four : rainy days and pizzarias

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you woke up to jae running his fingers through your hair and rain softly pattering against the window. you looked at jae with a smile and he smiled sleepily back at you. he leaned in to give you a soft kiss, whispering a quiet good morning against your lips.

you were both hungry so you decided to go outside to get food and explore the city. instead of grabbing your own clothes, you grabbed one of jae's hoodies and ran to the bathroom before he could notice. when you came back out, he realized what you were wearing and a huge smile spread across his face. the adoration was clear in his face as he walked over to you. he cups your face in his hand and smiles at you before kissing you softly, and you can feel him smiling against your lips.

he commented on how adorable you looked wearing his hoodie, moving his hands to your waist so that he could hug you. he pulled away after a while to go get dressed and you immediately missed his warmth.

when he came back, he was also wearing a hoodie that looked far too big for him. you walked out of the room, hand in hand, both wearing one of his oversized hoodies. jae was hyper again and was talking excitedly about what all you could do in new york, about the food you could eat and the places you could go. the first thing he wanted to eat was pizza, so you both agreed on finding a pizzeria.

walking out of the hotel to call a taxi, you were suddenly reminded of how cold and rainy new york was. jae put his arm around your waist instinctively, keeping you close to him to keep you warm as you waited. he turned and kissed your cheek, laughing as you brought your hands up to cover your face.

the taxi pulled up to the curb and you both climbed in, immediately snuggling into each other again. after telling the driver of your destination, you set off into the rainy streets of new york.

jae, having scored the window seat, had his face practically pressed to the glass, his breath fogging the window. billboards and lights and stores filled with tourist slid by and every time jae saw something that excited him, he squeezed your hand and pointed.

the cab eventually pulled to a stop in front of the pizzeria. you thanked and paid the driver before getting out, walking into the pizzeria quickly to keep up with jae's excited pace.

your were immediately hit with the smell of fresh pizza, of melting cheese and warm pepperoni. jae looked like he was in heaven and stood transfixed in the doorway for a second before dragging you over to the counter.

the pizzas were enormous and one slice took up nearly a whole plate. jae slid his hand into yours before ordering.

when you finally got your food, you sat at a table near the window. jae sat across from you and smiled before going to lift his pizza. unfortunately, he didn't fold it before lifting it, so all of the toppings slid off. you laughed as all of the cheese and pepperoni slid off onto his plate with a sad plop.

he pouted, poking his lip out as you laughed. you told him, since the pizza was so big, you had to fold it so that the toppings wouldn't fall off. he glared at you halfheartedly, wondering why you didn't tell him that before. you laughed again as he attempted to put the dislodged toppings back on the pizza.

you both ate, occasionally looking outside at the rain and the people walking by. you chatted about random things and shared laughs over the stuff you said (pizza pasta put it in a box).

eventually you walked out, hand in hand, still laughing over a joke you made. despite the rain, you decided to walk around for a while and possibly go shopping. you found yourselves in time square, admiring all of the bright billboards and the towering skyscrapers that pierced through the fog. you could see the lights shimmering in jaes eyes and the look of wonder and amusement made your heart leap. he pulled you to his side and before you knew it, he was kissing you in the rain, hand cupping your cheek, in the middle of times square. he pulled back, resting his head against your forehead and giggling about how he couldn't believe you were actually in new york.

you began walking again, now drenched, and looking for a warm shop to rest in. your eyes caught the line store with its bright rows of plushies lining the shelves. you looked with pleading eyes at jae and pointed to the store. he smiled, letting you lead him into the store.

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