hope it wasn't that bad," I chuckled.
  "Could have been worse, the only thing that I hated was that every single student that saw me walked up to me and tried to do shenanigans with me," he complained.
  "Aww, do you need a hug? I'd love to hug you, you poor thing..." and I layed my upper body as best as I could on his roof.
  I proceeded in patting his roof until he spoke up:
  "Alright, that's enough! Thank you, I think I'm not as miserable as before."
  "Yeah yeah, I got the hint," I laughed.
I stepped away and looked amused at KARR.
  I felt nearly sorry for him, but only nearly.
  "So, what did you see? Did you find them?" KARR was full of questions.
  "Yes I did," I simply told him.
  I only heard a long sigh.
  "Sometimes it's a real pain to get answers from you, do you know that?"
  "Yes, yes I do. Don't worry, I'll tell you more about it later," I assured him.
  "... I hope so, for you."
  "Was that a threat?" I asked him, honestly curious.
  "No, it's a promise..."
  "Hey! That's my phrase!"
  "I know, but it's a good one."
  This time, I let out a sigh. Sometimes I just thought that he was too long with me.

  After some hours Robbie came out and I picked him up. His friends were in complete awe when they saw KARR. They asked Robbie if he knew who the driver was. Before he could even say anything, I told them, proudly smiling:
  "I'm the driver, my name's Chlara."
  "Wow, that is so cool!"
  I replied to the kid:
  "Thank you, Robbie, are you coming?" I turned to him.
  He nodded, happy that I got along with his friends so well.

  After he was finished talking about school, we arrived at his house. We went on with the day, with nothing special going on during the day. Then it was time to go to bed. Just when I was ready, an alarm went off. I realized that it came from my surveillance earrings, and got out. I asked KARR to stay there in case the criminals were out to head to the house. I put on some jet powered rollerskates I made at home and rushed to the house.
  After some minutes I arrived at the house. I sneaked around the house to search for ways to get in, and after I found none, I opened the door with my comlink. I stepped in, and looked around. It was pretty tidy. On the left side were the living room, the kitchen and what seemed to be an office. Before I entered it, I looked around some more. On the right side were the bathroom and bedroom. I then went to the office, but it was locked. I opened it with the comlink and entered. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't too small either. A wooden table was in the center, and a chair behind it. The cupboard stood at the sides, which was so big, that it nearly touched the rooms ceiling. I looked around in it, and found some files about the drugs. It seemed that they delivered them to some football players. I took photos of the files, and searched for more. After I didn't find anything else, I made my way out. I got out, after I had locked everything and wiped my fingerprints from everything I had touched. Then I went back to KARR.
  "And?" he asked
  "I got everything, back to Robbie I'd say," I said enthusiastically and got in.

  After we arrived, I immediately walked up to his room. I peeked through the door :
  "Hey, Robbie?"
  "Yes? What is it?"
  I put on a big smile.
  "I have everything we need to get them in jail, want to help me arrest them?"
  He hummed in response
  "Then let's go!"

  "Are you sure that'll work?" I saw KARRs voicebox light up.
  "Yup." I responded shortly.
  "Let's hope so..."
  Robbie and me got out, and he followed me onto the parking lot. I hid in the bushes. KARR had told me that the criminals would arrive there in a few seconds, and he was right. The car I still couldn't identify drove by. I was afraid they wouldn't notice Robbie for a second, but they did. They pulled in, and you could see how nervous he was. As they got out, Robbie started running towards me, like he was supposed to. I was ready, and waited in the bushes. One of them had a knife in his hand and almost caught up. But Robbie had reached the bushes by now, and jumped head first in the bushes. When the one I identified as Doug Sinclair tried to follow him, I stood up as fast as I could, and punched him so hard with my fist in the face, that he immediately dropped the knife. I immediately punched him again, this time under the chin. Meanwhile KARR knocked out the one named Mike Ramsey. It wasn't a hard a fight since I still had the element of surprise on my side. Before he blacked out, I asked him where his boss was. He answered with the way to the house. I put some handcuffs on their wrists, drove them to the police and made my way to the house. I opened the door.
  "MIKE! DOUG! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? IS THE KID WITH YOU?" a furious voice asked.
  I changed my voice to sound like Sinclair:
  "Yes boss," I shouted.
  "Then come in!"
  I walked to the office and opened the door. He didn't look at me, he just looked at some papers. I took the chance and made my presence clear:
  "How about we talk about the kid in the police station?" and before he could react the handcuffs clicked.

  "Promise me that you will visit us someday!"Robbie seemed sad.
  "Of course Robbie, and could you promise me something?" He looked at me, very curious about this.
  "Try to not make too much trouble, okay?"
  "Don't worry, I won't."
  "Miss Mistić?" Robbies mum walked to me.
  "Yes, Mrs. Davis?"
  "Thank you so much for your help. He hasn't smiled so happily in a long time."
  "I'll always gladly help when someone needs it."
  Me and Robbie hugged each other one final time, when Robbie suddenly hugged KARR too. I just laughed shortly, and watched how puzzled KARR was, since he wasn't able to process the hug. After Robbie let go off him, I got in and waved.
  "Soo, ready to report everything to Devon? And a new mission?" I was still fascinated by the lights of KARRs voice box.
  "Yes! Back to the foundation I guess!"
  And all we had to do now was giving Devon a complete report.

A/N: First off, thank you so much for the reads (324!). And votes. You don't know how happy I am when someone votes. Again, I'm open for requests and such. If you liked it, then please click on the vote button below, the little star. And don't forget to vote on every chapter you liked, not only in my book, but also in others. We authors are always happy to see that little star getting attention. And some critique would be really appreciated, like what you liked, what you didn't like, and what I could do better. Stay happy and tuned, have a nice day/night, and, hopefully, see you in the next chapter!

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