ten : snow day at central park.

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you woke up in jae's arms, still wearing the suit jacket he gave you the night before. you gazed out the window at snowflakes falling silently outside your window. suddenly wide awake, you rolled out of bed and ran for the window. snow covered everything as far as the eye could see.

then you felt arms around you again. apparently, in your haste to look at the snow, you woke him up. you turned around to see jae looking out the window with a sleepy smile. he kissed your forehead, whispering good morning. it took him a few painstakingly long minutes to wake up enough and realize that it was, in fact, snowing outside. once he realized, his eyes went wide and he scrambled to the dresser. when you asked what he was doing, he said to get dressed because you were going to have a snow day.

you changed out of your dress from last night into some more snow-appropriate attire. you both decided to wear your matching hoodies to wherever jae was taking you.

wherever it was, it wasn't far because jae didn't bother to call a taxi. you asked him why they were walking there, to which we responded that it was more to walk there and it wasn't that far away. you thought back to the boba incident and asked him if it was actually nearby, to which he replied with a cheery "yes" and an abashed smile.

he was right about the fun part. the streets and sidewalks were slippery, as they were yet to be de-iced, making it a challenge to walk across. jae had already fallen twice, and you only once because he had dragged you down with him.

before you knew it, the bare trees and frozen ponds of central park were in front of you. your face lit up as you took it in, looking at the blanket of powdery snow that covered the park.

you bent down to make a snowball but before you could even get back up, a snowball had already been thrown at your back. you laughed and turned around at the culprit who was now trying to run away. you aimed a snowball at him which hit him in his back.

soon you were having a full on snowball fight. there was laughter and smiles all around.

after a while, jae tackled you to the ground and you both lay in the snow, laughing still. he rolled over and started making a snow angel. when he sat up, there was snow in his hair that glimmered in the sunlight. you swore your heart stopped at the sight.

he stood, turning around to help you up. you continued your stroll through the park, taking in as much of new york as you could on your last day.

jae stopped and looked at you. his hands, still cold from the snow, cupped your cheek. as he leaned in and kissed you, smiling against your lips, you thought there couldn't be a more perfect way to end a trip to new york.

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