Working Down The List

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  "It's in the Truxton Avenue. Let's get going."
  I started the engine and shifted into reverse. We drove out of the garage and headed to the police department. After roughly eleven minutes I parked on the parking lot of the 'Kern Country Hall Of Records'.
  "Allright. Who has been assigned the case and where are they now?" I asked McQueen.
  The plan was to shapeshift into them and get access to the files to destroy them. The files, not the officer of course.
  "A lady named Jane Maple. She is currently gone on a break. It's twenty minutes long so you should hurry. Here's a photo of her."
  I saw a middle-aged woman, seemed a bit Asian. She had grey hair and blue eyes. Wasn't the skinniest.
  "Alright. We'll see each other in a bit!"
  After grabbing a smaller bag I changed into her and walked in. I was greeted fairly often from many officers  and greeted them back. I walked up the stairs and looked into every room until I found a room full of files. After a few minutes of looking through various files I found the folders I needed and hid them in a bag, then I got out of the building. Of course I excused myself by saying that I forgot something. Walking fast to the parking lot and McQueen I got in and changed back. While opening the files, I took some pictures with my phone and moved said pictures into a folder I had made on my SD-card. I also made physical copies of the files with magic. Then I opened the files again and looked at them precisely this time. They showed really big crimes, like break-ins into reasearch facilities, some a bit smaller like metal factories, and then some more generic bank robberies. The information though on who was involved or lead them was non-existent. There was no more information than that, maybe a few assumptions as to what was going on, but nothing in the right direction that lead to the others. I secured the real files in the bag, which I grabbed firmly. I jumped into my world and room for a bit, to hide the real files. After I took them out, I decided to hide them in my Maths folder. The bag still laid on my bed. I grabbed it and jumped back to McQueen. I packed the copied files into it and placed it on the passenger seat. Cracking my fingers I said:
  "Well, let's get to the foundation..."
And with that we drove off.

  After a two hour drive we finally arrived near the mansion. I parked a bit away from it to not get seen and then sneaked around the foundation's property. It was critical to not get seen sometimes, especially when gardeners were there. Though thankfully I did manage to get to the window unnoticed. Looking left and right I began to climb up. The ivy that grew up in thick ranks up to the balcony helped me a lot. As soon as my complete mission was done I would tell that to Devon, to prevent break-ins. But right now I had to concentrate on getting up unnoticed. I climbed up faster than I had ever climbed, but because of that I nearly fell a few times.
  As soon as I was on the balcony, I spied through the glass to see if anyone was in the office... No one, perfect. I unlocked the door with a small picklock. After some turning and twisting the lock clicked. I carefully opened the door and sneaked in. Without a second thought I walked to Devon's desk. I opened the drawers, one by one, but there seemed to be nothing. After checking the cupboard I came to the conclusion that there were no files. Relieved I walked out and managed to lock the balcony again.
  Suddenly I heard a voice. No, two. I couldn't make out a word, but from what I could hear, they were walking towards the balcony, and then stopped under it. I carefully looked down, and saw April and RC talking to each other. Directly under the balcony... Great. I tried my best to hear what they were saying without showing myself...
  "I feel like if KARR doesn't hear anything from her any longer, he'll go haywire."
  Now RC spoke up, sounding hopeful: "... Maybe her comlink just gave up?"
  "No. We got a signal from it, but it came from a highway. And it seemed to have been thrown out. But why? He's looked in every town in California, but her signature wasn't anywhere. He is still waiting for her to get back to St-... Hmm, what was it again? Stattgard? Eh, you know what I mean."
  I felt bad. But also confused, I mean why was KARR so concerned about me? That question would have to wait. I needed to get away from here without getting seen. 'A world change would be risky, and McQueen might get worried... I can't show myself and tell them everything I had seen and done because Blackmill would probably know or find out, and I can kiss my cover goodbye... Can I teleport yet? Oh God, of course I can! I really am dumb sometimes...' I nearly facepalmed. I teleported next to McQueen. In that moment I saw a black Trans Am turning and driving into the road we were in. Panicked I got into McQueen and bend down, as if I were looking for something in the pedal area. They drove past us without stopping. Well that was lucky.
  "Are they gone?" I carefully asked McQueen. I didn't even dare raising my voice.
  "Seems like it... We should be careful though. They could always try to tail us. My lead reinforcement could have made them suspicious... Let's get going."
  McQueen seemed to be as nervous as me, well, maybe not that nervous as me. I was more nervous thank a kid gettingback their test.
  Now some may laugh, but you simply don't know (or forgot) how it is when you forgot to study for a test and have to show the test to your parents too. That can make a nervous wreck out of the most self-confident kid in no time. Now, onto the story again!
  "You're right. Let's go."

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