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It's around 11 pm and it's pitch black, Dallon has his halo on to hopefully get some soft of light.

They walk through the forest until Brendon's broken car comes to view.

The boy frowns, they begin to sneak up to it.

Dallon's back has been slightly cleaned. They found a beautiful pond, they decided to take the risk and cleaned Dallon up a bit.

The cuts are still bad and beginning it get infected.

They hide behind the car until they see that there are no cars or people to be seen. They run across the street and dive to the bushes in peoples yards.

Dallon's big flexible wings wrap around himself. They sneak all the way to Brendon's house and somehow don't get caught.

When they get in they hear screaming and yelling.


"HE TRIED TO KILL BRENDON!" Gerard shouts.

"Last time I checked, you wanted Brendon to be alive but you let your boyfriend get to him!" Frank adds.

"Guys, my head fucking hurts," a new voice says.

Dallon looks up to see a male with black wings and black eyes, a little demon tail as well, he also has little horns.

"Andy's right, please fucking shut up," Pete adds.

"You three need to stop, look, Blurry is back and we need to help Tyler get his body back, not argue over how he tried to kill Brendon, this wouldn't be the first time," Patrick says.

Dallon and Brendon stare at them. Dallon was impressed that the evil spirits were being kind and saying they need to help.

"Fine," Gerard says sassily.

He walks over to Brendon and Dallon, he snaps and the blinds close and the lights turn on.

"Lemme see your back," Gerard says to Dallon.

The Angel turns around and Gerard shakes his head.

"Brendon you're lucky this guys looking out for you," Gerard starts working his magic.

"Now you're going to touch someone else!" Frank starts arguing.

"You can fuck me and sent mark me after Frank, I'm helping Dallon," Gerard hisses out.

He runs his fingers over all the cuts, Gerard closes his eyes and starts mumbling words. Dallon's scratches begin to turn black, but suddenly they start to turn to gold.

The gold starts to shine, it begins to glow even more, the whole room lights up for a couple seconds before everything goes black.

Gerard claps twice and all the lights turn on.

"Good as new," Gerard comments while walking back to the group of spirits.

"T-Thank you, m-my back feels amazing!" Gerard smiles.

It soon turns into a confused look.

"What?..." Dallon asks nervously.

Gerard shakes his head and smiles.

"Nothing, now, it's late, Frank, come on, we'll be in the attic," Gerard says quickly, he grabs Frank's hand and the two disappear.

Everyone else disappears and leaves Dallon and Brendon alone.

They awkwardly just stand there.

"T-Thanks for saving me," Brendon nervously, he kicks off his shoes and Dallon does the same.

Fallen Angel •Brallon•Where stories live. Discover now