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It was the next day and Brendon is at the mall with Dallon. He decided that since Dallon wasn't leaving anytime soon he'd take him out to a mall because why the fuck not?

"Look Dallon! That's the best store I've ever been in, let's go," Brendon grabs Dallon's wrist and starts dragging him over to the store.

Dallon stops to stare at the name of the store.

Hot Topic.

"Why's it called hot topic? I see the inside and it doesn't look very hot," Dallon says.

Brendon just laughs and tugs on the angels wrist as a signal to keep walking. Dal does just that.

They enter the store and Dallon takes it all in.

This looks like the opposite of Heaven.


Dallon much rather go into that store they passed called Claire's. If a store could be evil it'd be hot topic.

"Why do you look so uncomfortable? This store is my literal pride and joy," Brendon says, grinning at the angel.

"This place looks... interesting," Dallon says, not wanting to hurt the humans feelings by calling hot topic disgusting.

"Dallon, this isn't nearly as bad as Spencer's, this store is cool, look at the pins! The suspenders! The band merch! Look! Shirts with colour, look Dallon, they even have some pastel things," Brendon says, trying to make the angel less uncomfortable.

In the majority of the emo's, they find hot topic the best store to exist. The beautiful shirts, the hair dye, it just felt natural and nice to finally find a store where you can be yourself without being judged.

"I guess..." Dallon says uneasily.

"You should get suspenders, oh my god Dallon, we should do some dress up things!" Brendon gasps.

"Yes! Oh my fucking fucks! Dallon, take whatever, well- no, make sure I have enough money but we're having a beautiful fashion show tonight!" Brendon says excitedly.

"Wait- we came here to buy things? I cannot let you buy all these things, you have money you need for survival," Dallon says.

"No shit Sherlock, that's why I'm telling you not to grab expensive things even though hot topic is pretty ducking expensive but yes, I'm spending money and in order to survive, Brenny needs happiness, this fashion show will make me happy for around an hour or two," Brendon says while heading to the back.

"Money cannot But happiness Brendon," Brendon slaps his knee and laughs loudly.

"Yes it can, it bought me tickets to the best day of my life, it bought me a house, it bought me food," Brendon says. He wasn't wrong though...

"But those tickets probably lasted for a day, that's one day of happiness," Dallon argues back.

"Yeah But I smile thinking about the concert I went to because of those tickets," Brendon says with a goofy grin.

"Yeah but-"

"Whatever Dally, come on, I came here to shop, me argue about money buying happiness or shit," Brendon says while walking away.

Dallon sighs and shakes his head. Humans these days.

Brendon walks up to the hair dye. He'd never dye his hair but he still loves looking at it.

"Hey Dal, isn't this shade of blue pretty!" Brendon says while showing Dallon blue hair dye.


Blue hair dye.

Blue hair...


Dallon nods his head, his heart sank. Ryan's hair is naturally blue, it was that shade of blue...

"What's wrong?" Brendon asks, concern showed on his face.

"Uh, nothing, I'm fine," Brendon frowns and places the hair dye back.

"If you say so..." Dallon just stood their awkwardly.

Brendon doesn't know why Dallon's upset but he wants to make him feel better. Maybe he could distract Dallon with something.

"Look! We should both buy black suspenders and bow ties! I kind of want a red one but a black would be nice, I don't know honestly," Brendon says, while walking over to the suspenders, Dallon follows behind him.

"You'd look nice either way," Dallon says.

"I'll get both," Brendon grabs two suspenders and three bow ties.

"Will the guys at home make fun of us?" Dallon asks nervously. Brendon was shocked Dallon would ask something like that since they've been living together for a couple days.

"Nah, they'll be jealous, I know it," Brendon says.

"Alright, now lets look at all the pins!" Brendon smiles which causes Dallon to smile a bit.

They walk over to the pins, they accidentally get stabbed a lot but they don't care because it's worth it.

They read the funny pins to each other, the two laugh, Dallon even read one that had swears on them.

Brendon's making him sin a little bit everyday.

Little does Brendon know, once an angel has become 100% fallen, their wings turn black, halo black and teeth sharpen. They also become very pale and Dallon is pale just to begin with.

Anyways- they pick out some pins and end up buying suspenders, bow ties, stickers and a Bob Ross figure.

"Now where do we go?" Dallon asks.

"Wanna go to Spencer-"

"No!" Dallon replies almost instantly.

Brendon can't help but giggle. Dallon's heart melts, Brendon has an adorable giggle and smile.

"What?" Brendon asks with his cute smile.

"What?" Dallon repeats.

"Why are you staring at me?" Brendon asks with a smirk.

"You're just... really cute," Dallon admits. Brendon grins, he's slowly winning the angel over.

"You're cute too Dal," Brendon compliments him back. Dallon smiles and they start walking.

"But seriously, there's a weed shirt at Spencer's, I want it," Dallon couldn't tell if Brendon was joking or not.

"Seriously?" Dallon asks.

"Yeah, why not?" Brendon says.

"You're such a strange human, are all humans like you?" Brendon goes quiet.

"Well... no. Most are normal, they don't talk to spirits, they have a life unlike me, people like them, not me," Brendon says sadly.

"Well I like you Brendon, you're unique, you're certainly different then the others then, that makes you special, you're one of a kind, I can see why people may not like you but I like you. You're sweet, kind and caring. Sometimes you're a little strange though, but that's okay, you're a perfect human," Brendon blushes madly.

A bright smile appears on his face.

Fallen Angel •Brallon•Where stories live. Discover now