Team Knight Rider: Part 2

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  "Miss Mistić? You there?" a voice asked. I jumped, but KARR calmed me:
  "I made contact with the team. That was one of the AIs, KORTT."
  KOR3T, as I remembered, was the acronym for Knight Offroader Three Thousand. He was a grey Ford F-150 Raptor with black stripes at the front and silver stripes at the sides. His driver was Sean McAlister.
  "Yes KORTT, I'm there. Hi, Mister McAlister." I greeted them.
  "Hi Chlara! You can call me Sean. Umm, one question to your story: How did you not freak out when you saw them?"
  Wasn't that just really specific?
  "Who do you mean?"
  "Garthe and KARR."
  "I'm gonna be honest: I did, verbally in front of Garthe, and on the inside when I met KARR."
  "Really? What did you say?"
  I cleared my throat:
  "'Yes of course. OF COURSE. I think I'm going crazy. Shit!' only that I said that on German, which would be: 'Ja klar. NATÜRLICH. Ich glaube ich spinn. Scheisse!'. Specific enough?"
  Sean laughed himself half dead.
  After he somewhat calmed down, someone else was speaking:
  "Well, thanks for that..."
  "Aww, come on, Garthe. You would react the same way if you were in that situation."
  "I lost faith in you humans... We should concentrate on the mission! And what are these strange songs you have playing?"
  I had the song 'Lijepa li si' playing.

  "They are NOT strange! Never say that again!"
  I heard a chuckle in response. KITT then said:
  "I am sorry, but your taste in music seems to be worse than Michael's."
  "Better a bad taste than no taste."
  "Are you implying that I have no taste?"
  "No. I actually meant that quite literally."
  "How about we just concentrate on the mission?"
  "Okay, Tyler."
  "We are there," KIRD stated.
  The bank seemed to be smashed in from on side, showing a giant car-shaped hole. The money was taken from the safe, it seemed like a laser had made its way through the safe-wall, and some humans have gotten in. We got out, and Mike asked KI3T to get into the camera system.
  "I'm sorry, Michael. They have been offline for the whole robbery. There's nothing I can do," KI3T answered.
  "The computers too. There's no way we could get some info. The robbers seem to have exactly known how they had to do this,"
  KIRD added.
  "Like... An EMP could have caused this?" Hoping he would say no, I asked this.
  "And they crashed through a wall... Bad sign,"
  That was the understatement of the year. I was nervous. But maybe I just read too much into this. Maybe two different groups were behind this all, and...
  "Chlara? What's wrong?"
   Takumi walked up to me. I now looked at him, completely calm.
  "Before we got here, KARR got deactivated. An EMP had been aimed at him. And we suspect that the ones responsible know the formula for the bonded shell. They want the blueprints of KITT," I ended.
  "What!? If they are connected-"
  "I hope not. Because if so, then they have to be world travellers like me. And criminal world travellers are even more dangerous than normal criminals," I frowned.
  "Okay, so we have a problem. But it's not unsolvable, right?... Right?"
  I shrugged.
  "Let's hope so."
  "Hey guys! I have something!" Michael suddenly yelled.
  We rushed over.
  "Chlara! How good do you recognize German cars?"
  I raised an eyebrow.
  "Pretty good. Why?"
  "Sir? Could you repeat it?"
  A man, maybe around 30, with blonde, long hair replied:
  "This CAR! I could swear it was a BMW man. It was silver and had circle lights, two on each side. That thing is an oldtimer for sure. I think it read 750i at the tail. It just CRASHED through the wall and didn't even get a dent! And my phone was dead the second I saw that thing!"
  My eyes had widened more and more throughout his description.
  "He... He just described our old family car... Believe me, I would recognize him MILES away..."
  I smiled weakly and nodded.
  "His name is- well, WAS McQueen... He was my first big car love..."
  "I am... Sorry, but it can't be that exact car, can it?"
  "'Course not, but... It will help! Thank you, sir," I smiled at the man.
  "Eh, no problem."
  He walked away.
  "Well, if you can recognize it... Go on patrol with the others, please."
  I nodded in response to Michael's task.
"I feel bad for you... You do realize we have to destroy that car?"
  My eyes widened and I immediately protested:
  "No car is responsible for their owners actions!"
  "Chlara please... That car is dangerous!"
  I replied dryly:
  "Every car's dangerous in the wrong hands."
  "Stop arguing with me!"
  "Oh, stop it! I won't let you destroy an innocent car! He never did anything! His OWNERS did! His asshole owners! Not the car!"
  Michael looked really upset.
  "I told you to stop arguing with me! You're in our team, so you will follow OUR orders!"
  "Wrong! I follow the orders of Devon Miles! He is my employer!"
  "Chlara... Devon is dead..."
  "Michael listen. Me and the Michael from the 80s have to get these asses, or else FLAG will be closed. But I can't help if I don't have your trust on that one. The reason KARR trusts me is because I KNEW who he was, but I gave him a chance. And I want you to trust me with this one. So PLEASE, just TRUST me, alright?"
  Silence. The others had heard our argument.
  He sighed.
  "Fine... But if it fails-"
  "It won't. Thanks."
  "So. How about you get my younger self here?"
  "I'll try. But I have to change worlds, so wait just a tiny bit, okay?"
  He sighed again.
  "Alright. But come back!"
  "Don't worry, I will."
  And I vanished from their sights.

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