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~Brendon's POV~

"Take all your shit," I say while opening the closet door, revealing all Ryan's things.

He grabs his things and begins shoving them into a bag.

Ryan storms into the bathroom next, taking his toothbrush.

"You fucking insane lunatic," Ryan grumbles.

"I'm not insane! They're all real!" I yell at him.

"No Brendon! You're seeing things and hearing things! There are no such things as demons, ghosts, whatever the fuck you talk too!" I roll my eyes.

"They're all real, maybe if you weren't an ass too me they'd talk to you!" I shout.

Ryan scoffs and walks past me to the front door.

I see Frank there, he smirks and points at Ryan's shoes.

"FRANK!" Gerard shouts.

Only I can hear them. Apparently they get to choose who can hear them.

"Did you- you pissed on his shoes?!" Ryan stares down at his shoes, he looks up assuming their is a leak.

"Yeah, Ry, maybe you should carry your shoes," Frank snickers.

"I told you not too do that anymore!" Gerard hisses out.

"Babe, you took 47 hours to find me in this house, that means I'm allowed to pee on Ryan's shoes!" Frank argues back.

"That's not fair! Brendon is this fair?!" I shrug.

Gerard's fangs sharpen.

"Alright bud, let's go hunt something together," the two disappear.

"Why the fuck are my shoes we-" Ryan picks them up.

I open the door for him and shove him out. As soon as he's out I slam the door shut and lock it.


Dallon comes running.

"May I eat now?" I nod.

This boy... he's so... different.

Tyler won't tell me what he is but they've been taking to Dallon.

The boys never sinned.

Well, he's talked to demons, does that count?

Tyler appears next to me.

"Oh Dallon," Tyler calls out. Dallon's head snaps up, he turns around.

"See, I told you Brendon." Tyler snickers.

"Tyler," Josh then appears.

I can't see him, wish I could but I can't. Only Tyler can.

"What?" Tyler asks.

"Fix what you've did," Josh orders.

I raise an eyebrow, suddenly everything goes black...


I wake up with a groan, Dallon stood over me.

"Oh my Goodness! Are you okay?!" I sit up and rub my temples.

"W-Where am I?" I look around.

"Your bedroom, would you like some water?" I nod.

When did I get here? All I remember is Ryan leaving.

Strange... I fainted.

That's rare.

I mean like, I had a shitty seizer once.

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