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~Third Person~

The two enter the bar. Dallon instantly felt uncomfortable.

"B-Bren, I wanna leave," Brendon grabs Dallon's hand and leads him over to the counter.

"Hey Bren! I haven't seen you here in two days!" Brendon laughs with the stranger.

"Yeah, it's been a while," pfft.

"So, is this your boyfriend?" The stranger asks.

"N-" Dallon gets cutoff.

"Yes, because Ryan crushed me, that uncultured swine, I mean like, I'm at a gay bar with my boyfriend!" Dallon gasps.


He couldn't cheat on Ryan. He loves Ryan. Dallon will not stop loving him. Dal will not love this sinner.

"Great! Here you two go, I'll pay as a little celebration for your guys first time here together," he hands the two some alcoholic drinks.

"Thanks!" Brendon hands the bottle to Dallon.

Dallon takes a sniff of his and his face scrunches.

"Taste it Dally, it tastes good," Dallon takes a tiny sip, his face stays scrunches.

"Just drink it, please," Dallon takes another sip.

The two drink.

"Brendon, I am not your boyfriend, why did you lie to that man?" Brendon stays quiet.

"I'll tell you later, just drink," Dallon continues drinking until his bottle is empty.

Throughout the night they continue to drink till drunk.

"Hehehe, Dally! Dance with me!" Brendon moves his hips as he dances. Dallon smiles and joins him. Brendon wraps his arms around Dallon's neck.

Like on cue, Dallon places his hands on Brendon's hips.

The two dance together till Brendon moves his hands down Dallon's chest, they continue to travel down.

Brendon's hands go up Dallon's shirt as he feels the other males wings.

Still soft as ever.

Dallon blushes and takes a few steps away from Brendon, it does nothing because Brendon backs him into a wall.

"Why can't I touch your wings?" Brendon slurs a few words.

"I-I feel weird when," hiccup, "someone touches," hiccup again, "my wings." Dallon explains.

"You like it?" He nods.

Brendon puts his hands up Dallon's shirt again, but instead of being against the fabric and wings, his hands are on Dallon's stomach, his wings press against.

Bren feels Dal's wings twitch. Dallon puts his arms up to Brendon's neck. He lets the younger touch his beautiful body.

Dallon begins squirming a bit, the dark haired boy smirks and presses himself against Dallon.

The Fallen One starts to feel guilty. Only Ryan has touched him this way, only Ryan should. No one else.

"P-Please Stop," Dallon whines out. He really doesn't want Brendon to stop but he cannot let this happen.

"But why?" Brendon slurs.

"R-Ryan, my boyfriend," Dallon stutters.

Brendon stops where he is. No way.

This Angel still misses his boyfriend. His ass isn't ever seeing Ryan again.

"Dal, you're not going to see Ryan again," Brendon says honestly.

"Yes I am," Dallon's voice cracks a bit. Brendon starts to become jealous.


"I-I don't know..." Dallon replies sheepishly.

"Exactly," Brendon gets even closer to Dallon. The two heartbeats quicken.

"No Brendon, s-Stop touching me! Please!" Brendon removes his hands from under the angels shirt.

He glares at Dallon, he just wants to be with Dal. Touch Dal, kiss Dal.

Brendon rolls his eyes and storms off.

With slight hesitation, Dallon runs after him. They leave the bar, Brendon speeding up with his steps as Dallon walks behind him, head down and shoulders slumped.

"Please Brendon, I'm sorry," Brendon ignores Dallon and unlocks the door to his house.

"Why're you mad? My boyfriend and I will meet again another day!" Dallon says, you could hear the Hope in his voice.

Brendon continues to ignore Dallon. He understands the Fallen One already has a lover, but Brendon is developing feelings for him, he knows Dallon can't possibly see his boyfriend again.

Too many sin...

Dallon has sinned so much already, he cannot go back in heaven. Ryan will never find him or be able to talk to him again!

Dallon stars to feel guilty, he follows Brendon inside and shuts the door. They take off their shoes.

Brendon runs upstairs. Dallon stays in place.

"What'd you do to our boy?" Frank appears.

"I-I... I don't know," Dallon says sadly.

"That's not helpful," Frank replies.

"He was touching me, I told him to stop and now he's mad!" Dallon says.

"Oooh, haha, have fun with this Dallon. Brendon likes you," Dallon shakes his head.

"Why would a human like me? I'm broken, my wings are ugly, grey as a storm, my halo is just broken glass to me now!" Dallon whines.

"I don't know, you don't look ugly at all, plus, it's not about appearance, it's about personality," Frank speaks the truth.

"Now, maybe you should apologize or something," Frank says.

"How? He won't talk to me," Dallon complains.

"Kiss him. On the cheek or something. He'll appreciate it," meanwhile in Frankie's head, he was screaming "my ship will sail!"

"O-Okay, you sure that'll help?" Frank nods.

Dallon smiles and thanks Frank, he runs to Brendon's room and knocks on the door.

"Fuck off!" Dallon frowns, he opens the door and makes his way over to Brendon.

"Close the goddamn door!" Dallon runs back to the door and closes it. He walks back to the angry human and sits on his bed.

"I-I'm sorry that I made you upset, I, Uh, I have something to give you as a sorry?" It sounds more like a question.

"I don't want your stupid-" Dallon kisses Brendon on the lips. Brendon was shocked at first but starts to kiss back.

Now Dallon was shocked. The two continue kissing, Brendon starts to get up a bit, he swings his leg over Dallon's thighs.

Brendon deepens kiss, he puts his arms around Dallon's neck. Dal puts his around Brendon's waist and pulls him closer.

Bren bites Dallon's bottom lip, Dallon opens his mouth and their tongues meet for the very last time. Brendon's tongue explores Dallon's mouth.

Dallon moans into the kiss.

They part and stare into each other's eyes.

"You're such a better kisser then Ryan," Brendon pants.


A/N smexy

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