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"God hates me already, I'm a sinner but I still praise the lord, like holy shit, let there be light, imma right?" I awkwardly nod my head and close the door.

The house is surprisingly clean.

No! Don't judge the person!

I apologize...

"By the way I recommend you hide tomorrow, my shitty ass ex boyfriend is picking up his shit tomorrow," the human said the same two swears twice! But put itty at the end!

How is this even possible?!

"Okay," I look around nervously trying not to look at him.

"What's up with you?" He asks while taking off his shoes and walking to the living room.

"I wish I could share, but I can't," I speak honestly.

"Why? What is it?"

"You would scream and yell."

"So you are a murder!" Brendon approaches me.

"Kill me, please," I frown and shake my head no,

"It's not that, I cannot share," what doesn't this human understand?

"Well you've got me suspicious, what's up Dallon?" I blush when he says my name.

Why am I blushing?

"Nothing, I cannot share," I repeat.

"Find, but I'll find out eventually," my throat goes dry.


~Time Skip To Night~

Brendon has lots of extra rooms, I'm lying awake, I cannot sleep, my head it racing with thoughts.


I sit up and look towards the door, I pull my blanket up hoping it's not Brendon coming to me. My wings are out.

"Nah, he's just an asshole," I hear Brendon speak.

I raise an eyebrow and get up, somehow I manage to tip toe to the door and open it.

"They all thought I was crazy," another voice replies.

"They thought Josh wasn't real," the voice says again.

I lean onto Brendon's door listening.

"You died many years ago, I remember finding your tree house, all burned down," one of the voices laugh.

"Now Tyler's with me," a different voice says.

"So, we saw you come home with a tall boy, he seems suspicious..." that voice sounds dead...

Both do compared to Brendon's-

There's a ghost and demon in there.

I can feel it.

How is Brendon speaking to them?! Every angel, demon, ghost and other spirits can sense ones presents.

There's a ghost and demon in that room.

"Yeah, he's... weird." I am not weird!

I'm perfectly normal!

"You know why?" One of the voice asks.

"Why?" Brenton replies.



"Brendon!" The voices so quiet.

"Uh, yeah?" He calls back.

"Where is your bathroom?" I call out, I do remember but hey, get these evil spirits away from him.

"Down the hall on your left! First door!" I call out a thank you.

I run down the hall. I walk into the bathroom.

I leave the light off and close my eyes.

"Any spirit in this house come here," all of a sudden I feel a cold hand on my back.

I open my eyes.

Everything is pitch black but there's a ghost and a demon.

"What?" The demon speaks. He has brown hair, red glowing eyes, black around his hands and neck, also sharp teeth.

The ghost is just a normal looking person but pale, almost transparent. Eyes are dead. The ghost has pink faded hair.

"H-How are you two here?"

"Kicked outta hell."

"I'm a ghost, I go everywhere," he speaks honestly.

"What are you two doing to Brendon?" I ask.

"Talking to him. We're his only friends, well, you know when he told you he has friends looking out for him?" The demon asks.

"You were there when he was talking to me?" I ask, a bit shaken.

"I'm always there, now, he only has us and other dead spirits, now you sir, are a fallen angel, what sin have you done to get yourself down on this world," I look down and frown, my wings twitch a bit.

"I'm not straight, I'm gay. Father kicked me out, our lord didn't. I don't understand how this is fair!" The ghost shakes his head.

"Life isn't fair, fucking family didn't believe Josh was real, I told those fuckers, now I'm here," he growls out.

The ghost puts a hand on his shoulder.

"I-I'm Sorry," I say honestly.

The demon shrugs.

"Can you see me?" The ghosts asks.

I nod.

He shakes his head yes.

"Brendon can't Tyler was the only human to see me," Josh says with sadness in his voice.

"A-Anyways, can you guys not tell Brendon I'm an angel? I'm trying to stay safe," the two chuckle.

"No one believes the poor human, they think he's crazy, I'm just a voice in his head at times, I'm always there," the demon says while tapping his head.

"So Fallen one, what's your name?" The ghost asks another question.

"Dallon, Dallon Weekes," they nod.

"I'm Joshua, please call me Josh. This is Tyler, Satan's favourite little devil," Tyler rolls his eyes eyes and slaps Josh.

"I-I thought you could touch a ghost?"

"Tyler's special," Josh replies.

"We fucked in a treehouse, felt pretty real," Tyler blushes and kicks Josh in the shin.

"Shut the fuck up before I strangle you," Tyler threatens, Josh's eyes start to go black.

"You sure you want to do that hun?" Tyler let's out a growl.

"Stop it, both of you!" I say while making Tyler take a step away from Josh.

"You use to be so nice as a kid," Josh grumbles.

"At least I'm not a bloody vampire!" Suddenly another creature appears.


"Shut the fuck up or else I'll suck your friend clean!" The vampire has shoulder length black hair, his skin, almost the colour white, eyes are hazel, his fangs peeked out.

"Suck Brendon's blood and I'll haunt your wolf boy!" The vampire gasps and disappears.

"H-How many spirits are here?!"

"Well... Frank.. Gerard... Pete.. Patrick... y'know, more then five, let's go with that!" Tyler says.

I groan.

"God will never take me back, I'm talking to a demon and a ghost..."

"Just like an angel with a shotgun," Tyler whispers.

"Just, please don't tell Brendon I'm an angel," they nod.

"He'll figure out on his own though," suddenly they disappear.

Oh Lord, what have I gotten myself into?

Fallen Angel •Brallon•Where stories live. Discover now