Getting Used To Everything

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A/N: Yes, I know, these are really annoying. But I want to say: Thank you all for reading this book (214 reads are a LOT more than I would have thought), it really means a lot to me that you seem to like this book and care reading it. Thank you. And now I won't bother you anymore and the story will continue!

  "Here is the report, Mr. Miles."
  "Thank you. How was KARR doing?"
  I smiled.
  "The boy LOVED him! It really warmed my heart."
  "May we talk a bit?" he now out of the blue asked.
  "Um, sure. You're my boss."
  "Great. I was wondering, since you are a worldtraveler, you have your own world, right?"
  "Yes, I do,"
  Since I guessed why he asked that, I added:
  "Don't worry, I'll explain it: When I come to any world, it's nighttime in my world, but, the time freezes the moment I 'disappear' out of my world. I do have an apartment, or flat, I'm still not too sure whether I should use that word or not, but as soon as I lay down in my home here and decide that my duty is done, I'll get back to my own world."
  "Alright. So you said that you are 24, right?"
  "What year is it in your world?"
  "2019, why do you ask?"
  "Is there something about AI?"
  "Ha," I laughed shortly, "sadly no AI even gets NEAR KITTs or KARRs level of intelligence or engineering. Not voice wise, and not intelligence wise. They forget everything you discussed some seconds ago, and if you're not clear enough, you'll hear 'I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you said' and every emphasis is wrong and misplaced. I actually chatted with some AIs, it seemed better, but not quite. So yeah."
  Devon seemed to be lost in thoughts.
  "Mr. Miles?"
  His head shot up to me:
  "You're allowed to call me Devon, and don't worry, I was just lost in my thoughts."
  I grinned.
  "I figured. If you don't mind, I'll check on KARR, bye Devon."
  "Bye Chlara."

  "Hey Bonnie!" I waved at the technician of FLAG.
  "Hello Chlara! I have news for you!"
  Now she had my full attention.
  "What news?"
  As I asked, a woman with dark blonde hair stepped out of the coffee room of the semi. I walked to her and shook her hand. I recognized her as April Curtis.
  "Hello, I'm April, and you are?"
  "I'm Chlara. Nice to meet you."
  "Nice to meet you too."
  Bonnie then told me why April was there:
  "She'll be KARRs technician, since I can't be there for two cars."
  "Cool. But is there even enough room for both KITT and KARR?"
  "Yes, we made the trailer a bit longer," April now spoke.
  "Good. I look forward to work with you all."
  KARR now drove to us as well.
  "So that's KARR?"
  "Yes I am, and I suppose you are April Curtis, my technician. I hope we'll get along well. Chlara? Shouldn't you get some sleep?"
  "I'm not tired yet KARR" and I immediately yawned. That always happened to me when I say that I am not tired.
  "Yes you are. Get in," and he opened the passenger door.
  I sighed.
  "Well, it was nice meeting you April, but I guess I have to go. Bye!" I waved before I got in. The engine started, and we drove off. I asked KARR to turn on the radio, 'The Riddle' was playing, and I leaned on the seat.
  "Don't sleep just yet, believe me, a bed is more comfortable," he chuckled.
  "I doubt that. Whoever made your seats, he or she deserves the best."
  "Now you are just being silly." You could literally hear a head shake.
  "Anyway, we're there."
  He was right. I left the cabin, waved, and got in my apartment. Flat. I really wasn't sure. I layed down in my bed without having to change my clothes, and immediately 'woke up' in my world. I smiled before I drifted into sleep.

  I made myself breakfast after I arrived again in my home in the Knight Rider world. Suddenly, a car honked. Although I recognized the sound, I still didn't believe it. So I rushed down to the parking lot, and I couldn't believe my eyes.
  "Horace!" I immediately ran over to the black VW Käfer and hugged him.
  "How are you?" I asked him smiling.
  He answered, that he was pretty good and that he told me that I would find a good car. I laughed.
  "So, care to tell me who that is?" KARR asked as I finished hugging Horace.
  "Oh, yeah, sorry. KARR, this is Horace, he was my car before his original owner came out of jail. Horace wanted to help him to not be such an asshole anymore, so we went different ways. Horace, this is my partner KARR, I found him laying on the ground, completely dismantled.-"
  Horace interrupted me by saying 'and you couldn't help but to repair him, right?'
  "Nope, you know me too well."
  "Then that's settled. Why are you here, may I ask?"
  "He says that he wanted to check on me, and look in what trouble I have gotten myself into. Horace, I'm now in the Foundation for law and government, and I help fighting crime." I said proudly.
  "I feel like that is no surprise to you." KARR stated.
  Horace shook his chasis.
  "I guess that means no. Well, how is it going with Simon?"
  Horace made some sounds, telling me that he was progressing with Simon. I smiled and KARR said:
  "I somehow think that he got this from you. You both want to help people, and I now know why you gave me a chance."
  "And why?"
  "You had a similar car to me, and you had quite a good experience in helping him. So you thought: 'If it worked with Horace, it may work with me'."
  I threw my hands in the air and pretended to be surprised.
  "Help, he knows me better than I do! But you are right, I did have the feeling that it might work. Good job!"
  "No need to sass me. Was she always this way?"
  This time Horace and I both answered at the same time with yes. KARR let out an audible sigh.
  "May we exchange partners? I don't know if I will survive her..."
  "Love you too, KARR, hab dich auch lieb (basically what she said before)"
  "But maybe I will get unluckier, so maybe not."
  "*Sniff* You're just saying that... But seriously, I couldn't decide between you and Horace, I like you both equally. You two have special places in my heart, along with the cars my family had. You're lucky to get there, you know that?"
  Horace replied with a 'Aww, you too, right KARR', KARR huffed.
  "I guess we are."
  "We should get going now. I don't want Devon to be mad at us. Want to come, Horace?" I turned my head to Horace, as I was grabbing the handle of KARRs door. He honked as a yes.
  "Then only follow us," and got in.

  We finally arrived at the semi and I drove in. Seeing that, since Michael and KITT had a different mission, there was enough space for Horace to drive in as well. We were greeted with a confused April and a confused Bonnie. I introduced everyone to each other, and after some moments, April asked:
  "How can the car drive alone? Is there a Computer like KITT or KARR?"
  "He is simply alive. Do you know Herbie?"
  "No, why?"
  I thought a while, then I came up with another car.
  "Do you know Stephen King?"
  "... Yes?"
  "And do you know Christine?"
  "... Yes. Why?"
  "Horace is pretty similar to her, except he wouldn't kill someone. He was built for races, but ended up in accidentally destroying himself after he drove off a cliff to destroy Herbie. Herbie is often called 'Lovebug', and Horace often referred to as 'Hatebug', since he is the antithesis of Herbie."
  "Wow," was all the two could get out.
  "You seem to like cars with backstory, huh?"
  "I just can't see destroyed cars." I shrugged.
  "Well, we should check on the two."
  With that Bonnie opened Horaces front hood, only to find out that the engine wasn't there.
  "The engine is at the end, it's a beetle after all."
  She closed the hood and opened the engine hood, and looked if there was something wrong. Meanwhile April looked KARRs engine over, and made a scan if his CPU was damaged. I walked to the coffee room and searched for normal water. Until I was interrupted. I felt someone tipping on my shoulder and immediately turned my head.
  "Hey RC, how are you?" I gave him a big smile as he waved, seemingly happy to see me too.
  "I'm good, how are you?"
  "Me too. Want me to make you something if I'm already standing here?"
  "Nah, I can make myself one. But thanks man."
  "You're welcome."
  I took a glass of the cupboard and poured some cold water into it, drank everything and then got out of the break room.
  "Don't leave it on auto pilot for too long!" I shouted as I walked to the others.
  "So... Do you have a new mission for me?"
  "I didn't hear about something like that... You April?"
  "No, I'm sorry."
  "Strange, I haven't received one neither..."
  "Well, then we should ask Devon, where is he anyways? Shouldn't he be with you?"
  Bonnie shook her head.
  "He stayed at the foundation, he had some paperwork to do."
  I sighed and walked to KARRs door.
  "Guess I will ask him myself. Off we go. Bye!" I waved and drove out. Then we drove to the foundation.


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